
Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
How do I get this game to stop breaking on me? Is it just the Mac Version that breaks?
Can you describe in what way the game is having issues? Is it crashing? If you’re playing normally and an error message appears, tell us what that message is. Nobody can help you unless you give us a more specific idea of what’s happening.
Sep 26, 2021
Can you describe in what way the game is having issues? Is it crashing? If you’re playing normally and an error message appears, tell us what that message is. Nobody can help you unless you give us a more specific idea of what’s happening.
Gotcha. I will take note. From what it seems, every time I skip through dialogue too often, then game will just randomly crash on me, well show an error and then I click ignore several times and it's working. it just happens so often.


Dec 28, 2021
The worst option in my opinion is siding with Jacques. He is too independent and distrustful to be considered as Rowan's true ally, while at the same time chooses to actively cooperate with the Twins, so he can't be used to undermine their power.
there is this Lady with pink clothes on Jacques Route...
I hope there are contents about her....
She looks tempting, maybe Rowan can NTR her, breaking jacques.. LOL


Jun 17, 2017
As I thought about it I've become less convinced that the Werden path is the "good" path. I used to think that Werden was a hard-ass, but now I think he is just an ass. He is the epitome of being so far on the side of order that it becomes a detriment. If you want to restore the kingdom as it was then by all means back Werden, but the kingdom as it was was already broken. In fact I think Werden would make the problems worse with how draconian and uncompromising he is. So I think he would be a bad leader for the city. Werden's primary selling point is his skill as a military commander, but I haven't seen any evidence that his more than just competent in that regard.
Personally, I see backing Werden is a trap. People seem to think that Werden is the "good" choice because he would never bend knee to the demons even as subterfuge, and because we unlock the option through the good deed of saving Delane. But he is only a good choice on the surface level, sometimes achieving the greatest good requires a certain amount of pragmatism.

Personally I think Jaques is being under sold. In the end he is a pragamtist. Does he willingly swear allegiance to the twins, yes because he can see the writting on the wall. But he clearly doesn't like the idea of doing so. I suspect that given a solid opportunity to betray the twins and become the actual leader, he would jump at the chance. Plus, I simply agree with his political stance of allowing upwards mobility with in society over any position that Werdan or Patricia hold, so I think he is better to the person to run the country full stop. Even if I'm not comfortble with how capitalist Jaques is, I still feel it is a step up from the current system.

On the other hand if you want Rowan to be in control, whether benevolently or not, then Rowan controlling Patricia himself is simply the best option. Not taking control of her yourself plays directly in to the twin's hands since even with out mind control Patricia is easily manipulated by Jezera.

I think either backing Jaques or controlling Patricia yourself ultimately puts Rowan in a better position and will lead to better conditions for the citizens.
warden brings to table more than his abilities as general.
1) first and most important bonus with siding with him are his troops, by siding with him you save best fighting strength of rastadel which will be opposed to twins no matter what. these kind of direct opposition is not created in another route.
2) warden has reputation and he can consolidate rosaries nobles and crate even more capable fighting force against twins
3) Jacques is beholden to twins and can in any time taken out from picture if twins so desire and be changed with more trustworthy ally for twins warden can not
4)its more my personal opinion but warden is probably changing his views on commoner's if you let him live
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Dec 26, 2020
Wait wait wait..... I stumbled upon something interesting. Rowan have an option to impregnate Cla-min? Is there any continuation after that or still waiting for update? Most importantly, can he impregnate someone else too? Dammit I missed a lot since last time I played.


Feb 15, 2018
* Werden stands for the current establishment made of nobility and clergy - he doesn't desire more influence than he already has, while possessing a strong power-base in the form of his own duchy outside of Rastedel (which makes him completely independent);
Wait, so how would you side with him? I checked and I much have missed it


New Member
Mar 19, 2021
No, but I don't want to read or hear about it, And it's not just lusting it's comments made.
Actually there is a specific set of circumstances that causes that particular "lusting", if you kept playing just a bit more you would have saw what is going on.The NTR is easily avoidable , the wife isn't just waiting for someone to take her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
Actually there is a specific set of circumstances that causes that particular "lusting", if you kept playing just a bit more you would have saw what is going on.The NTR is easily avoidable , the wife isn't just waiting for someone to take her.
I didn't drop the game, I know I said that before but I like dramatizing things, and I know why the scene unfolds as it does, that fact doesn't change my opinion.
Nevertheless, I don't need to justify why and what rubs me the wrong way, I don't like the scene and that's that.
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New Member
Mar 19, 2021
I didn't drop the game, I know I said that before but I like dramatizing things, and I know why the scene unfolds as it does, that fact doesn't change my opinion.
Nevertheless, I don't need to justify why and what rubs me the wrong way, I don't like the scene and that's that.

