If you want to play the game, don't download this.
If you however want to look at a proof of concept and see if the thematic fits your likes TECHNICALLY, by all means download it, just don't expect a game. It is announced as pre-alpha and it most definitely is.
Currently the main issues I see with the approach is the censored part, not because I do not understand the reasoning of wanting to offer Patreons some exclusive content. It is because I THINK (I might be wrong) that you did upload it here as advertisement for your project and of course also in the hopes to find additional support.
Taking away from the nearly non-existent content in its current state will most likely be detrimental to that cause - I doubt people are paying for a not-yet-game.
Supporting a project you look forward to is another matter entirely.
I do not regret having taken a look at it and I might support it if I see some progress within the next year, as honestly I am reluctant to do so in its current state. My fear is due to the project being somewhat ambitious, that it might be abandoned because it may be overly so. Before I do so, I would at least expect a roadmap to track progress towards the goals and also to confirm the finished product actually is what I might want to look forward to.
I wish you the best of luck on this project.