Ren'Py - Seeds of Chaos [v0.4.07] [Vénus Noire]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll get into the major issue I have with the game: I NEVER knew where to go or what to do. That might be a skill issue on my part, simce the game does say for example "conquer Raeve Keep", but I simply don't know where that is or how to get there. That would also be less of an issue if you weren't on a timer.
    My first playthrough ended after I failed to even see Raeve Keep, triggering a game over. My second ended because I found no way to conquer/ally myself with the capital. The 'hint' the game gave me was "everything is quiet, I could probably focus on finding more about the twins!", which wasn't helpful to me.

    The art is quite nice and (most) of the story is acceptable. It does devolve into meaningless name-dropping sometimes, but it wasn't too annoying. The gameplay boils down to watching a scene, exploring and interacting with towns, villages and mines on the map, and then going back to the twins. You're on a timer, so you're supposed to do the tasks they assign to you quickly, lest you want to face a game over.

    The characters are kinda static, as in, they don't change that much during the story or between different choices. This is compounded by the fact that advancing the scenes/path for each character takes a long while, since you can only do so once per day after a number of explorations.

    My last criticism is one that might not be easily fixable: the mobile ui is TINY. Switching savefile pages is borderline impossible because of it.

    Anyway, if anyone's interested in a slower, more story focused game, this one isn't bad. However I'd probably use a guide if you're interested in a specific path.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is unsatisfactory. It's illogical that a stalwart hero who conquered a demon and an army of horrors would end up enslaved by two developmentally deficient demons that are significantly weaker than the foes he vanquished. Long winded exposition dumps intended to demonstrate the sophistication of the fictional orator instead highlight the insufficiency of the scribe. Many examples litter the story. Reading is such a chore that one is inspired to exert as much force as humanly possible on the skip button.

    There is so much homosexual content that one wonders if the original intention was to make a game about a fantasy hero discovering his homosexuality. Frequently the main characters wife grows a gargantuan phallus significantly larger than her husband's already elephantine example.

    The game was designed around netorare. Although most of it can be skipped the player will inevitably encounter significant fragments of it.

    Some of the characters are as out of place in a fantasy setting as a man in a purple dinosaur costume would be in Jurassic Park.

    The art is the lone positive of Seeds of Chaos and there's a lot of it. Unfortunately most of the art is barely edited copies of itself. One scene might contain 10 images but the viewer would struggle to discern the differences between them.

    The game is over 8 years old and still in act 1 of 3. Progress has bogged down so much the developers are making fervent appeals to their patreon supporters to keep money coming in. If you've played this game in the last 2 years I wouldn't bother checking it out as very little as been added in that time. If you've never played this game don't expect it to progress very much from where it is now.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    + original art
    + a lot of kinks
    + good writing
    + multiple genres in one game

    - quality - there are a lot of scenes with missed background and absent paper dolls on the screen, need to be fixed
    - it's hard to complete mission somehow because you need explore a large area on the map. Dev need to find better motivation for player to explore the map
    - some parts of the interface are not intuitive and you may miss some content because of it, again it's a polishing issue

    in general the game is rather good than bad. it's not a masterpiece, but not a bad game either

    I would recommend it to play if you like an exploration and sandbox
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Concept,art,story are excellent i like their is two god who are brother and sister their idea of the world is opposite from each other and what role Rowen play in this overall excellent game i like how story plays out and choices really matters looking forward to play finished act 1 and what comes In act 2
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This feels more like a VN than anything else, and thats okay since i think thats the strong point of the Game, even though overall i like the writing and wide election of choices, i think one of the weakest points is the MC, or rather his Naivity, someone with the reputation of Rowan should have a more Sly mind even before the corruption, like a Rogue, instead he feel to "Goodie", but yeah, overall is more than okay
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Rowan a cuck.