Yandere Lust

Nov 8, 2020
So, I completed the Rastedel content, and I have to admit, I'm a bit complexed. What exactly is the point of the options and choices that the player can make to go out of their way to be as compliant as possible while going above and beyond to do what's in the twin's best interests? I had presumed this sort of loyalist route was meant to be one where you accrue trust and favor of the twins and those faithful to their cause. But, I'm not seeing that at all in the dialogue here. Rather, it seems like you are mistrusted, belittled and second guessed every bit as much as when you are completely defiant, regardless of how many choices you make to appease and support them.

For instance, upon making every choice to be compliant and helpful to them in general prior, Rowan helps them in the battle leading up to the conquest of Rastedel. Then, you do every choice in Rastedel to maximize the Twins's success and preferences. Why then, does Jezera think you are just trying to play hero when he tries to explain the benefits of not slaughtering thousands of potential useful bodies for their cause? Even if Jezera earnestly believes there is some greater benefit in killing a large portion of their human spoils, rather than accusing Rowan of trying to undermine them to play hero, if you've been doing all you can for them, being on that branch, should she not instead be like:

"Oh Rowan, Rowan, you still think of us as your former human compatriots. How cute. While it is true there is more raw potential economic value in your proposal, a demon army does not march on coin alone. There must be sufficient morale to keep our forces driven for the many conflicts to come. While your earnestness to please your masters is cute and noted, this is such a time where you should trust our better judgement in regard to our demon kin. But, if you are so driven to please...especially if to make up for your failures in meeting all our goals... You could be given a regiment in our sweep of the areas outside our safe zones to accompany the main blood-letting force. Your purpose would be to personally aid with the blood-letting while putting aside subjects of exceptional value to us, as to maximize our 'economic' gains without all the chaff. After all, you are merely seeking to do what's best for your dear owners, right...my hero?" *She says as extending her foot out for him to kiss and agree to with her signature triumphant smug smirk*

Something like that, instead of the same mistrust, dismissiveness and discontent as if you were going out of your way to defy them would go a long way in making it feel like your loyalty and appeasement choices matter for major events like this. For me, and I believe for many others, one of the great pleasures for games of this structure is having choices feel like they matter in the game. It's almost immersion breaking for me for there to be more or less no difference in how I am treated or what I can do regardless if I go out of my way to defy the twins or to appease and aid them. Surely, such choices should result in stark differences for content as major as Rastedel. If not, what's even the point of such choices to begin with? They would be little more than window dressing if they mattered so little in regard to exchanges with major characters in major events, which would be undermining one of the core methods to give satisfaction for the player in a game with this design structure. Of course, I do understand the game is still in development, so if this is something that just isn't fully fleshed out, I certainly would understand. But, I do hope such variability is planned for such content if that is so. Genuinely, as someone with interest for the game, it would feel like a serious misstep if that level of variability in reflecting player choices was not implemented in the game before its completion.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
So, I completed the Rastedel content, and I have to admit, I'm a bit complexed. What exactly is the point of the options and choices that the player can make to go out of their way to be as compliant as possible while going above and beyond to do what's in the twin's best interests? I had presumed this sort of loyalist route was meant to be one where you accrue trust and favor of the twins and those faithful to their cause. But, I'm not seeing that at all in the dialogue here. Rather, it seems like you are mistrusted, belittled and second guessed every bit as much as when you are completely defiant, regardless of how many choices you make to appease and support them.

For instance, upon making every choice to be compliant and helpful to them in general prior, Rowan helps them in the battle leading up to the conquest of Rastedel. Then, you do every choice in Rastedel to maximize the Twins's success and preferences. Why then, does Jezera think you are just trying to play hero when he tries to explain the benefits of not slaughtering thousands of potential useful bodies for their cause? Even if Jezera earnestly believes there is some greater benefit in killing a large portion of their human spoils, rather than accusing Rowan of trying to undermine them to play hero, if you've been doing all you can for them, being on that branch, should she not instead be like:

