Review for [v0.069]
Game looked soooooo promising, but it fails on so many levels. The animations are horrendous, there are inaccessible characters/unavailable content present in the game, poor grammar that isn't intelligible, mediocre/unoriginal plot, etc.
The only thing that this game has going for it is the art, which ironically also fails in regards to h-scenes. The h-scenes' art is LAZY... the stepmom's asleep sex scene was likely rushed, mom's bj scene shows only her face, the list goes on and on...
Literally 95% of the h-scenes are hand jobs and the MC jacking himself off...
The game is waaaaaay too buggy aswell. I couldn't go 10 minutes without encountering parts of 1 place appearing in another and other bugs that took away from the immersion.
Last, but CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, is the griiiiiind. Spent an hour grinding for magic points just to get a skill you never use in order to advance the plot, which results in the most disappointing scene with the step mom; the scene on her bed looks like it was sketched and colored in with crayons within an hour. Enough with the grind. There's a difference between earning a scene by doing some semi-difficult tasks and missions, and spamming my left click button to advance through text lines I've read 50 times already, waking up in-game just to run around the map to collect magic points just to return to my bed to repeat the process another 20 times to get a skill you use less than 5 times THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE GAME, and being forced to receive a hand job from the mother every 3 in-game days. Dev, you seriously need to play your own game and ask yourself, "What are the problems, where are they, and how can I solve them?" and "Is my game, at large, enjoyable?"
I can see that you're trying Dev, and I truly appreciate that, but as of right now this game a cookie clicker to me because of how grindy and unrewarding it is.