I would be very happy to see my most positive theory (The ending of werden route just being the wake up call to Rowan to get his A game on) , but even that best solution just sounds like something that can not do much depending on the circumstance, ignoring the possibilities of things like, not knowing exactly the limitations of powers like Jezera's hability to teleport armys around or Andras hability to run head first into batles with no armour and exiting unscratechd, and saying that because Werden is alive he can prevent that 1 case of slaughter, was that worth in the long run?. The twins seem to have an almost omnecient amount of knowlagle when convenience apears (Not saying impossible to know knowlege but a bit more that it probably should for a beserker and a wana be mistress of intrigue/corruptres , at least without explanation on how) and by the look of it there is few things that make them react , they win they win, they lose a battle, would they even care that much beyond the pride?
Looking at the whole picture, and trying not to be bias, it looks to me that, at least for now, most of the hability to go against the twin in a way more that slightly annoy them seems to be the infiltration of Rowans own agents in the castle. Wich goes.. slow but steady at least , the beastmaster seems to like Rowan , altoght the extend of how far will he go for him is unknown, he can get an incubus inside X'zaratl brood, clan-min likes him, and for what its worth Skordred acepts Rowan has the power behind the throne of 2 arrogant demon childs , now, i dont know what the writers will do for the "do a bit of good where Rowan can" route, has far has i know he might has well go full sith and turn the anger into power, eventualy have the cultist guy undo the mask magic or something of the sort. But i am curios on how "worth it" that route might be since there is a great amount of uncertanty on what can be espected