"Oh Rowan, Rowan, you still think of us as your former human compatriots. How cute. While it is true there is more raw potential economic value in your proposal, a demon army does not march on coin alone. There must be sufficient morale to keep our forces driven for the many conflicts to come. While your earnestness to please your masters is cute and noted, this is such a time where you should trust our better judgement in regard to our demon kin. But, if you are so driven to please...especially if to make up for your failures in meeting all our goals... You could be given a regiment in our sweep of the areas outside our safe zones to accompany the main blood-letting force. Your purpose would be to personally aid with the blood-letting while putting aside subjects of exceptional value to us, as to maximize our 'economic' gains without all the chaff. After all, you are merely seeking to do what's best for your dear owners, right...my hero?" *She says as extending her foot out for him to kiss and agree to with her signature triumphant smug smirk*

Something like that, instead of the same mistrust, dismissiveness and discontent as if you were going out of your way to defy them would go a long way in making it feel like your loyalty and appeasement choices matter for major events like this. For me, and I believe for many others, one of the great pleasures for games of this structure is having choices feel like they matter in the game. It's almost immersion breaking for me for there to be more or less no difference in how I am treated or what I can do regardless if I go out of my way to defy the twins or to appease and aid them. Surely, such choices should result in stark differences for content as major as Rastedel. If not, what's even the point of such choices to begin with? They would be little more than window dressing if they mattered so little in regard to exchanges with major characters in major events, which would be undermining one of the core methods to give satisfaction for the player in a game with this design structure. Of course, I do understand the game is still in development, so if this is something that just isn't fully fleshed out, I certainly would understand. But, I do hope such variability is planned for such content if that is so. Genuinely, as someone with interest for the game, it would feel like a serious misstep if that level of variability in reflecting player choices was not implemented in the game before its completion.
I'm gonna maintain my position, the Twins give a task beyond Rowan expectations (still, he's not as smarter as many and sometimes himself claim to be), what do you feel as Rowan was exactly as this:
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Yandere Lust

Nov 8, 2020
I'm gonna maintain my position, the Twins give a task beyond Rowan expectations (still, he's not as smarter as many and sometimes himself claim to be), what do you feel as Rowan was exactly as this:
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Rowan seems to be delivering rather well. I don't think he is really being oversold for his ability. It's not like he's seen as some unstoppable martial force. He's just a skilled tactician and competent fighter with a great amount of determination who has proven himself time and time again. Although, it's worth mentioning, his value as a target of the twins is also tied into him being mistreated by those he fought for in the past, which gives suitable reason for him to be convinced to support a different faction. Of course, if you feel that Rowan hasn't done enough to live up to his prestige, by all means, give feedback that you think he should be given more events to show his worth.

How the Twins might react to Rowan in one branch of choices should most certainty be different than how he acts in a completely different branch of choices. There is a big difference between rebellious defiance and earnest support. Moreover, it doesn't just make sense narratively, but from a game design standpoint too. One of the core reasons to give players multiple branching path options in a game of this design is to give them the feeling that their choices matter and that they shape the story and relationships in that story in a direction the player genuinely wants to go.

People are of course subjective, and so what characters, interactions and developments which hold the most interest for an individual is going to vary wildly from the next individual. These branching options should serve to put the player on a track that reflects their own interests and desires for the story and characters being fulfilled (within reason, of course), having their choices pay off in regard to what they strive towards. It's the 'fun' interactive part of the game.

If the structure of the game was to instead just be one linear story with just a little window dressing with superficial choice options, the interactions in the game would be much less meaningful and the appeal of the game would have been far more focused on a specific set of interests, narrowing the scope of appeal for the game. My impression going through the game so far, is that the goal of the game is the former rather than the latter. Thus, why it seems sensible for me to give my thoughts on what I've presumed is one of the major branching paths of the game (the loyalist / support / fall for the the twins route, whatever you want to call it) not really delivering in the interactions/events of a major piece of content like Rastedel.

With that said, I've of course recognized the game isn't complete yet in that feedback, and so I'm completely understanding if Rastedel's various dialogue and event branch pathing isn't yet complete.

But, yeah, while it makes sense for the Twins to continually go out of their way to put a rather defiant or undermining Rowan 'in his place,' so to speak, in one branch, the need to do so should subside substantially in a branch where Rowan is instead very supportive of them, genuinely trying to do what's best for their cause, showing that blatantly, while giving into them on a personal level in tangent to this. The distinction between such interactions is not only severe narratively, but it should serve as a distinction from a game design perspective too, for the reasons explained above. It's in the game's and the player's best interest for these interactions to be starkly different to reflect differing player choices and desires for the characters and events.

