Last Human Devlog 10 June, 2022 (Public)
Hey everyone!
First of all, the image attached is the Patron Monthly Background from last month, enjoy!
Last Human - I didn't look at my last public devlog about LH so, sorry if I am repeating anything. Development is moving along nicely. I've managed to find some great assets to use, but still have a few more things I need to nail down. The first episode of LH will hit a lot of my 'base' maps right away, so I created quite a workload for myself. But I want it to be a good start... it's worth it to me. On June 1st, I revealed video of the menu screen and theme music to patrons and will soon make that post public for everyone to see because I don't want to leave you guys out. So, if you're not following me, be sure to do so.
Release - I have not planned a release schedule yet for this first episode. Keep in mind, this isn't like a regular release. This is a new project. Which means I am still building base maps and creating the atmosphere, tweaking characters and story, etc. Also still working on the GUI, and I even still need to create some PR graphics, new itch page... the list goes on. However, I do have the first scene of the episode completed. The writing (script) is done. Now it's just the graphics - which is the part that takes the longest. Doing anything sci-fi in HS2 is a big challenge because there just isn't a lot of assets readily available. I have to find and purchase stuff I like and import it into my game. I've even started making some things from scratch myself. So, I've already invested a few hundred bucks into LH. Anyway, as for release dates, I'm not going to say just yet because I really don't know. But as soon as I feel like I am pretty sure, I'll post them up.
Serenity - As for Serenity Chapter 2 (Episode 2), that development will take place once the first episode of LH is released. If all goes well, that one will take the normal 2 months, I hope. I already know where that episode is going, and there are no base maps I need to put together aside from one easy one I have to do. So, to my Serenity fans, hang in there!
That's all I have for now. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I ordered myself an RTX 2060 12gb video card. That will double my video memory (currently using a GTX 1660 6gb). I was able to do that from donations and patron/subscriber income, so big thanks to everyone supporting me!! I'm hoping this will give a slight boost to my work in studio. Lately I use a lot more lights and post processing stuff. So that means renders take longer (not 'DAZ' longer but longer lol). But it also should help with my framerate while working on scenes.
Anyway, have a great weekend! I'll be working and should be on discord most of the time so drop by and say hello
