Flash Abandoned Seupermax [Demo] [Sexums]


Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
Entrance to the new dungeon is in location with cave (with some pink tentacle monsters), several spherical bombardier robots, and lots of traps.

One of traps is fake, and will open entrance to the dungeon. You need top-most trap. Even if you miss required one, you can’t die here if you kill all robots first: traps can’t kill you, they only set your health to 1. And if you want to explore dungeon with full health, just return to the cave, and grind it for the hearts (theres several monsters and boxes; probably why it is here in first place), then return to dungeon.
Oops, sorry, wrong one. You need this one (PC stand near it on screen), NOT top-most (it is near top entrance, however, just not that close to it). If someone already wasted lot of time because of this, please, forgive me. Why I not created screen first time?..

The Dungeon.png


Active Member
Dec 3, 2017
Also, if you want to defeat boss. It can’t be damaged by your attacks, but it has ridiculously easy to use weakness once you figure it out. Put it on spoiler, just in case somebody want to find it himself.

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Aug 16, 2017
I’ve attached a savefile with everything unlocked. Just go to the prison and see for yourself. You can access the scenes by pressing "Z" or "C" for each one. "X" advances most of them.
(The savefile should be put into "C:\Users\{YOUR_USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\[randomdigits]\#localWithNet\some\folders\representing\swf\location\on\your\PC". Playing the game and saving it prior to putting my savefile there is required.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017

Hey guys. This post sucks, but read on.
It has become clear to me - and, I'm sure, many other people - that Flash is dead as a game-making platform. It's okay for the little stuff, but I've found myself increasingly annoyed by the limitations inherent in the software. I've been planning to move on from Flash for a while, and now I think it is time.

What is less obvious, probably, is that the game making platform I use - it goes by the name of Stencyl - also needs to be ditched. Stencyl was great for getting me off the ground, but I've been running into more and more little roadblocks while using it that shouldn't exist. Hitboxes that won't disappear, wonky terrain, poor loading times, scenes that don't load at all for some people, lag... I'm sure some / many of these things can be chalked up to the fact that I'm a novice programmer at best, but a lot of it has to do with Stencyl kind of sucking. It has many problems, and every time they release a new build more issues seem to crop up.

I'm sick of it. My games are fairly simple games. It should not be this difficult to make a top-down adventure RPG filled with tiddies. It should not.

As such I have decided to abandon Stencyl as a game-making platform and, following the advice of EventSpawn (he seems to be good with this programming biz), I'm moving to Unity. From what I've read and experienced it is much more stable, and will have a long shelf life before I need to move on to something else.

So here's the skinny. For the next few months I'm going to stop releasing builds and focus most of my work time on learning Unity. There's no point continuing to churn out Stencyl builds. While learning I plan to rebuild Seupermax in Unity (the fact that I still have all of the assets is quite helpful, if nothing else), and once I'm happy with the results I'll start releasing public builds again.

Patreon is going to stay on. I need to eat. I don't want you guys to go without pixel porn, though, so there will be two changes for the immediate future:

- People who pay $1 to my Patreon will receive one sexy-sexy animation a week, bundled similarly to the bonus animations at the $3 tier. It will likely be an updated, revamped version of one of the old Soo Cubus animations, because I wanted to go back and remake that game one day anyway. Might as well get started now.

- People who pay $2 to my Patreon will receive another sexy-sexy animation a week. Probably more revamped old animations, though I'll mix in plenty of completely fresh stuff as well.

- People who pay $3 or more will, on top of that, continue to get bonus animations every two weeks. Polls will come out per usual on Saturday or Sunday.

In summation, if you're payin' at least $3 a month you'll get a sum total of five animations every two weeks - two one week, three the next - until I'm back on track. I'll also continue to fix stuff in the existing Seupermax build and / or Simply Mindy so y'all can continue to play those games without interruption. I'll begin doing this nextweek, because I have a sorely-needed vacation coming up and I'd like to not think about all this shite for a few days. (Minus the bonus animation for the $3+ tier, that's still gonna happen.)

I understand if many of you are not keen on this change and want to bow out. I expect my Patreon to take a fairly substantial dip. I'll weather it, and hopefully come out the better on the other side. And, hey, Seupermax isn't that huge so far anyway, so it might not take that long before things are up and running again. Only took me a few weeks on Stencyl before I was churning out Patreon builds.

Sorry again, folks. This is for the best, but it does indeed suck.
I'd actually never even heard of this game until i got this patreon message. (I did play Soo and Mindy though)

game-engine changes are always a drag, but if he says he can't do shit with the current engine, then I'm inclined to believe him.

Patrons are still getting animations, so it's not like he'll be dropping completely off the grid while trying to wrap his head around Unity.


Engaged Member
Jun 5, 2017
i hope to see an update some day.
The dev is working on learning Unity and porting this game over to it currently. So it may take some time until we see another build. But I have no doubt that this game will eventually be finished. Sexums already finished two other great games with lots of animations before this one.
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Jan 20, 2018
Bad news guys, sexums is stopping work on any kind of adult games/art indefinitely. Read the post here



Jun 7, 2017
No but seriously it seems all the good artists are fading out or hitting some kinda wall were they cant do what they love anymore, either from personal issues or there platforms being just shit in general "cough" Patreon "cough"
Rip one of my fave artist of all time.


Jul 15, 2017
Does somebody have the version 1.02? The patreon is closed and he didn't post it on his site. (The 2 other games can be downloaded fine though.


New Member
Jan 12, 2023
New way to use save - if you using RUFFLE.

C:\Users\*your_user_name*\AppData\Local\ruffle\SharedObjects\localhost\*folder with game*\\Sexums\*name of flash file you saved*.swf
Also usable with all flash games.
File name = .swf name you use and save on your disk.
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