All very well said, and I think your point about retaining memories super interesting. Yeah, it's clear that there is some bleed through from the previous game. There has been something of a reset, but it's not a full reset; the girls are much more attracted to the MC than at the start of the first game. But going off your point, I'd imagine it'd be paramount to make some of the bleed through occur on a conscious level. That is, the MC needs to become more aware of what's going on, how he's affecting things, the results of his actions. Without conscious awareness that is retained, a character like the MC cannot really become a moral agent, and he'd always be left in a state where he's just along for the ride.I love that Lexxx is finally in the spot-light, and the hints at content between her and Sam. Part of me hopes that she retains some subconscious memories or impacts from her interactions in the first game, keeping her individual rather than just copying Alexa.
For example, the MC needs to be made aware of how Sexbot I ended. The longer this revelation is withheld, the longer the story stalls out.
Moreover, I'd think the game would become more interesting if some of the love interests start to become conscious of what's going on. That would open up a lot more tension between them and the MC. Like "Hey, wtf, MC!? You've been abusing time travel just to get into my pants? I thought you cared about me?" Or maybe some of the other love interests might become aware and end up giving into their dark side and want to abuse the time loop? These sorts of moral confrontations or developments would be a good way to reintroduce sexual tension.
For me, I think part of the reason why the game feels like it's in idle is the lack of a villain to orient things. I thought Melvin a perfect opposite to the MC in the first game, and I would have loved to see more development/scenes on his dark influence on the girls. Like have those scenes be more present in the earlier days of the time loop, not just at the end, to signify that his poisonous influence is seeping deeper and deeper into everything, but now he seems to be a good guy, well, just because... Who knows, maybe he'll turn to the dark side again soon, or the lady with the glasses will take center stage. But every good story needs a good antagonist to situate the plot. And the villain/antagonist can't play their role unless memories are retained on a conscious level.
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