
Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Just checked recent poll on . And have some takeaways from it:

"36% of people happy with goblin plot line"

Ouch, only one third of people are happy with goblins
And it will not be so bad if not the follow up information.

"61% are glad we are adding the Fae plotline"

double ouch
I remember commenting that goblin plotline has completely different vibe then other parts of the game and it seem not only me noticed that.
PS "The vast majority also choose to play with NTR turned on (91.9%)."
Confirming the fact that Ntr haters are loud minority, as i suspected.
I think you can probably chalk the Goblin storyline bit down to the fact that people are bummed that the giant titted goblin queen lady hasn't done anything yet, it's lacking in artwork, and it's moving slowly. Give it a few updates and poll again and I'd say the approval ratings will be higher.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
I honestly think she couldn't care about him cheating, she's just jealous that they're not giving her the attention
To be fair the Best Succubus gives Alexia even more attention than she gives Rowan. That gif is misleading :v


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Funny you'd say so, when at the same time he can also look the most powerful mage in the game in the eye and just break like a twig her pathetic attempts at dominating him.
That's an option in-game and being the most powerful is an assumption, what's seen more of Chliona is her dedication to study, doing tests and collect knowledge... We don't see yet how she's in plain combat, if she can cast an spell more quickly than an axe flying to her head for an example... An example why Rowan is weaker to magic is how he could easily dominated when his home village was attacked and couldn't do nothing to stop Alexia being kidnapped, and this was before his submission in service to Da Twins pal...

Or literally beat into submission edgelord elf swordmaster. That's sure some signs of a bitch-boi with nothing going for him.
You know... if i'm not mistaken, you can lose that combat too if you don't develop enough combat status to achieved victory :unsure:

Also, while some characters may be physically bigger and/or stronger they still get defeated by Rowan pretty easily because hey, these happen not to be also intellectually superior but quite the opposite.
Not all of them... Rowan can be trap by a Male Spider Monster and be use as onahole by the creature... And those things aren't more smarter than orcs... As an example of that, Rowan can encounter a man that have a magical device that can manage to control these spiders... The man had them in their farm in a building, they didn't too much there but fuck... At least orcs can build their own houses and weapons...

Andras being an exception because hey, plot armor.
As much as the plot needed to Rowan attack Da Sista when she was alone in the Portal Room, stupidly believing he could stand a chance after being determinate to rescue Alexia instead of going after Da Twins, forgetting how useless, worthless and hopeless he was a few months ago against magic, while the narrative said to us that Rowan is some kind of Mastermind Tactician but he just trow himself without hope against magic casters....


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
You know... if i'm not mistaken, you can lose that combat too if you don't develop enough combat status to achieved victory :unsure:
Yes, similar to mental struggle with Cliona this is an option and not guaranteed outcome, but the fact remains these are viable possibilities as long as the player choose so. This makes complaints about Rowan being a bitch-boi with nothing going for him pretty much self-inflicted. It's like complaining Andras sleeps with Rowan's wife which supposedly proves the latter is nothing but inferior... after the player clicks the button "sleep with Andras" for Alexia.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
I honestly think she couldn't care about him cheating, she's just jealous that they're not giving her the attention
Then Alexia is an Attention Whore in the most literal sense huh?...
Yes, similar to mental struggle with Cliona this is an option and not guaranteed outcome, but the fact remains these are viable possibilities as long as the player choose so. This makes complaints about Rowan being a bitch-boi with nothing going for him pretty much self-inflicted. It's like complaining Andras sleeps with Rowan's wife which supposedly proves the latter is nothing but inferior... after the player clicks the button "sleep with Andras" for Alexia.
Perhaps that depends of what makes more sense for every player according to the situation the narrative shows to you and according to your believing and tates... For an example, there are ppl who just play this with some kind of a crystal kid perspective of no-harm, no rape, no cheating and many no other kinks to have a "pure saint" build of Alexia and Rowan, they are rare but from time to time you can read their comments here so...

