RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
The twins are all force no strategy. Just because the Twins CAN kill Rowan and WOULD kill Rowan doesn't make it SMART. It can be both true that Rowan is the secret power behind the Throne and that he can be killed on a whim.

The twins are also merely strong and not invisible. They get a lot of mileage from the use of a hostage.

Rowan can specifically resist mental domination, btw. He'd be the same as anyone if hit by a fireball. Ultimately, we have very specific plans for Act 2, and they reflect Rowan's changing mindset and Powerbase. As I'm sure you can understand, the ending of Act 1 is not something that allows the status quo to continue unbroken.

The rest I cannot answer.
I think you mean invencible? :p

Anyway i wonder if you have anything planned around Rowan's resistance to mental spells.:unsure:
Plus i look forward to him making his own web of power influence to maybe someday kick the twins butts.


May 29, 2018
A point i forgot to add, the cultist guy seems like a very interesting new piece in the board, some other characters have showed interest in Rowan, but the guy says o Jezera's face that he and his group are interested IN Rowan and not on the Twins, still does his part on turning dellane into a..doll? But job and pleasure dont mix and all that. He seems like an interesting possibelity, and the option of having an incubus servant inside the sanctum also gives some potencial.. if it does not become an
"Actualy whe knew everything you did, let us destroy it in front of your eyes", part 2 , but i sure hope not


Active Member
Mar 14, 2018
Hopefully someone will unlock full gallery mode for those player got hard to find those scenes


Sep 26, 2017
I wrote this to rant to myself feel free to ignore lol. and may not be that readable anyways cause im a bit drunk anyways hahha

Is there literally any advantage to being a hero in this game ever in any situation. Or is the game just about a hero coming to terms with the fact if he does not want to suffer he must be evil. The twins are omniscient immortal gods allied with super powered eldrich beings who know everything and can't be resisted, why is rowan even needed or is it some kind of fetish the twins have by crushing his naivety and last specs of hope? They do seem to get immense satisfaction over being ass holes, I get that the games going for witcher tone where nothing is black or white. But I ironically find it to be insanely black and white, just from a decision stand point instead of a morality viewpoint. In the witcher trying to do good is tough and no one decision is perfect there are consequences and drawbacks no matter what you do. But in this game every decision feels more like pick the obviously evil option to get some benefits at the expense of everyone else or pick the obviously moral option where you lose everything and gain nothing.
A commenter mentioned "Werden's route would perhaps mean more immediate misery, but also plant the seeds for long term rewards and assets" but I just don't see that happen unless the plot gets an insane Deus Ex Machina. Maybe there will be big changes and I'm being presumptuous but I just feel like I completely wasted my time trying to do a "good" play through, I just wanted to get my thoughts out and hope I didn't sound to whiny. Because I did still enjoy my first play through where I just fucked everyone over with no consequence to myself to get as many h scenes as possible lol. I had a lot of fun roleplaying as subservient scheming general who never resisted to gain the twins trust and backstab them and take their place as overlord Maybe that researcher lady would help the player if she became overlord or a goddess lol. I personally find that more fun than putting in more work to get objectively worse outcomes.
I could pretend rowan killed himself after the Werden route than new game plus it with the knowledge that being anything other than evil is a waste of his time and play as a tyrant. Or maybe I'm just too sensitive or not masochistic enough for this game, because even in my time playing the witcher although constantly shocked at the consequences and celebrated the small victories. I never felt like I was punched in the dick. I hope I don't come across as bitter and am glad others enjoyed the update. The dev clearly works hard on this game and it shows. Best of luck and I had a lot of fun for the most part and will definitely buy on steam once the full game is released. Even if just for the satisfaction of killing the twins if it ever becomes possible or having power over them or laughing at them as they beg for their lives. Oh yeah and that cute wolf girl definitely buy for her
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
Lord Arioch is a deontologist, I wouldn't expect to be "rewarded" for doing the right thing.
Excuse my philosophical naivety, but why would a deontologist not reward doing the right thing? Many religions are deontological and have divine rewards for their followers. To hold a deontological perspective one must only beleive that there exists a "right" action irrespective of consequences, but does not necessarily require reward or whitholding of reward for taking that action.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I think you underestimate our planning and payoff if you think that the situation hasn't been laying set up for a resistance plot line. We've been laying pipeline for it for years. The Act 1 route ending is supposed to feel like shit. But, worry not. We understand that people want a meaningful hero pathway and we're preparing for the future of it.