    The story is that a couple of demons start conquering the world and they force Rowan to be their lackey. And then Rowans wife starts banging one of the demons. Yes, it is dependant on decisions the player makes but playing this with Rowan being a good guy and his wife not being a slut is completely and utterly pointless because Rowan never actually stands up against the two demons even if you go that route. The only way playing this is worth if you go full on corruption degeneracy. Good playthrough is a no go.

    The artstyle is nice, the sex scenes look really good (for a 2d game) and there are lots of decisions you make in as to how they play out. The main problem I have though is how meaningless those decisions in the end are. Rowans wife being a slut for red demon hardly impacts the relationship between Rowan, there is never a moment where Rowan realizes that oh crap I lost my wife. Instead she has sex with red demon guy and rowan is none the wiser. No matter the decisions you make, there is hardly ever any cross impact with any other storyline which makes the decisions feel utterly meaningless. This is a weakness of the more decentralized story structure the game has. If everything was happening in linear order, the impact of decisions could be more clear but that isn't how the game was made and the narrative suffers as a result.

    The open world exploration is also a waste of time. Some locations have sex scenes but once again they change nothing. Some locations give you resources but you would get them anyways by simply waiting. Everything feels rather pointless and disconnected.

    The devs keep adding new characters, new events new locations new scenes but in the process they keep making the disconnect greater and greater. None of the new characters tie into the main storyline in any significant way. Sometimes there is cameo from a main character, but it simply feels tacked on. I understand why they are doing it though, simply check the patreon.

    There is a lot of content, the sex scenes look nice. But instead of ending the game they keep adding new characters and scenes to the middle where they continue to harm character development further. Filler scenes on top of filler scenes with no substance. Finish the game already

    Also there is some kind of thing in place which locks you into certain decisions which nerfs the use of rollback. I hate it. It just forces you to save scum instead of rolling back scenes. It wastes my time. Annoying af.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Stupid game. Absolutely not worth experiencing.
    Rowan in this first arc is shortsighted and stupid, definitely not the genius tactician that we are told about. He is only saved by the fact that the demon twins are even stupider than he is. He sees their pointless cruelty all through the game and doesn't do a thing to start planning his exit strategy. His priority should be how do I get these magical slave collars off my and my wife's necks and not I have to stop these demons from doing stupid things. If I were him I wouldn't do a thing to stop Andras from murdering his troops every time he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. He could use that to drive a wedge between the twins. "I tried to conquer that village but your brother murdered a few dozen troops last week in a rage fueled rampage. Not my fault."

    The demons on their part are so damn stupid that they don't realize that them pointlessly poking Rowan isn't going to win his loyalty. They can at least pretend to be nice to him, it costs them nothing to not turn Helayana into a mindless sex addict and then try to use her to drive a wedge between him and his wife. Jezera doesn't have to try to humiliate Rowan by having him lick her feet or pussy under the table during negotiations. If they showed him even a modicum of respect that the human nobles didn't, he (and the players) might genuinely want to side with them.

    The only reason people are upset by Rowan's submissiveness is because of the stagnation of the main plot. If he doesn't wake up after Rastadel then he would be one of the stupidest MCs in AVN history.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this a while ago, but it stands out as a longstanding favorite in a huge sea of more forgettable h-games. The NTR is pretty great, the demon characters are interesting, the art is good. There's a fair bit of game-play that's pretty developed & interesting. I normally wouldn't review, it's just I think it's weird this game currently has a 4-star rating when it's I think as good or better than the majority of 4.5/4.6-star games from a pure quality standpoint. I was thinking of making an h-game for a while, and this one was pry my biggest thematic inspiration.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Where to start.....story is pretty decent but it is NTR focused even when you turn it off you get the feeling it was never supposed to be a none NTR game and dialogs still show NTR issues, when you try to play the good guy or try to stay faithfull to the wife game becomes even more boring and has close to nothing sexual going on.

    MC is a victim in this game and your forced to be a servant to deamons killing your own kind and help the deamon take over the world, playing the good guy is really not possible since most choices are evil or lessor evil so you dont really have a choice to be good in any way.