E.g. A player who likes the twins (or a particular twin) will pick choices that show support and desire for them. The player will then hope that those choices pay off in giving them dialogue and events that go with the desire behind those choices.

Alternatively, a player who hates the twins (or a particular twin) will pick choices that defy and undermine them. The player will then hope that those choices pay off in giving them dialogue and events that instead go with the desire behind those choices.

It's all about understanding the desire of the player, making choices and branching paths to resonate with those desires, and then delivering with the suitable dialogue and events as to fulfill those desires within the game's overarching narrative. While you can't, as a game developer, fulfill every desire ever since there are nigh infinite possibilities, it's good to have some distinct core ones down.

One of those distinct core branching paths is one for players who really like the twins and the idea of submitting to them, supporting their cause, or loving them, etc., who want to see the relationship with the twins grow in a direction that reflects those desires. Which, is of course, very sensible. There are many people who are going to be in this interest pool. I'm sure it was obvious from the get go. Just, as it's obvious there will be people who loathe the twins instead. While I am focusing a lot on the twins in these examples, there are of course other major branching paths too, certainly.

But, so, do you get what I'm saying? You don't want to have barely any difference in how the twins react to Rowan in different branching paths, as it's not fulfilling the core purpose of the branching path design system in the game. An attempt at making a technical notion that the interaction might still be valid in a specific, very simplified character perspective doesn't do anything to change the fact that it makes the choices the player is making feel unimportant, in general, and unfulfilling, in regard to the branching path they have gone out of the way to be on. Not to say that this is so for the whole game thus far; I'm focusing specifically on the Rastedel content, and, perhaps, to an extent, the content for the battle prior.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Rowan seems to be delivering rather well. I don't think he is really being oversold for his ability. It's not like he's seen as some unstoppable martial force. He's just a skilled tactician and competent fighter with a great amount of determination who has proven himself time and time again. Although, it's worth mentioning, his value as a target of the twins is also tied into him being mistreated by those he fought for in the past, which gives suitable reason for him to be convinced to support a different faction. Of course, if you feel that Rowan hasn't done enough to live up to his prestige, by all means, give feedback that you think he should be given more events to show his worth.

How the Twins might react to Rowan in one branch of choices should most certainty be different than how he acts in a completely different branch of choices. There is a big difference between rebellious defiance and earnest support. Moreover, it doesn't just make sense narratively, but from a game design standpoint too. One of the core reasons to give players multiple branching path options in a game of this design is to give them the feeling that their choices matter and that they shape the story and relationships in that story in a direction the player genuinely wants to go.

People are of course subjective, and so what characters, interactions and developments which hold the most interest for an individual is going to vary wildly from the next individual. These branching options should serve to put the player on a track that reflects their own interests and desires for the story and characters being fulfilled (within reason, of course), having their choices pay off in regard to what they strive towards. It's the 'fun' interactive part of the game.

If the structure of the game was to instead just be one linear story with just a little window dressing with superficial choice options, the interactions in the game would be much less meaningful and the appeal of the game would have been far more focused on a specific set of interests, narrowing the scope of appeal for the game. My impression going through the game so far, is that the goal of the game is the former rather than the latter. Thus, why it seems sensible for me to give my thoughts on what I've presumed is one of the major branching paths of the game (the loyalist / support / fall for the the twins route, whatever you want to call it) not really delivering in the interactions/events of a major piece of content like Rastedel.

With that said, I've of course recognized the game isn't complete yet in that feedback, and so I'm completely understanding if Rastedel's various dialogue and event branch pathing isn't yet complete.

But, yeah, while it makes sense for the Twins to continually go out of their way to put a rather defiant or undermining Rowan 'in his place,' so to speak, in one branch, the need to do so should subside substantially in a branch where Rowan is instead very supportive of them, genuinely trying to do what's best for their cause, showing that blatantly, while giving into them on a personal level in tangent to this. The distinction between such interactions is not only severe narratively, but it should serve as a distinction from a game design perspective too, for the reasons explained above. It's in the game's and the player's best interest for these interactions to be starkly different to reflect differing player choices and desires for the characters and events.

E.g. A player who likes the twins (or a particular twin) will pick choices that show support and desire for them. The player will then hope that those choices pay off in giving them dialogue and events that go with the desire behind those choices.

Alternatively, a player who hates the twins (or a particular twin) will pick choices that defy and undermine them. The player will then hope that those choices pay off in giving them dialogue and events that instead go with the desire behind those choices.