Yes, the game developed by Venus Noire brings many ways to choose what comes next for the character as we as players get to known better, but a pair of demon brothers who are willing to give so many options at least for me in a narrative perspective doesn't make much sense when the first time we known them without their masks they attacked the home village of ours MC's and they kidnapped one of them (Alexia). So, there are actions performed against any control of the player but by the will of the antagonist, this was more exemplified in the first builds of the game when the prologue makes the player to choose to served Andras or Jezera, it wasn't yet in the game the third (no sense) option of reserved Rowan's dignity, an option that if you are looking for coherence gives rest of it, because at that moment Rowan is a slave and Da Twins can do whatever they wanted.

Now, respecting Alexia, why she must be a complete "living saint" when there's no hint that she's devoted to the Goddess, she isn't familiar with sacred things, she never had a visit of messenger to be a chosen one by some divinity of the kind of "Lawful Good"... And all of that can be said of Rowan too... So... In a place that is demanded to survived against plotting, people and creatures that if you aren't enough paying attention will make you the last part of a human centipede like in the movies of the same name just for fun, being like a saint is the same of being a boy in the school that let all bullies to do harm on him while trying to ask for help of the adults... Good luck with that.
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Active Member
Mar 7, 2021
As much as the plot needed to Rowan attack Da Sista when she was alone in the Portal Room, stupidly believing he could stand a chance after being determinate to rescue Alexia instead of going after Da Twins, forgetting how useless, worthless and hopeless he was a few months ago against magic, while the narrative said to us that Rowan is some kind of Mastermind Tactician but he just trow himself without hope against magic casters....
Bruh! That move was indeed stupid but for whole another reason. On the contrary to your words, Rowan had no reason to believe Jezera could survive A FREAKING SWORD TO HER NECK. For all intends and purposes it should've been messy but successful assassination. And no, being weak against magic doesn't count when magic caster is completely unaware and vulnerable. Its like: someone may shoot better then you but if you shoot them in their sleep it doesn't matter, right?

So, as an assassination plan it was passable at least. There are few facts that makes it stupid, however:
a) assassination wasn't his goal at all, it was rescue mission;
b) assassination would've inevitably drawn attention, which would've in turn inevitably jeopardized his rescue mission.
I mean - who else would Andras suspect? So, our dear red friend would rush to Alexia's room and turn her into fine red paste for revenge.

In other words, success in side quest means nothing when it will lead to main quest fail.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Just checked recent poll on . And have some takeaways from it:

"36% of people happy with goblin plot line"

Ouch, only one third of people are happy with goblins
And it will not be so bad if not the follow up information.

"61% are glad we are adding the Fae plotline"

double ouch
I remember commenting that goblin plotline has completely different vibe then other parts of the game and it seem not only me noticed that.
PS "The vast majority also choose to play with NTR turned on (91.9%)."
Confirming the fact that Ntr haters are loud minority, as i suspected.
Eh, LA didn't go very in-depth on that summary.

Goblins do perform worse than Fae, but it's also because:
- Less people actually played them: 23% of people have no idea what the Blackholt Plotline is, as opposed to 14% of the people who haven't seen the Fae characters.
- More people just dislike goblins - 6,6% answered they simply don't like goblins, as opposed to 1,3% for the Fae. You can't win those people over.


Not that many people wrote they don't like it - just that they'd prefer other things were a focus, which is understandable.

Anyway, I got a little depressed over the results a while ago, but I'm over it. I put a lot of thought into the goblin plotline, and I stand by my decisions. I think once people will be able to experience the complete storyline, they'll consider it a valuable addition to SoC as a whole.


