
Nov 27, 2018
You know, whenever I think I'm an insecure weirdo, at least I can come back on this forum and see someone throwing a tantrum over the possibility of a fictional character cheating on another fictional character in a porn game, and say "well, at least I'm not *that* guy".
Good for you mate. Keep your spirits up! Would be nice when you read and "understand" the commend next time, but still good for you!


Nov 27, 2018

Rowan explaining to Alexia how keeping Helayna as a sex slave is not only not that bad, but in fact the moral thing to do.

We already redid the Rowan/Alexia discussion regarding Helayna, I don't consider it egregious in any way, so personally I wouldn't bother adjusting it yet again.

Granted, there are is some weirdness if you complete Greyhide's storyline before it. We need to gate his later events so they only happen after week 25 to avoid.

Then there's the matter of X'zaratl.

Which is it's own thing.
The mater with X something does not really mater. They both chose it at that time both knew what they were getting into. (if you go on with them assuming its a 1 time thing or only 1 other person thing it fits into the story, didn't go that rout so don't know if it breaks later)

But it would do wonders if the wife said to Rowan that before he leaves for the capital, that he can leave her to live his own life. And there being an ending of Rowan freeing himself in the capital and then beating the twins. Instead of constant me me me me me on the wife.


Apr 9, 2019
Buddy, if you want to only read stories about morally upstanding people defeating evil together you should go to Sunday school, not play adult games where the corruption of the main characters isn't a mistake, but the main point. Actually, scratch that, you aren't gonna solely read stories about morally upstanding people in Sunday school, either.

Neither Rowan nor Alexia are good people even in the most pure and corruption-resistant playthroughs. And that's kinda the point. The only way to play this game as a good Rowan is to refuse to serve the twins in the beginning and die in the dungeon. Regardless of how morally you try to play the game, you are actively helping evil win, and anything where Rowan tells you where he's only doing this to bide his time and betray the twins is cope from a character whose primary goal is self preservation. As Rowan, YOU are a bad person. YOU are the reason why the twins can accomplish anything. YOU are the primary reason why thousands and thousands of people can be murdered, tortured, raped, and enslaved by the forces of chaos.

This game isn't for everyone, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's impossible for the devs to write paths to satisfy literally everyone, and that's fine. They aren't obligated to appease everyone, and you aren't obligated to play the game.


Nov 27, 2018
Buddy, if you want to only read stories about morally upstanding people defeating evil together you should go to Sunday school, not play adult games where the corruption of the main characters isn't a mistake, but the main point. Actually, scratch that, you aren't gonna solely read stories about morally upstanding people in Sunday school, either.

Neither Rowan nor Alexia are good people even in the most pure and corruption-resistant playthroughs. And that's kinda the point. The only way to play this game as a good Rowan is to refuse to serve the twins in the beginning and die in the dungeon. Regardless of how morally you try to play the game, you are actively helping evil win, and anything where Rowan tells you where he's only doing this to bide his time and betray the twins is cope from a character whose primary goal is self preservation. As Rowan, YOU are a bad person. YOU are the reason why the twins can accomplish anything. YOU are the primary reason why thousands and thousands of people can be murdered, tortured, raped, and enslaved by the forces of chaos.

This game isn't for everyone, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's impossible for the devs to write paths to satisfy literally everyone, and that's fine. They aren't obligated to appease everyone, and you aren't obligated to play the game.
Overlord the light novel is in my all time top 10 novels I read. That's for the good guy stories.

And my mayor problem with this game is, (wait for it!) IS THAT WE ARE NOT EVIL!!! Like we are a slave, a good man doing bad against his will (at worst) a guy preparing to stop evil (at best). Is that evil for you? Well to me its not. This game has a lot of potential for Rowan to actually become evil not to struggle under morons and calling it evil. Like I had an entire rant about me wanting an evil Rowan to actually take charge a few pages ago. The older writing shows a lot of signs of it being possible, with the lesson of the story being you either die a hero or live as a villain. (now its sex this sex that )

For me Evil is either complete chaos or abandoning everything for your goal (even yourself).