It's all about understanding the desire of the player, making choices and branching paths to resonate with those desires, and then delivering with the suitable dialogue and events as to fulfill those desires within the game's overarching narrative. While you can't, as a game developer, fulfill every desire ever since there are nigh infinite possibilities, it's good to have some distinct core ones down.

One of those distinct core branching paths is one for players who really like the twins and the idea of submitting to them, supporting their cause, or loving them, etc., who want to see the relationship with the twins grow in a direction that reflects those desires. Which, is of course, very sensible. There are many people who are going to be in this interest pool. I'm sure it was obvious from the get go. Just, as it's obvious there will be people who loathe the twins instead. While I am focusing a lot on the twins in these examples, there are of course other major branching paths too, certainly.

But, so, do you get what I'm saying? You don't want to have barely any difference in how the twins react to Rowan in different branching paths, as it's not fulfilling the core purpose of the branching path design system in the game. An attempt at making a technical notion that the interaction might still be valid in a specific, very simplified character perspective doesn't do anything to change the fact that it makes the choices the player is making feel unimportant, in general, and unfulfilling, in regard to the branching path they have gone out of the way to be on. Not to say that this is so for the whole game thus far; I'm focusing specifically on the Rastedel content, and, perhaps, to an extent, the content for the battle prior.
The right way to say it isn't that the game is not completed, but the Story isn't is the right way, what you play is just Act I, there is not enough content to see relevant difference between a loyal, heroic, traitor routes... It's still too green for that, and as far the game in this Act I has develop, Rowan and Alexia have near a year captive in the Twins Castle, by any reason I can't expect by the Twins to trust entirely in Rowan with just a few towns and mines that for some reason I can't understand, Raeve Keep & Rastedel never, ever takes care of WTF was going on under their noses Kingdom. In a way, for Rowan this must be like a easy for pussies task because the majority of the time there was none resistance anyware... I mean, in a year at least a Tax Collector from any of this major objectives (Raeve Keep and Rastedel as well) have just passed collecting to a town and see some orcs custodian or a mayor of the town in a negative of paying them taxes because they were conquered or because they now trade with demons. Nonetheless, if a town or Abbey gets attacked there is no one as a messenger to reach Raeve Keep and Rastedel for help?.

Rowan competent?. There have been some several discussions about this that seriously questions this, first of all, Rowan is a commoner, he live between commoners and despises a bit the nobility because feudalism bullshit, allright, How Rowan could surpass in knowledge and tactics war like to a noble if he literally born between commoners and never-ever could dream to have a properly education?. There is a dialog and a decision that evidence Rowan must patrol sometimes as a price for having security but he have just a common sword and equipment that in the best it could be for someone who served as a soldier in a mercenary army. End captured by the twins in the most dumb way possible by being attracted by the enemy and being little careless in preparation, something a tactician wouldn't do (by the argument he was dumb because was emotionally affected it wouldn't be less sense to believe Rowan as a Master Tactician in a War where he could have lose men and some of them could have been close to him). And we can so on and more... Like a possibly complex he must have.

Do you know when we end to discuss that? (iirc), when developers said:

Two words.

Cognitive Dissonance.

Rowan is *loaded* with that shit.
By that and his possibly Hero Complex, Rowan in the War must have been part in many of the most successful events but for some reason he was at the right moment at the right time, making him rise up positions and by just luck or by a Random God's Whim he was still safe when nobody expect that and being called Hero after that. But by the way nobility in a literal sense leave to be stolen all the Towns for being at the side of the Twins as they wouldn't care, maybe in that Universe the only ones with some brains are Rowan and the Twins, and this last though would be not just hilarious, but sad and problematic if it could be truth. What i want to believe is this nobility is in war with other Kingdom and their resources of men are just too low to intervene, but still there must be an explanation, i'm waiting that.
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Yandere Lust

Nov 8, 2020
The right way to say it isn't that the game is not completed, but the Story isn't is the right way, what you play is just Act I, there is not enough content to see relevant difference between a loyal, heroic, traitor routes... It's still too green for that, and as far the game in this Act I has develop, Rowan and Alexia have near a year captive in the Twins Castle, by any reason I can't expect by the Twins to trust entirely in Rowan with just a few towns and mines that for some reason I can't understand, Raeve Keep & Rastedel never, ever takes care of WTF was going on under their noses Kingdom. In a way, for Rowan this must be like a easy for pussies task because the majority of the time there was none resistance anyware... I mean, in a year at least a Tax Collector from any of this major objectives (Raeve Keep and Rastedel as well) have just passed collecting to a town and see some orcs custodian or a mayor of the town in a negative of paying them taxes because they were conquered or because they now trade with demons. Nonetheless, if a town or Abbey gets attacked there is no one as a messenger to reach Raeve Keep and Rastedel for help?.