    As for animations its a huge let down, it feels like dev cant make up hes/hers mind about making it an animated game or not to, which results in a mixed bag and empty feeling, just take the very first scene with the wife where you see an animated BJ but then sex scene is just a stil image? its lazzy and really puts the game down since ALOT is just stil images, its so bad that it can barely qualify for having the animated tag.

    It also fails as an AVN the adult parts are rare and with animations lacking in a very big way its just not worth the time you put into it.

    If you are a stright man you proberly wont enjoy this much either, i got really annoyed with the constant trying to push gay shit on you, i just have no interest in it.

    Story is also stright up kinetic so dont be fooled by choices they just dont change anything.

    Got to say i expected alot more from a game that has been close to 8 years in development, mostly supprise about the extrem lack of animations.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game with a very good amount of content it has just a few things holding it back.

    1. The world map and exploring it, i love the idea and it has plenty of events to discover which is cool. But some of the side quest are just really unintuitive to trigger i have a bunch of them and i have no clue where i should go to trigger them(it shows you what area but not where on the grid). On a side note i think you get way to little actions to discover the map.

    2.Main quests ,although those are a bit more straight forward and easier to complete it could use some polish. Like having the objectives on the map and by clicking it pans to where you need to go maybe.

    3. Like others said art consistency, either have animations or don't. It's a real let down that your favorite scenes are stills and some other random events are very well animated.

    4. This is a personal pet peeve so take this with a grain of salt, but i would like to see even more continuation of events within your castle, even though most characters do have multiple follow up events i would like them to be fleshed out even more. Those events are the coolest events in the game.

    tl/dr : good game that could use some polish here an there.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    There are very few games on this site that I return to over and over again, and this is one of them. The art is fantastic and continues to get better and story is great from both a sexual and non sexual standpoint, and it makes my bisexual heart happy.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    It's not perfect game, art quality varies wildly, the some side-stories are unfished but at the end of the day this game....
    • Has an *insane* amount of content.
    • Is well written with a strong premise for this story.
    • Has generally good quality art with a wide variety of kinks represented.
    • Has actual gameplay, yes it's not great, but this isn't just a VN.
    Overall this is an incredible fantasy epic that almost stands on it's own merits without the sexual content. I do not think that in good faith you can rate this as less than a 4/5.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    the quality of the sex scenes are super inconsistent with eachother. a few at most really crips sexy animations, then the rest are stills. choose one or the other. animations will certainly take you further, but nothing is worse than seeing amazing animations, for it to then be stripped for the other 90 percent of sex scenes
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this is facing largely the same issues that Claire's Quest had; Runaway project with no apparent end-goal in sight by the developer(s). Seven years into the development and we still have seemingly heaps of features or quests half finished, with no easy way of keeping tracking much of anything.

    It also gets rather grindy, and I am not sure at all that it's worth it. Art is good, and scenes are hot at the times, but betweent having to fight with bugs and conveluted quest depency chains and the quest tracking that leaves quite a bit to be desired, I am not convinced that I can recommend this wholeheartedly as it is.

    Sure, try it once, but the second you run into a bug or grindy moment, go do something else entirely, it's not going to get any better unfortunately.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant game. So much fun. The best sex game I've ever played - bar none. I can't wait for each update. This story, characters, corruption and scenes are all so well written and engaging. If you're reading some of the negative reviews they're all just wrong. Okay sure the dev has grand plans but they're currently being followed through with (and considering how much he makes on Patreon i'd bloody hope so)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very good game. I read on a forum that they are trying to do a little bit a everything (f/m, m/m, etc.). As someone who is pretty much only interested in m/m content, I just want to say that I appreciate the amount of m/m scenes. The story and artwork are great. I do think that they do a awesome job of providing a variety of themes for the players. At first, I expected there to be maybe 1 or 2 non-consensual m/m scenes that would have a large "optional" sign before. But I am very glad that I tried this game and to have been wrong about that. This is a great game with a great story and interesting characters. Probably in the top for me on the list of favorites.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I was disappointed by this game.

