I'm having a problem with a Dr. Twig drug or something about Lisa Soto
(You consider Lisa Soto and her "drug-enhanced" production... perhaps you could improve on things?)
Now to create/do this, I need a few things =
I have some of Lisa Soto's milk to act as the base.
I have some of the enhanced Compound B+ to maximise breast capacity.
I need some off-the-shelf arousal enhancers to spur arousal, and thus production.
Some Pick-me-up Ultra Gum will sustain energy levels.
A bit of Nurse's Nefarious Narcotic will push things over the top.
Now I'm in stage 4 in the game trying to complete as much of things as I can but this is ruining it for me because,
I have Lisa Soto's milk, compound B+, missing the so called "off-the-shelf arousal enhancers to spur arousal", I do have ultra gum but no idea how much of I need because "some" doesn't really tell me anything and last bit about Nurse's Nefarious Narcotic this one I have.
So my biggest issue is the "off-the-shelf arousal enhancers to spur arousal" how do I get this drug or item, does anybody know?
And if this item is connected to Dr. Twig trials (which I hope not) than I have already completed all of it with zero effect drug