
Active Member
Oct 23, 2017
I wasn't asking you directly, just more of a the people who played the game or the one's who have uploaded the download links, whether the version we have HERE is "normal one" or the "backer one". That's literally all I wanted to know
I'm pretty sure the version I gave the links to was indeed the backer version.

Speaking of which here is the Android version since nobody else provided it.

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May 29, 2018
I'm pretty sure the version I gave the links to was indeed the backer version.

Speaking of which here is the Android version since nobody else provided it.

Thanks a lot for the Android version. Is it possible to unlock developer mod on android or is that only on pc?

nad destroyer

Active Member
Jul 27, 2017
Urgh... I don't know how my choices are affecting the story and future H-scenes lol. I'm at the scene where Jereza is harrassing/seducing Cliohna and I can either convince Jereza to stop or let her continue. Couldn't find anything about this in the scene guide or this thread. Does this choice matter and what does it change? Some kind of infleunce point for either one?


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
Urgh... I don't know how my choices are affecting the story and future H-scenes lol. I'm at the scene where Jereza is harrassing/seducing Cliohna and I can either convince Jereza to stop or let her continue. Couldn't find anything about this in the scene guide or this thread. Does this choice matter and what does it change? Some kind of infleunce point for either one?
Whichever one you don’t side with has her influence points reduced by a small amount. That said, in the current build of the game, those scores don’t seem to actually do anything, and there don’t seem to be any flags set by making either decision, so just choose whichever. Most of these random little events don’t tend to have much in the way of a lasting impact in the current build of the game, and those that do tend to lead to self-contained story branches that don’t especially affect anything else. This may change as the story continues to develop, but for the time being feel free to make any choice you like; you can generally figure out which ones you need to make to get a desired sex scene by poking through the google docs guide.
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Emperor of Universe 7
Aug 24, 2017
They are not necessarily exclusive. A wife coerced into sex against her will is still NTR, even though she remains loyal. In fact, this is my favourite form of NTR.
The poll also mentioned that "her most popular narrative is becoming Andras’ slut" so your right about the coercion bit, but probs soon enough it will be voluntary


Feb 2, 2018
It's interesting how the most popular job for Alexia is librarian, but her most popular narrative is Andras' slut. I don't think these 2 narratives would work well together. If anything, Alexia discovering and harnessing her magical powers fits more into Jezera/Alexia narrative which, IMO, should have received more love than it did.

I mean, the majority of players want an evil ending, whether its cooperation with the twins or a hostile show takeover. And while for an evil Rowan there would be nothing wrong with complete moral degradation of his ex-wife, why waste what could be a valuable asset? That would be infinitely more pragmatic, and I feel like an evil Rowan will be all about the pragmatic villainy... Or hedonism. Or, most likely, both.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
It's interesting how the most popular job for Alexia is librarian, but her most popular narrative is Andras' slut. I don't think these 2 narratives would work well together. If anything, Alexia discovering and harnessing her magical powers fits more into Jezera/Alexia narrative which, IMO, should have received more love than it did.

I mean, the majority of players want an evil ending, whether its cooperation with the twins or a hostile show takeover. And while for an evil Rowan there would be nothing wrong with complete moral degradation of his ex-wife, why waste what could be a valuable asset? That would be infinitely more pragmatic, and I feel like an evil Rowan will be all about the pragmatic villainy... Or hedonism. Or, most likely, both.
Yep, Andras gets a insane amount of content with Alexia, and Jerzera gets a fraction of that, its pretty cruel. And this is coming from someone who gets nothing out of FxF.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
What I’d really like is an ending where a corrupted Alexia manages to take over, manipulating and uniting disparate discontent factions in the castle to overcome or enslave the major players.

...and I’d like one with her serving Jezera, as well.
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Jan 10, 2018
Oh, I wish I had seen the survey earlier... Ah, well.

Most people in both groups choose to serve Jezera (72.4% / 64.4%), with Andras is second (18.6% / 20.9%).
Huh. Imagine that, most people prefer to serve the person who makes at least a token effort to convince you of her perspective, even if she's sometimes condescending and enjoys tweaking you, over the person who goes out of his way to taunt and demean you and would really prefer it if he could kill you :unsure: ? How does that work?

