Rather than write a 1 star review thought I'd just leave a comment and hopefully it's seen by the devs.
Unless I played the game wrong, this was my playthrough.
I played for 5-10 minutes and got bored. Found a car, drove around and got stuck several times hitting things with terrible physics. Drove on the road, hit invisible walls. Tutorial text went too fast so no idea how to equip clothes. No idea if the pistol is even useful or how to use it, didn't see any actual npcs other than the few I spawned in. Changed my characters gender, saw 1 lame XXX scene with an npc and quit.
I see that it says free demo, implying that this game will come with a price tag in the future. Immediately lost all interest in the games development since it will be behind a paywall later on.
Unless I played the game wrong, this was my playthrough.
I played for 5-10 minutes and got bored. Found a car, drove around and got stuck several times hitting things with terrible physics. Drove on the road, hit invisible walls. Tutorial text went too fast so no idea how to equip clothes. No idea if the pistol is even useful or how to use it, didn't see any actual npcs other than the few I spawned in. Changed my characters gender, saw 1 lame XXX scene with an npc and quit.
I see that it says free demo, implying that this game will come with a price tag in the future. Immediately lost all interest in the games development since it will be behind a paywall later on.