I'm very sorry to tell you that I've never experienced any difficulty in Kludge outside Idea, the final Dungeon and the Superbosses.However regardless, I go from using vague terms to specifically "she", begin talking about multiple different bosses from this game, and reference one that requires shit bombs, something that is unique to Sequel games and not Black Souls, uses dangerous AOE attacks prevented by shit bombs meaning it's a buff based attack, and has 3 health bars. It should be plainly obvious who I'm talking about, Kuuem No1, the finale of the "core" story and what is meant to be the biggest moment worth remembering about the game.
Yolnaya was my main damage dealer and again, she spent half the fight immobilized.None of your points negate what I say either. Idea hits you with forget and blindness, meaning you need to make sure your DPS resists blind, ideally both, and your medic resists forget. That means you can't use equipment because you need to use ailment immunity in those slots, or sacrifice a considerable amount of damage/defense by using weaker armor/weapons that resist those ailments. Kuu can't keep up with the amount of healing required, unless you're using his AOE heal, however since that costs 40 SP and the boss attacks hit you so hard each turn, you're on a timer in terms of how long it can last.
when in doubt, shit bombCurrently stuck on Kuuem No.1, I wanna use faria but whenever I enter battle with her she can't even take a turn, tried diff strats, if there is a guide that'd be helpful but right now I just wanna finish the game and unlock the post game H-scenes.
Been trying the shit bomb strat and i've been using it before she does her massive AOE attack, but still basically 1 shots my team and I really don't wanna like go around and kill a bunch of monsters just to get extra levels which I think makes no difference.when in doubt, shit bomb
other strategies include binding her before she does the AOE and/or just guarding with everyone right before she does the attackBeen trying the shit bomb strat and i've been using it before she does her massive AOE attack, but still basically 1 shots my team and I really don't wanna like go around and kill a bunch of monsters just to get extra levels which I think makes no difference.
https://f95zone.to/threads/english-translation-sequel-thirst-rj01225955-leaf-geometry.223493/So the Latest Installment of the Sequel series are out huh? Anyone know if someone planning to Translate it? Because the game pretty much banned here for Loli content
Thanks I Thought no one make the threads here
Agora tenho todas as 45 penas, obrigado
Você poderia disponibilizar seu save?
You can see what buffs and debuffs are active on the status screen and pressing q on that screen will switch between your party and the enemy. Though I don't remember if there's a way to see the exact effect of the buffs/debuffs.Is there a way to check enemy and allies buff/debuffs during combat? Idea is kicking my butt and knowing what all those buffs do would be helpful
Late warning but you might want to check items for lore, there is a surprising amount of lore hidden in the descriptions. I forgot it even existed until my 3rd playthrough.I'm a bit late to enjoy this series, but lately more and more people are talking about it.
Tried blight and...... the quality is impressive.
For VX Ace, it put shame to many circle out there that use MV/MZ for quick fap (in fact, most are not that good and plain bad) but it also outshine circle that still rely on VX Ace.
Love the niche feature they provide.
Gonna be a while for me to step into kludge, but I definitely gonna enjoy this series.
Worth it! and thank you for translating it.
Well spent~ hnnngh!!
Thanks for the heads up!Late warning but you might want to check items for lore, there is a surprising amount of lore hidden in the descriptions. I forgot it even existed until my 3rd playthrough.