Abandoning SOM
Hi everyone. Today we have some bad news about the Seed Of Might game status, in short- due to some issues we are forced to abandon it. Since now either the game and dlc's won't be developed anymore. But it's not over yet. Right away we're starting working on brand new game called "Horny Hero Saves The World" (title may change before game's released), which in some points will be similar to SOM. We don't know the release date yet, but it's first early version is estimated to be dropped on late January 2023. It's a hard decision since we've put a lot of time and efford in development of SOM and had some big plans for future updates, but sadly we are not able to continue any further work on it. Since now Seed Of Might is oficially abandoned, but most of it's functions will be transefered to HHSTW. I'll also post a test version of Seed Of Might V 0.0.3b, where some of the content planned for next update was implemented. Hopefully we'll be able to bring our new game to the point where SOM was with it's advancement so we can go back to fulfilling our old plans concerning certain mechanics and plot. Kind regards and see you in another thread - Barabosh Development Team.