May 29, 2018
For what is worth, i am liking the goblin story-line, its letting rowan show his character more than he usually can since he is pretty much off Jezera's the leash due to the goblins wanting to deal with him where the orcs are more, he just needs to get a winner or escape with the noble lady.
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Aug 3, 2019
I also strongly enjoy the goblin plotline. Although I wasn't happy when I first heard the news about a new recruitment arc, the new storyline quickly managed to pick my interest. In terms of plot as well as characters, the goblin arc is much better than the orc one. The potential alliance options also seem much more impactful than a simple choice between a good orc, a bad orc and an orc girl :D
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Eh, LA didn't go very in-depth on that summary.

Goblins do perform worse than Fae, but it's also because:
- Less people actually played them: 23% of people have no idea what the Blackholt Plotline is, as opposed to 14% of the people who haven't seen the Fae characters.
- More people just dislike goblins - 6,6% answered they simply don't like goblins, as opposed to 1,3% for the Fae. You can't win those people over.

View attachment 2339268

Not that many people wrote they don't like it - just that they'd prefer other things were a focus, which is understandable.

Anyway, I got a little depressed over the results a while ago, but I'm over it. I put a lot of thought into the goblin plotline, and I stand by my decisions. I think once people will be able to experience the complete storyline, they'll consider it a valuable addition to SoC as a whole.
Help your patreons with an illustrated guide of how to active some plots that need to meet requirements, like a Nintendo Power Player's Guide for SoC... If 10% of the fan base of your game have trouble in getting know of some events that aren't random and theses aren't game secrets put in there for purpose for later Acts as part of an special plotline with a different outcome at the end of this Saga of Chaos, then something, may your pardon but something wrong you are doing...

I personally enjoyed more goblins plot than fae one, because it feels more reasonable than the orc one (more if you think that you can now help the girl in the orc camp but still win favor with Da Twins by winning the goblins favor), moreover most of it seems to work in Rowan's favor (yet) i hope for it's completion to play it... The only character i could complaint is Zii-Zii, i'm sorry but she's annoying to me.

Now... Fae event doesn't feel instinctive for me as a player, since you can "visit" Jezera's area even when there aren't any visitors it makes you as a player lose interest in "visit" and moreover Jezera's area (the same applies for the prison and the arena where both are Andras at the same time, which for me doesn't make sense and i never visit because don't call my attention because there aren't events to do ever as far as i played), the first time i played when it was announced fae event released i ended in week 60 before visiting them, so i replayed this build v0.3.09a to just properly visit them... It would be good a reminder or an invitation event or make invisible visit button until there is real visitors...

Apart of that... It's interesting to know of them as species but to be honest, the Fae probably have more success because, and with your pardon, your fan base in patreon likes the fanservice... Because they just feel like that... Alright, the dream with the fox seemed interesting and the following show to us great mystery, but when they appear, they did demanding because of the suppose danger that the pair of demons can bring if they still play with forces they don't fully understand, but in relation to Rowan it is not clear what they want of him, yes, to help them, to save them, but of what exactly? we must assume there are more enemies and dangers that the Fae have and they just appear to demand to not fuck up more things like they are? (even if the mortal normal plane of existence doesn't seemed to occur anything bad?).

Because it feels like that, aside from some kind of rhetoric philosophy, it shows to the player an abundance of tits, literally... They are shown of a possible promise to be useful for Rowan's purpose in the future, but apart of knowing better their species, the abundance of tits and a promise, they aren't truly interesting, the Goblins have a past that are tied with Rowan (even if this was indirectly), they have schemes, struggle for power, politics, social control and bland power; comparing to the Fae they seemed more interested in mundane aspects... I don't know how much complete are both events but Goblins seems to me more complete, like half of it, but even after all i saw of Fae event seems to me very incomplete, because if Da Twins represented a real danger for their playing with magic then the Fae wouldn't wasted time in contacting Rowan in his dream, less to appear in Bloodmeen to demand instead to just cut off the threat, Rein if you are the responsible too or Fae Event but, if not, if half of the energy you have employed in Goblins would have invested in Fae's maybe would improve to be better, instead of what i described.
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4.00 star(s) 169 Votes