Quick question, how much of the NTR is inflicted on (you)? The summary says that you play as the villain, so I assumed you're the one who makes a cuck out of other men and makes their women cheat on them. Did I get that right?
Basically all of it is NTR inflicted on the main character. (Not all the game's content- just all the NTR).
The majority block of NTR in the game is Netorare. (The player's wife with stronger/more sexually powerful characters, with elements of humiliation).
There is a very slight amount of Netorase. (The PCs with other physically/sexually superior characters consensually, while the the other PC watches.)
There is practically no Netori. There is one route where it soooooorta exists, but its more like a build up to potential Netori instead of actual Netori and the character being stolen is a Whore- so YMMV in terms of if it actually has any appeal as a route.
The bulk of the sexual content on the part of both MCs is cheating. Which some would say falls under the wheelhouse of NTR- but that isn't a proper classification.
There are three poly routes. Two of them start as cheating and two of them are with a character that is physically superior to the MC and has a dick. One of the cheating routes can start off w/o cheating if you are willing to give up 80% of the content on that route.
The MC isn't really the "bad guy" in this story. He is a weenie. He is the bad guy's toadie. His minion. His goon. That description is a cat-fish. The MC is a "bad guy," but only b/c he has a gun against his head and isn't making his own non-coerced choices and doesn't have the power to have autonomy. There is some wiggle room- but for the most part he is a puppet. A muppet. A pawn on the actual bad guy's board. That won't be changing anytime soon since we haven't finished game one yet in a three game series and the developers bench-marked being able to do anything about the Demon Twins as "game two end-game" at the earliest.