(Just to be clear since I think that might end up misinterpreted; I've no criticism of the writing, which I feel is quite well done, or the question, which is justified. I'm just making a joke about their relative management styles.)

Most backers choose to serve the twins because Jezera was convincing (36.3%) ... Lastly, when it comes to endings, for the backers Rowan becoming evil and joining the twins (42.5%)
Wait - so wouldn't that mean that for 36.3%, Rowan's already become evil and joined the twins :unsure: ? /joking

Helayna continues to be popular, with most people choosing to claim her (74.3% / 73.4%) and most convincing her to stay (60% / 61.9%).
Ah, so... It's... Going to be a while until we find out what happens to her after helping her escape, then?

...I'd have convinced her to stay (if only because years of gaming has conditioned me to recruit every character in sight) if it didn't mean Rowan saying that he loved her, since that seemed a bit too unfaithful of him to me. Keeping her in Rowan's room does as well, truthfully, but not claiming her just feels heartless.

In regards to Alexia, most people prefer a wife who is loyal to Rowan (44.3% / 54.6%), with Andras in second place (33% / 28.4%). ... her most popular narrative is becoming Andras’ slut (32.4% / 28.4%)
...I don't even know you people. Obviously the right answer was for her to become Jezera's "maid"!

Most people (53.3% / 45.4%) would like to see more scenes from Alexia’s point of view, even if it means less from Rowan’s.
...But at least we agree on that! Ah, if only there was a version of the game that flipped Alexia and Rowan's relative roles entirely - a VN focused on coping with being the hostage wife in the demon twins' castle, with the occasional decision made on the hero's part to set the course of the larger narrative...

The most popular job for both groups was librarian (30.9% / 31.9%)
I'm unsurprised - I mean, you get to become an actual mage that way! What other job can she possibly have that matches that?

...Well, setting aside the fact that learning a bit of magic only has minor changes to a couple of scenes thus far, but, details.

The relative amount of Alexia/Andras and Alexia/Jezera content
Eh, I'm a strong supporter of Alexia/Jezera content and want more of it, but it doesn't really feel unbalanced to me; while there might be slightly more Alexia/Andras scenes in terms of raw numbers, the Alexia/Jezera scenes end up feeling more like they're building up to something, and are more satisfying.

I guess that's also because it feels more like the Alexia/Andras scenes we see are more of a consequence of Alexia's relationship with Rowan falling apart than they do any actual relationship between Alexia and Andras - his scenes when Alexia is upset about Helanya, and the later tentacle monster, end up feeling more like opportunism than anything else.

That said, my position might be influenced by the fact that I don't really get the appeal of Alexia/Andras (other than the fact that he's hot), and in a "real" playthrough (as opposed to a "So what's new in this game?" playthrough) snub him at every opportunity past the introduction.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Why stop there? Let’s see Andras pushing Rowan’s head down on Alexia’s cock.
But does Jezera grow a cock also? That is a very important question!

Because I would totally be down to suck some blue demon cock. You've gotta get all the Demon-cock flavours, Y'know.

Call me a perve, but I think it is hotter if your wife is forcing you to suck cock.
How... How do you know me so well?

Am... Am I being stalked!
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Engaged Member
Apr 19, 2018
Wait - so wouldn't that mean that for 36.3%, Rowan's already become evil and joined the twins :unsure: ? /joking
You say joking, but my Rowan decided to fully submit to Mistress Jezera from the beginning of his time in the castle. I was a bit disappointed with some of the following dialogue that made it seem like there was a big conflict in Rowan's thinking, where I had selected I was convinced by my mistress and genuinely wanted to wholeheartedly advance her interests.

...I don't even know you people. Obviously the right answer was for her to become Jezera's "maid"!
Obviously. In my game Mistress Jezera owns Rowan completely and therefore all he has is hers, including his wife. It would be an honor for her to be used as a, er, "maid" by mistress...
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