    Usually I avoid spoiling myself by reading too many reviews or whatever, but here I should have.

    I spent a lot of time giving the game a chance, because I really like the art and the basis of the story is really excellent, but unfortunately the realization was for an audience that isn't mine, I'll explain.

    From my point of view, this game is clearly NTR and intended for those who like it, because even when you deactivate it, you feel that the story revolves around it and that it's not natural, especially when you're from the point of view of the MC's wife.

    Another recurring theme throughout most of the game is that the MC is a victim.

    Whichever path you take, corrupt or not, in the end the MC is a victim.

    You're going to tell me that you can hide most of the choices, but in this case, if you hide them all, the story no longer makes sense, because you can see that this is where the dev wants to take us.

    That's how I felt when I played this game, as a victim and a cuckold. If that's what you want, then go ahead, this game is for you!

    I'm also critical of the possibility of playing corrupted or staying on the honest side, which has almost no bearing on the "main story", I saw a kind of big barrier between exploration, the vents and the story, at least that's how I felt.

    Personally, I'd have loved the same story, with just the sister (or the brother, and the choice of playing a man or a woman, depending on taste), and the MC who finds himself corrupted and wishing to take revenge on the nobility or even humans in general!

    Especially when working hand-in-hand with the half-demon, and not as an exclave and victim.

    Anyway, from my point of view, the story's basis is good, as is the art, but the way it's set up doesn't appeal to me at all, and I didn't enjoy it at all.

    You've been warned!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    DR YOS

    The game is very beautiful, I do not have enough words to describe the Sex scenes from another world, the text is imaginative, and the story is amazing. I just hope that the ntr relationship between Rawan and Alexa will develop The most important thing in the story is the relationship between Alixa and Andras Good luck to the developers and writers
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    probably my first adult game ever, art is very good, story is alright. updates take awhile but are hopefully worth the wait. it does have ntr but that is technically avoidable for those who dont like or there for those who do. monster scenes etc, yuri and yaoi. the old art was alright but the new art is amazing, its crazy how good of an artist they got for this game.
  20. 2.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    This game is bugged as hell. It's not a game that came out last year, for a game that's been 7 years in development, it certainly doesn't feel polished. On the other hand there is a lot of unnecessary dialog. I don't know if the developers realize it, but games like this are played to see adult content, not to read books. If you want to create such a fantastic universe, you should have written it as a book, not as an adult game. The dialogs in the game bothered me a lot and I started skipping after a certain point because each scene uses a still picture as a background and sends lines of dialogs at you. They took the easy way out by describing every scene in the game in text instead of animating it, but I'm not going to waste my time reading this nonsense. I was expecting animated scenes, but they've only appeared a couple of times so far and they're extremely mediocre and short. I don't think I even had proper sex in the game because there was an incredibly long prologue. Once the game finally lets you loose, the first thing you're confronted with is the interface, which feels messy and broken. I didn't understand the map mechanics of the game. You take a few steps and then suddenly the day is over and you can't even continue exploring. It's probably only because the game isn't as deep and long as they claim it to be in terms of content, but when you do that a few times and most of your expeditions end up empty-handed, it becomes very repetitive and boring. I don't know how effective choices are because I haven't played much, but there's a story that no matter what you do, it's going to go in one direction, which is evil and chaos. Anyway, if your goal is to reach the adult content, you have to be evil, otherwise the only thing the game has to offer is endless dialogs. It hasn't met my expectations so far and I probably won't even be able to play enough to finish it because even if I want to play it, the game seems like it will crash at any moment. After all these years and despite all the support it has received, there is no point in supporting this developer any more if it produces something like this. For all Seeds of Chaos' shortcomings, it's not even a game that works properly.