Does someone knows how to increase alexia corruption and jezera influence? Don't matter what I do, I can't get all the CGs with these 2.
If you don’t mind AlexiaxAndras scenes, letting the first few of those play will help get Alexia’s corruption up quicker, but you shouldn’t need to use them. You’ll probably get enough corruption just from the earlier Jezera events; if not, choose the less pure-seeming options when controlling Alexia.
For influence: When Alexia finds the book about demons in the library (this is a general end-of-week event, not one of the library job ones, so savescum for it if you aren’t getting it), you’ll eventually get another event where she asks Rowan whether to solicit help from Andras or Jezera; obviously, pick Jezera, and keep Alexia from leaving the room as long as possible. The next event will involve Jezera inviting Alexia over for tea; accept and again don’t let her leave the room for as long as you can. The third event to look out for involves some workers badmouthing Alexia; take the issue to Jezera, and have Alexia play along with Jezera’s plans. Between those three events, you should rack up enough Jezera influence to proceed to the post-mid-corruption scenes. These are all general end-of-week events, so you have to deal with RNG to get them; so if you’re having bad luck, just savescum. If I recall correctly, the first one may stop being available after a set period of time, though it’s been a while since I’ve played.