Hey, nice write up, I'll try to comment. First thing is little remark - by "no one can understand what he means" i meant that you didn't convey your thoughts in a clear, easy to understand fashion. This post though, you did much better imo, and I understood what you mean perfectly well, except for apple analogy, that I still can't wrap my head around.
"Just look at Australia's "labia obscenity laws" that makes it a legal requirement for female porn stars to be circumcized." I'm very curious about this one, can you provide any links for this statement? Cause I'm pretty sure that even in most uncivilized african countries that still practice female circumcision as a part of religious/traditional practics, those are in no way are legalized. How the hell you can make a female genital mutilation a norm? I can suspect that you meant something like minor labiaplasty surgeries to increase "pussy aestetics", but unless you provide some materials i can only guess. And even there I gotta agree with you, beauty is in a eye of a beholder, and if you don't find naturally looking genitalia pretty, that's your problem honestly, not girl's. Not to mention that you can't "require" any form of surgery from anyone. I'm personally all about natural look and things like fake tits are much, much worse than 0 sized flat breasts in my book.
Second thought, is that you kinda defeat your own arguments. You say that "flat featurless vagina" (from that I can deduce that you mean that inner labia are not visible, and are hidden within, i hope i got you right) is a beaty model this days. And then you argue that artists are too lazy to learn and draw proper, "real looking" pussy. So why would they try to draw pussy that is considered not aestetically pleasing, if you can draw easier flat one, and it would be considered better? May be they are perfectly capable to draw real vagina, its just not demanded?
Part where you describe that female genital customization is nonexistent, i gotta agree, most I saw is if you want to have pubic hair, or not. Customizing pussy itself was never an option in my memory, except for how "gape" it can be after your sexual escapades, which is obviously not a customization per se.
Regarding female orgasms/male orgasms ratio, you're probably right as well. But I think thing is that its much harder to depict female orgam, not every girl is squirter, you know. So basically you'll have to do some body shacking or eyes rolled or whatever, while with penile orgams you only need to depict ejaculation itself and its enough. While you claim that its common to see that female pleases male unrequited and no one cares, its more a question to male dom games predominance. I played ton of femdom games where inverse situation is more common. So its basically unhappiness with patriarchy traditions that you're expressing.
Thanks, I try. But I tend to trail off quite a bit.
And the Apple analogy was an attempt to describe the massive quality gap. And "brand names" I felt was a bit close enough.
Let me try two others: Imagine it's a bit like the difference between McDonalds and a 5 star restaurant. If you purchase a $10 burger from each, you're gonna have A LOT higher expectations of the 5 star restaurant burger. Here: People expect A LOT when getting a penis. They expect quality. Whereas vulva is just discarded to the side as "What were you expecting?" Despite the fact they both have the exact same pricetag.
Or games nowadays. Back in the day, you were expecting a full game and to unlock new characters by...
playing the game. Now it's just normalized that you need to shell out 4,99 for each new character, etc. Here: The comparison is that: People that pay for a commission EXPECT all the "free characters" (ie: choice of genital) when getting a male to be included in the base price. While female characters either need to pay extra, or simply aren't allowed choice.
Not the best analogies, but xD
I can provide links, yes. But as I don't know what sites you trust. Mind if I suggest you simply google "australia labia obscenity laws" to begin with? As then you can pick a site you are confident in.
And I can say: You are mostly correct there. Female genital mutilation managed to become the norm by re-branding it as "vaginal rejuvenation" and "labiaplasty!" to make it sound new, fancy and authentic. You can google "the rise of labiaplasty" for quite a few topics on that. I know there was a shorter documentary on it... I think reddit still has it archived.
But either case: It IS female circumcision in most cases. It's just like EA when trying to re-brand lootboxes as "surprise mechanics". Or that "I did not rape her. I just violently forced myself on her sexually against her will.". The only difference to FGM is that they leave the clit. Everything else is chopped off as to "look normal/attractive" as said by those pressured into getting the procedure. Much like male circumcision: It's completely fucking pointless in 99,9 % of cases. As there's no medical need for it. And people just do it "because culture".
The "flat, featureless" I refer to is the " | " with nothing visible. I am going to assume that you've stumbled across loli online. And: It's that one. Granted, most that Doxy draw IS loli. So... that'd be a solid example.
And: Let me elaborate: What I mean with the "draw proper pussy" part, is: A properly
matching pussy to the rest of their style. Like: If an artist draws photo-realistic penises, in HD 1080 P quality. And their pussies are simplified, 144 P... that's not matching. Or to make a really blunt example: Someone using Mario's Smash Ultimate model, and Peach's Mario 64 model. Then calling that his "art style". In short: I'm expecting them to draw a "aesthetically pleasing" pussy, in the same quality as their dicks. Which as said: When they put more time and effort into a single vein on the dick than the ENTIRE pussy. There's a quality issue at play there.
Also: No. Most have proven that they CANNOT draw pussy. It has been exposed multiple times with dozens of artists. Ex: They brag about how they COULD draw pussy, IF commissioned. Then: Someone offers to commission them. They fucking panic and make up a lie on the spot that "they are full!" (while taking additional commissions the next day.). Then: They are approached later when they "just opened". And: Fucking panic once more as they thought everyone had forgot about that. So: they pull out their "trump card" that "It's gonna cost extra.", and when the person agrees: The artist throws a tantrum and says they are "being harassed" and "don't have to draw if they don't want to!". And there's been dozens of examples like this. They
claim they can. But when push comes to shove: They just shit themselves and run off crying. Those that actually CAN draw it: Just show examples of BEING able to draw it. No fuzz.