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
I don't think you get what I am saying. No mater the player choice. She is portrayed as a bad person, a bad human. There is no purity or loyalty unless that loyalty is to herself and her own desires. There is no complexity! (at least not on the path I have played. Not going down NTR/gay path)

Like we have a literal hero (one of the 6 saviors) giving up his life and happiness to protect and take care of her. What does she do? Cheats on him... Literally one of the best men in the world is basing his life around her, and she cheats... Like she literally does not even try to be decent or show love for Rowan. Like I have a few people I truly love in the world, and I would literally kill myself before having any of them go thru a tenth the shit she put Rowan thru for me.

Even when she is "loyal" to Rowan, she watches him waste away seeing him cling to a few points of heroism (no mater how twisted) and begrudges them. Not once in the story do I see the wife put herself below Rowan, not once do I see her sacrifice herself for him... And I only played the loyal/pure path...

Like the man is literally breaking himself for her and there is no need for some plot, scheme or even a threat for her to betray him... Just some feelings...

Like is that what people this days see love as? What they see loyalty as?!? SOMETHING TO BE THROWN AWAY AT THE FIRST SIGN OF TROUBLE!?!
Pal, welcome to this community... In fact you could just quote me to reserve time of your life writing your comment:
Alexia... I hate this character... if you play to the loyal route, she by any reason isn't willing to sacrifice herself for Rowan meanwhile her husband (in the most loyal and boring route ever without NTR nor voyeurism nor cheating at all) little by little lose a piece of himself, of whatever he could ever think of himself and while he question his own moral... By playing corruption's path it doesn't matter how many cocks and cum she had passed to flavor, she will demand loyalty to her husband.
I know that, everyone knows that... Unless you are new in the neighborhood... So, welcome. But still, she's a complex character as how in the "pure" path we can think that the best course of action is to maintain at most near of her husband, now i think of them in a more amplified perspective, they as a couple have troubles, independently of what path you take is reveal that they had problems to conceive a child, a problem that the narrative in most cases move towards Rowan. And is most obvious that they have problems, most if we think in the beginning, the player as Rowan can literally lie to her about what he found during his patrol, if that option is given, the team is giving us a hint that this couple not always tend to communicate well and properly. Moreover, Rowan never, ever talk to her about the things Da Twins tells him to do, so we can think in an scenario where she doesn't ask nor tell (bad wife) and he never tell how was his day nor ask of hers (bad husband). We as players, identify with Rowan because in contrast to Alexia we play him more, learn and suffer his decisions often and we see how that impact not only on him but in general over ppl.

It is easy to blame Alexia for her lack of understanding of her husband, but in a marriage the supporting is something mutual, most of the time Alexia said nothing about all the chances others in Bloodmeen wanted to approach her with sexual motives, in fact, she can have the chance iirc just once and she can iirc leave the matter or going with Da Twins or going with Rowan, but about how they feel each other and what they could do, well, yes, Alexia is more useless, she's put to work to gain more money but doing some jobs can't help Rowan beyond financial terms, she had never proposed to put herself in the line for her husband to be treated better (even if is a lie to be treat better in the end but as far as i remember she never tried), but she can be blame to think in not get worry her husband most as he is? think about it, his husband had just one chance to do the right choice, that was to reject work for the twins but accept in exchange for the safety of his wife (in resume), so, he's sacrificing himself for her and even with the best intention from her side as a gesture for her husband it would be a sacrifice for nothing if she put in risk her own safety to be put as a toy for Bloodmeen for his sake, in that position, it would put her in a desperate situation in which she can't allow that because in the end when she'll be broken and in shred pieces of her former self Rowan will suffer from that anyway, her only hope is in the end that Rowan, her husband and Hero of Solansia, find a way to escape for both of them.
Overlord the light novel is in my all time top 10 novels I read. That's for the good guy stories.

