Press the matching arrowkeys on your keyboard, so for that plug, press up a few times.How do I insert a toy into the girl. The pink arrow keep appearing and the toy go back to the left
The same question was answered like a page back, you have to hold ctrl. key and then click on the outline of the toy on the table to the can I remove stuff from the Girl?
Thank you. I have another question though. Where can I find Sarah from logistics division?Press the matching arrowkeys on your keyboard, so for that plug, press up a few times.
For blindfolds lefts and rights etc.
To be fair, artwork is the only reason people are throwing money at him. Can you imagine playing a full length version of this game? It's a paper doll dress up game where you don't even get to choose what the doll wears. I like prostitution/public use way more than the next guy, but it's just not a fun game concept.There is nothing new in this as stated a page or two back. Sabu doesn't really add new content or features. He seems to only put in artworks that he posts on his website. There's no new characters, no new quests, nothing.
There is no Sarah, it's the end of the content.Excuse me and my language, where the FUCK is Sarah?
I don't think that's true about artwork being the only reason. The artwork is readily available on his personal website. People are giving him money in the hopes that he develops the game further hence all those goals of him increasing his time spent working on the game. But instead his definition of working on the game is just putting in his artwork instead of actually developing content. The concept of the game has potential and that's why people are interested.To be fair, artwork is the only reason people are throwing money at him. Can you imagine playing a full length version of this game? It's a paper doll dress up game where you don't even get to choose what the doll wears. I like prostitution/public use way more than the next guy, but it's just not a fun game concept.
And if you're getting 3,000 dollars a month to develop a game, obviously you're not just going to say "welp the game's too fundamentally flawed to continue development, funding over."
i think he just a drug addict or alcomoholic only reason why there is so slow and he just sit draw and make some shit spending four monts then other developores do in two weeks.I don't think that's true about artwork being the only reason. The artwork is readily available on his personal website. People are giving him money in the hopes that he develops the game further hence all those goals of him increasing his time spent working on the game. But instead his definition of working on the game is just putting in his artwork instead of actually developing content. The concept of the game has potential and that's why people are interested.
He could easily reuse the current code for the gameplay adding new characters to play with, but he doesn't.
On what level? The concept of the game as stated on Patreon, i.e. a slave management game? Yeah. The potential of a talented artist? Sure. The concept that is actually being implemented? No. A dress up game as a core game mechanic is just a bad idea.The concept of the game has potential and that's why people are interested.