And yeah, pubic hair is generally as far as "customization" goes.
I recall High Tail Hall having around... 37 choices for customization for the male PC.
And the female PC had "Are you a girl? Y/N?"
As said: TiTS cba to even finish the starting races for female. So you could only play human female for like, 2 years until a new female starting race was added... but all starting feats were still male exclusive and you still didn't have genital stats unless male. Which again: Was promised to be there at launch.
The "female orgasm is harder to depict" WOULD be a valid point,
if not for the fact: This is porn. Realism has NEVER been a thing. Most male protags "just so happens" to have a 20 inch dick and cums a bucket. Creampie doesn't show irl? No problem! Porn will give you an x-ray where 2 litres of sperm is pumped into the womb. Or: An external view where 1 litre of sperm shoots out at 70 km/h, somehow doing a 180 and just spraying EVERYWHERE. This is porn. Where all men "just so happens" to have GIANT dicks and are irresistable to women. And all girls "just so happens" to have DD tits, no gag reflex, no sexual needs, and a loli vag. Trying to pull a "they're harder to depict" and/or "that's not realistic" doesn't hold up in porn. (Unless it applies to all of it.) Most porn artists use this as an excuse to try and cherry pick. When at the end of the day: It comes right back around to: Them being lazy. Like: Irl: You can SEE vaginal contractions externally. What you CAN'T see is the dick inflating like a hose from an old cartoon when someone steps on it, to show the "sperm being pumped in", yet: Guess which one appears the most in porn? xD Male orgasms are exaggerated out the ass. So: While normally a "not all girls are squirters" would be a valid point: Not in porn. If I can tell a guy is cumming in a girls mouth because: It's spraying out her nose, ears and ass. A "It's implied" with 0 visuals or motion is NOT "good enough" in the same game for a female orgasm.
And the issue there is that most "femdom" games are just "dominatrix" games. Which boils down to: Still only focusing on the male's pleasure. Since you still generally just go around sucking dicks, or making males cum by riding them, etc.
To be clear: I don't mind male centric games: As long as that's laid out there. Like: In a standard, human gloryhole game: I don't expect the girl to cum. Ever. Similar if I play a game where I'm a whore or similar. I'm okay with it there. It's in the theme/setting. But: In games where "you go girl!" and it promises a ton of choices: But all the choices are "Do you want to have a good time sweetie? - Suck dick. - Game over." and "It's implied you came while he was unloading 3 litres of sperm into your ass!" bullshit: Then no. I expect better. Panthea is a prime example of a utterly shit game. It advertises "Play however you want!" but: You CAN'T play as ANYTHING other than a submissive cumdump. It advertises "having lesbians!" it doesn't have a single lesbian scene. Heck: They cba to get an artist that could draw females, so they just have lazy, copy pasted pussies on all girls: While the males get actual, properly uniquely designed dicks. There's not a single scene only the female PC can get pleasured in. I don't even think the PC has a single orgasm in that atrocity. I know another game (can't recall the name.) Where you can play female or male PC. And, just to use one example: At one part of the story: You need to bribe a guard. As the male: You bribe the (female) guard, and she sucks your dick in exchange for money. As the female: You bribe the (male) guard and he... allows you to suck his dick in exchange for money... you see any narrative stupidities here? I only use the simple "rule" that: "Would this be acceptable if I flipped the roles?" just for example: If there was a visible, squirting orgasm. And
nothing showed for the male. I doubt people would buy a "It's implied he came while inside while she was squirting!" or: A male PC game where he doesn't get the cum for the entire game. (And for extra irony: Him praising how all the girls are AMAZING at sex for letting him eat them out with nothing in return.)
Oh true, but to be fair like you mentioned I only ever played CoC, TiTS and on top of that Degrees of Lewdity and some 3D Illusion games compared to the
fuckton of others where your character and npcs are predetermined.
And like archdude mentions in his post down below (compared to yours ofc), I guess the girls rolling their eyes and shaking are something that happens but I had my fair share of the other, where the girl is made to cum like crazy (with the excess bodily fluid) compared to the dude (although that is more uncommon).
Well that is more or less his point, that since it has become a norm they drown out the other ones which would give more of a buffet to choose from.
Fighto on!
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I found Degrees of Lewdity to be pretty solid tbh. Sure: It's still lacking a lot.
But, it's one of the more impressive games I've tried that actually puts some effort into the female PC. It's not like most games where like, 90 % of the gameplay is locked behind having a dick. OR: Focused on pleasuring dicks xD
But yeah like: Girls shaking at orgasm is like... a bare minimum imo. I can't even recall the amount of times I've had someone go like "I spent 80 hours animating the orgasms for the males. - So, how many hours did you spend on the girls? - ... I just told you I spent 80 hours on the guys!" as if that makes up for it. Like: I don't CARE if someone spent 4 hours drawing a dick. That 2 minute pussy STILL looks like shit. I'm not giving a free pass just cuz they put effort into the dicks.
Those are not the target of my critique.
But yeah, as said: I base my expectations on ALL of an artists work. (Or at least the content it is currently in.) Like: If they do over the top, crazy orgasms for the males: That is my starting point for the females. I expect theirs to remotely match. Like: If the guy is a one man bukkake fountain and
literally cums enough to coat someone in a layer of sperm. I'm expecting a fucking geyser from the girl. Not a motionless "I came." with no fluids.