And my mayor problem with this game is, (wait for it!) IS THAT WE ARE NOT EVIL!!! Like we are a slave, a good man doing bad against his will (at worst) a guy preparing to stop evil (at best). Is that evil for you? Well to me its not. This game has a lot of potential for Rowan to actually become evil not to struggle under morons and calling it evil. Like I had an entire rant about me wanting an evil Rowan to actually take charge a few pages ago. The older writing shows a lot of signs of it being possible, with the lesson of the story being you either die a hero or live as a villain. (now its sex this sex that )

For me Evil is either complete chaos or abandoning everything for your goal (even yourself).
Perhaps the problem is that you are seeing it very dichotomic, in a dark fantasy setting as could be Overlord as you exampled, doesn't mean that MC must be necessary evil from our perspective, MC can be present as a good guy who thinks he do good things, but doesn't realize how much suffering he's doing to others or what sacrifices his making to do his goal considered "just". In fact, even if Rowan thinks he's doing "good" or try to "curb" or "counterweight" or "change for good" Da Twins, he's just lying himself and it will not matter because in the end most of the world will have to deal with the consequences of the War of Da Twins, a War that he participated and with a magically weakling world near dying, and he will have responsibility for that too, even if he "heroically" sacrifice himself in the end or he sacrifice his wife and his life too, it would be meaningless. There could be a chance that at the moment he could stop Da Twins it's more than too late for the world, as the background story with more of the introduction of the Fae Plot, that world is fuck anyway.
We already redid the Rowan/Alexia discussion regarding Helayna, I don't consider it egregious in any way, so personally I wouldn't bother adjusting it yet again.
The thing is... it is an scripted event, for what Rowan will have those status that make him better at lying and be as diplomat as a politician if he can't even convince his wife?... And even in the event with Liurial to have the threesome he must convince her of be better woman than Liurial, who is a fucking elf pal, an elf that could be the great grandmother of the great grandmother of Rowan, with centuries if not millenia of sexual experience (and decades in the better case). Rowan can't offer nothing good for Alexia over Helayna's sad state.
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Nov 27, 2018
Pal, welcome to this community... In fact you could just quote me to reserve time of your life writing your comment:

I know that, everyone knows that... Unless you are new in the neighborhood... So, welcome. But still, she's a complex character as how in the "pure" path we can think that the best course of action is to maintain at most near of her husband, now i think of them in a more amplified perspective, they as a couple have troubles, independently of what path you take is reveal that they had problems to conceive a child, a problem that the narrative in most cases move towards Rowan. And is most obvious that they have problems, most if we think in the beginning, the player as Rowan can literally lie to her about what he found during his patrol, if that option is given, the team is giving us a hint that this couple not always tend to communicate well and properly. Moreover, Rowan never, ever talk to her about the things Da Twins tells him to do, so we can think in an scenario where she doesn't ask nor tell (bad wife) and he never tell how was his day nor ask of hers (bad husband). We as players, identify with Rowan because in contrast to Alexia we play him more, learn and suffer his decisions often and we see how that impact not only on him but in general over ppl.

It is easy to blame Alexia for her lack of understanding of her husband, but in a marriage the supporting is something mutual, most of the time Alexia said nothing about all the chances others in Bloodmeen wanted to approach her with sexual motives, in fact, she can have the chance iirc just once and she can iirc leave the matter or going with Da Twins or going with Rowan, but about how they feel each other and what they could do, well, yes, Alexia is more useless, she's put to work to gain more money but doing some jobs can't help Rowan beyond financial terms, she had never proposed to put herself in the line for her husband to be treated better (even if is a lie to be treat better in the end but as far as i remember she never tried), but she can be blame to think in not get worry her husband most as he is? think about it, his husband had just one chance to do the right choice, that was to reject work for the twins but accept in exchange for the safety of his wife (in resume), so, he's sacrificing himself for her and even with the best intention from her side as a gesture for her husband it would be a sacrifice for nothing if she put in risk her own safety to be put as a toy for Bloodmeen for his sake, in that position, it would put her in a desperate situation in which she can't allow that because in the end when she'll be broken and in shred pieces of her former self Rowan will suffer from that anyway, her only hope is in the end that Rowan, her husband and Hero of Solansia, find a way to escape for both of them.