Rowan competent?. There have been some several discussions about this that seriously questions this, first of all, Rowan is a commoner, he live between commoners and despises a bit the nobility because feudalism bullshit, allright, How Rowan could surpass in knowledge and tactics war like to a noble if he literally born between commoners and never-ever could dream to have a properly education?. There is a dialog and a decision that evidence Rowan must patrol sometimes as a price for having security but he have just a common sword and equipment that in the best it could be for someone who served as a soldier in a mercenary army. End captured by the twins in the most dumb way possible by being attracted by the enemy and being little careless in preparation, something a tactician wouldn't do (by the argument he was dumb because was emotionally affected it wouldn't be less sense to believe Rowan as a Master Tactician in a War where he could have lose men and some of them could have been close to him). And we can so on and more... Like a possibly complex he must have.

Do you know when we end to discuss that? (iirc), when developers said:

By that and his possibly Hero Complex, Rowan in the War must have been part in many of the most successful events but for some reason he was at the right moment at the right time, making him rise up positions and by just luck or by a Random God's Whim he was still safe when nobody expect that and being called Hero after that. But by the way nobility in a literal sense leave to be stolen all the Towns for being at the side of the Twins as they wouldn't care, maybe in that Universe the only ones with some brains are Rowan and the Twins, and this last though would be not just hilarious, but sad and problematic if it could be truth. What i want to believe is this nobility is in war with other Kingdom and their resources of men are just too low to intervene, but still there must be an explanation, i'm waiting that.
A year is plenty of time to have enough interactions with someone to establish varying degrees of trust which would result in different types of interactions with them based on what those interactions contained. One doesn't need complete absolute trust for this to be the case, not at all. Saying otherwise serves no purpose. It's not only inaccurate to how relationships form from my knowledge and experience with others, but it doesn't help the game any. Act 1 has enough content and covers a large enough length of time to lead to clearly distinct branch paths forming in regard to character relations. Easily. I don't think that's remotely a concern. And, regardless, it doesn't change that it only is robbing the player of meaningful interactions that play into the route they are invested in with their pathing. I feel that the example I gave in my original post on this is well within what's reasonable for what Jezera could say to a more compliant supportive Rowan who has acted in their best interests, for example. Although, it is just an example. There's a number of ways it could be done to reflect a distinct level of trust from other branch paths.

I think it's extremely skeptical and cynical to presume Rowan's success that gave him the respect and reputation he has came about from just luck. Also, a lack of education? That doesn't matter at all. Experience holds substantially more weight than a sit-down education in matters of tactical warfare, or at the very least, can compete handedly. We can see in his flashbacks that he was put in a do or die situation and rose to the occasion, multiple times. We find out plenty about his past exploits where he turned the tide of battles that would otherwise have been losses in creative ways. People would not lord him as one of the six heroes if it was just continual dumb luck. That seems completely implausible with what we know thus far. It seems very apparent that Rowan has tactical skill in the first act too. If not for him, the twins would have left the region entirely from the surprise army in retreat, and would have not been able to take Rastedel.

Tactical expertise aside. He's also proven himself to be great at running a castle and raising an army, adjusting to different variables that come with a demon army, constantly putting the effort in to see progress come to fruition. Some of this does come down to player choice and competence too to reflect this fully, but that effort from the player should be considered fair game for event considerations, I'd think.

I'd say it does all come down to the development of the game as well. Everything I've mentioned can be expanded on however much the developers may want. It's not like the game is set in stone; it's in development and will be for quite a while. They can always include more scenes with Rowan doing more things if they want to establish his merit more. They can always expand on branching paths in any part of the game to have choices more reflective in dialogue and events as well. I think it's good for players to just give genuine feedback from their experiences so the developers have an idea of what people going through the game are thinking and feelings in regard to it. Especially if they can explain those thoughts and feelings while doing so.

Which, is why I said early on in my previous reply to you that if you personally feel that Rowan hasn't been established enough in his merit or that his strengths aren't shown enough, it's completely fine for that to be your feedback since that is what your subjective feelings have been with your interpretation of the story. I personally don't quite share in your position, and I've explained why, just as you've explained your thoughts on Rowan. All the more better for the developers to have different perspectives shared in regard to things, I'd think. So, that's all good, yeah?
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