There is good reason for this hate. Had this game just launched and simply bug fixed, people would be fine with it. Disappointed due to a lack of content and annoying features but accepting of it.
These dlcs and future expansion however are glaring red flags for its possible future, since the game still has problems. The mini-games are an absolute chore to complete, except the onsen skiing because you actually gain extra prizes if you do well in it. The toilet and bath don't. So you have to redo them a lot, why not use the onsen prize bonus.
The costumes are a nice addition, but again, you have to redo a level just to gain a single one. There are 4(soon 5) heroines, meaning you have to do it 16(20) times. If you are lucky that is, cause 3 costumes are in the same act, and rng can make it so you have restart it multiple times. Why cant we buy them for points or get them in other acts i don't know.
Plus like it or not, this is a H-game, people put H-events, above new maps, guns, skills, mini-games/facilities and most importantly new costumes.
Granted this game has more H events than the original and creating a new H event would be harder than normal due to the fact they are voicing the heroines and running unreal, but it doesn't change the fact that people want more events, we don't mind redoing a map if we get new events out of it. (Tho that may likely create a bug where you get the wrong event/story.

But i also get it, you unexpectedly got a major hit with your first game and made a way too big milestone with your sequel, that you couldn't possibly achieve in a reasonable time so you had to make cuts for release. Ive seen it happen before i understand, and all that work on a singular project is beyond monotonous and mentally taxing so you will try a brand new project to get your mind off it.
But beginning to make this new game and the expansion when you don't have a large team is a bad recipe. Its why im really conflicted about this, cause i don't believe they can achieve the expansion with Alcot on the side, without having to make cuts again.
I dont care about the paid swimsuit(even if the amount is stupidly high),its the choice of the supporters, and if it gets me a better game, then great. But i desire for far more H, cause in the end. This is why we are here.