Perhaps the problem is that you are seeing it very dichotomic, in a dark fantasy setting as could be Overlord as you exampled, doesn't mean that MC must be necessary evil from our perspective, MC can be present as a good guy who thinks he do good things, but doesn't realize how much suffering he's doing to others or what sacrifices his making to do his goal considered "just". In fact, even if Rowan thinks he's doing "good" or try to "curb" or "counterweight" or "change for good" Da Twins, he's just lying himself and it will not matter because in the end most of the world will have to deal with the consequences of the War of Da Twins, a War that he participated and with a magically weakling world near dying, and he will have responsibility for that too, even if he "heroically" sacrifice himself in the end or he sacrifice his wife and his life too, it would be meaningless. There could be a chance that at the moment he could stop Da Twins it's more than too late for the world, as the background story with more of the introduction of the Fae Plot, that world is fuck anyway.

The thing is... it is an scripted event, for what Rowan will have those status that make him better at lying and be as diplomat as a politician if he can't even convince his wife?... And even in the event with Liurial to have the threesome she must convince her of be better woman than Liurial, who is a fucking elf pal, an elf that could be the great grandmother of the great grandmother of Rowan, with centuries if not millenia of sexual experience (and decades in the better case). Rowan can't offer nothing good for Alexia over Helayna sad state.
I never wanted to be part of that kind of neighborhood...

Your commend has once again maid me realize that sex is overshadowing the story. Like from this commend alone I see a dozen different ways for character growth and development (which are sadly lacking in the story), and from the "neighborhood" I am assuming that our conversations has happened a 100 different times and was going on for months if not years.

Therefore I have decided to kill of most of my like/ investment into the game, slowly decoupling myself from it. (going to wait a few years to see if some good story telling will come back or if it will be just some more pointless sex events and plot holes galore story)

Thank you for allowing me to come out of the "I can change him phase" into acceptance. What be will be.

I shall slowly return to the shadows searching, and waiting for a game that can brighten them.



Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
I never wanted to be part of that kind of neighborhood...

Your commend has once again maid me realize that sex is overshadowing the story. Like from this commend alone I see a dozen different ways for character growth and development (which are sadly lacking in the story), and from the "neighborhood" I am assuming that our conversations has happened a 100 different times and was going on for months if not years.

Therefore I have decided to kill of most of my like/ investment into the game, slowly decoupling myself from it. (going to wait a few years to see if some good story telling will come back or if it will be just some more pointless sex events and plot holes galore story)

Thank you for allowing me to come out of the "I can change him phase" into acceptance. What be will be.

I shall slowly return to the shadows searching, and waiting for a game that can brighten them.

This kind of games aren't for many, but yeah, there have been discussions about how much Venus Noire Team tried to offer more kinks in hopes to get most attention possible from many audience as possible, they recognize that and they are suffering the consequences as most of the planning originally plot still is a WIP because they pleased before the demand of sex from any all tendencies accepted by Patreon, they delayed a lot of things and now they had to rewrite some past events to fit better with all the things they had released for the game, well, still ppl is demanding the next act, we will see the development of that.


Dec 27, 2020
I never wanted to be part of that kind of neighborhood...

Your commend has once again maid me realize that sex is overshadowing the story. Like from this commend alone I see a dozen different ways for character growth and development (which are sadly lacking in the story), and from the "neighborhood" I am assuming that our conversations has happened a 100 different times and was going on for months if not years.

Therefore I have decided to kill of most of my like/ investment into the game, slowly decoupling myself from it. (going to wait a few years to see if some good story telling will come back or if it will be just some more pointless sex events and plot holes galore story)

Thank you for allowing me to come out of the "I can change him phase" into acceptance. What be will be.

I shall slowly return to the shadows searching, and waiting for a game that can brighten them.