Our philosophy for it is that "Rowan must earn his heroic ending". And golly gee willigers are we going to make him fight for it. But, the greater the challenge the greater the victory.

Also, I think the determining factor of reward in deontology is the meta-ethics. Kantians are the deontologists who don't believe in reward. And let me tell you, the bossman ain't exactly aboard that jesus train.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I don't care about the hero path, but I look forward to the overlord path where Rowan goes full evil emperor mode.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Complex games with a wide array of possibilities tend to be the death of many deontologists. When given a number of reasonable choices, the "beauty" of being uncompromising tends to fade away pretty fast, and it starts feeling a lot more like inconsideration.

Part of the problem is that one of the main defenses of deontology is that you can't really tell a moral from an imoral action in an utilitarian framework until it is too late, but that's not really the case with video-games. Even if you get like, the most honest player in the world, who will never reload after a failed check, who will not look up any spoilers, you'd still have to deal with the thing that plagues just about every piece of fiction: the arbitrarity of the writer. And even if the writer was intent on quelling his own biases, and say, rolled a dice before deciding if the outcome for any moral action was going to be good or bad, you'd still have to deal with the issue of flawed information from imperfect communication, the doubt if a decision feels arbitrary because it is meant to feel arbitrary, or if it feels arbitrary because there is something the writer failed to successfuly convey to the reader.

I mean, and even then that's all assuming anyone actually wants that level of uncaring realism in their games, I definitely don't. I know being an utilitarian in video-games is easy as shit, but that's one of the main reasons I play video-games, the fantasy that there is an identifiable ideal set of actions (and I might even be able to take them one of these days).

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May 29, 2018
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I would be very happy to see my most positive theory (The ending of werden route just being the wake up call to Rowan to get his A game on) , but even that best solution just sounds like something that can not do much depending on the circumstance, ignoring the possibilities of things like, not knowing exactly the limitations of powers like Jezera's hability to teleport armys around or Andras hability to run head first into batles with no armour and exiting unscratechd, and saying that because Werden is alive he can prevent that 1 case of slaughter, was that worth in the long run?. The twins seem to have an almost omnecient amount of knowlagle when convenience apears (Not saying impossible to know knowlege but a bit more that it probably should for a beserker and a wana be mistress of intrigue/corruptres , at least without explanation on how) and by the look of it there is few things that make them react , they win they win, they lose a battle, would they even care that much beyond the pride?

Looking at the whole picture, and trying not to be bias, it looks to me that, at least for now, most of the hability to go against the twin in a way more that slightly annoy them seems to be the infiltration of Rowans own agents in the castle. Wich goes.. slow but steady at least , the beastmaster seems to like Rowan , altoght the extend of how far will he go for him is unknown, he can get an incubus inside X'zaratl brood, clan-min likes him, and for what its worth Skordred acepts Rowan has the power behind the throne of 2 arrogant demon childs , now, i dont know what the writers will do for the "do a bit of good where Rowan can" route, has far has i know he might has well go full sith and turn the anger into power, eventualy have the cultist guy undo the mask magic or something of the sort. But i am curios on how "worth it" that route might be since there is a great amount of uncertanty on what can be espected
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I remember buying equipment from cla min and the Forge before, but I can't on this playthrough. Already week 60 but the shop option isnt there.


Jun 23, 2018
Honestly, what if I just want to be evil, but also want to shaft the twins for not holding up their end of the bargain?

Maybe an anti-hero hero route, perhaps? :>


Jun 18, 2017
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but are there still time-limits to the main stories or can you take your time with the game, allowing you to find as many of the sex scenes as possible?


May 29, 2018
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but are there still time-limits to the main stories or can you take your time with the game, allowing you to find as many of the sex scenes as possible?
There are, but i am not sure what is , or if there is, a third time limit, there is the one for if you dont take over the keep in time and one if you get to week 60 without having done the orchiad and rastadel thing, after that i am not sure, probably not since the story does not go beyond that point.
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