I So agree with you , this game has BAD writing all along.
Only way to enjoy this game is by either being a masochist or liking NTR and clowning on the MC.
There's nothing much to do if you choose to keep you wife Good & there is no way you can do anything satisfying or good for the world, not even small things.
The Mc and story is completely written as to make him have zero power , even in the smallest of acts and choices.
Even when you choose to be with your wife there's always a hint that both of you are lying to each other and there is a great tension between the two , which would have been fine if there was a way to confront it and fight through to improve your realtionship with your wife but NO , you both lie to one another .

You wife is written to be a whore and you are written to be a Man-whore.

Actually , i just understood why i really wanted to like this game but couldn't.
The Mc/Rowan is made to be a Man-Whore with no redemption possible even in the minutest of acts .
And his wife, his only support and reason for fighting is written to be a complete Whore even if you choose otherwise, the dialouges always insinuates that she is just ONE push away from whoring herself out.

The biggest problem with this game is that even though you are the Protagonist , but you have no power , no initiative , you are just a spectator seeing what the Devs have written for you and there are VERY specific type of people who can like it.
There are no choices for Alexis and Rowan to be likebale, strong and Redeemable characters. They are PASSIVE in story , PASSIVE.

And a story with a PASSIVE protagonist is a boring and not engaging one.

Overall great art , but TARSH writing. ( Sorry for harsh words)

And i 100% agree with you , any investment in this game is going to be wasted if one doesn't like this game .
It's just not for many, certainly not for us.
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Dec 27, 2020
Overlord the light novel is in my all time top 10 novels I read. That's for the good guy stories.

And my mayor problem with this game is, (wait for it!) IS THAT WE ARE NOT EVIL!!! Like we are a slave, a good man doing bad against his will (at worst) a guy preparing to stop evil (at best). Is that evil for you? Well to me its not. This game has a lot of potential for Rowan to actually become evil not to struggle under morons and calling it evil. Like I had an entire rant about me wanting an evil Rowan to actually take charge a few pages ago. The older writing shows a lot of signs of it being possible, with the lesson of the story being you either die a hero or live as a villain. (now its sex this sex that )

For me Evil is either complete chaos or abandoning everything for your goal (even yourself).
Exactly , even if we let go of our morality and WANT Rowan to become EVIL , be it for any reason , be it self preservation or saving his wife or to just not care about morality and become a bad person .
Even then we cannot have initiative and power, instead we are forced to be a self lying person pretending to be good while doing evil.
We just don't have any power .
You are put into a slave and cuck's shoes with Weak Will and there is nothing you can do throughout the game to change it.


Dec 27, 2020
Oh I forgot Alexia was the protagonist and Rowan was just there . . .

If you want to keep them both pure, you can. Then they just go out and have picnics and gentle sex.
Picnic and gentle sex , passionate sex with the wife is much better than whatever the duking else that's going on in that game.:)
Sep 11, 2022
Rowan sendo passivo e fraco faz sentido porque ele É FRACO, ele tem que pensar e agir com cuidado em todos os seus passos porque sabe que os gêmeos podem matá-lo facilmente e devemos lembrar que este é o ato 1 de 3 se seguirmos a ordem (introdução, desenvolvimento e conclusão) nos atos 2 e 3 Rowan provavelmente ganhará mais poder (seja na forma física, armas mágicas ou aliados) este ato apresenta o Rowan fraco para que possamos entender melhor sua evolução futura.


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Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Wow this thread is a shitshow. Very entertaining. I'm proud of the devs that manage to remain active on f95, as it's probably one of the worst forums you could hope to be on, if interacting with your fanbase is the goal. F95 users get clowned on a lot, and i'm finally starting to see why.
Point to another active VN community and I'll happily migrate.

That's right, I'd gladly cuck all of you. I have no loyalty to you people, just get me a bigger dick to ride on.


May 18, 2021
Point to another active VN community and I'll happily migrate.

That's right, I'd gladly cuck all of you. I have no loyalty to you people, just get me a bigger dick to ride on.
Yeah, yeah, right... now get back to work and give me more goblin girls to increase my goblin harem.
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