4.70 star(s) 3 Votes


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
First, thank you for your bug report, I'll try to fix the sprite error ASAP.
In the youtube video I sent I keep both of them alive, I think the game is deterministic and has no luck, which mean if you reproduce the same move I did you'll get same result. That being said, it would probably be easier to just copy my first 2 turn, and play a bit more passive approach, buying a second archer on the right side so you can one shot any paladin attacking your villager, and take your time on the south side. The most important thing is to not attack the turn before Brigite's super, she does it every 5 turn I think, you can check the enemy side mana to know when it will be casted.

Edit : Hmm I can't find the sprite bug you're mentioning, I think you have the wrong version of the game. For like an hour, the version I uploaded on F95 had a bug, I tried to fix it ASAP but maybe you're one of the people who got a bugged version.
I have the new one the one you update the mage link and if Carol or Alice die they have the male sprite when talking befor diyn. It on both in previous chapeter as vel. Try when they got killed and see what happening Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
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Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
I have the new one the one you update the mage link and if Carol or Alice die they have the male sprite when talking befor diyn. It on both in previous chapeter as vel. Try when they got killed and see what happening Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
Oh i see what you are talking about now I checked all the "story quotes" but forgot the "death event". I'll fix it, but I'm not sure I'll have the time to upload the fix right now, probably in a few hours or tomorrow.
Edit: I uploaded a save at the end of chapter 7 with both character alive if you really don't want to play the hard version of the level. I'll be sure to make an easy mode next update.
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Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
Aha thank you Bob, I'm not going to be fazed by insult/troll anyway. I already saw people being disrecpectful at other creators that are doing amazing job so I don't take it personaly + I know most people don't realize getting a good consistency with AI require a lot of work (less artistic skill ofc but still some work).

Besides most replies were made by cool people.
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
How we can beat the next missione when the both side are really full of enemy I don't want lose Alice and Carel be the reforcement arive eachI couldn' even have a chance. suouth and north easth gate every time there lot of bunch of enemies ow Could possible win it without Carol and Alice diyned in the prcess I just want them keep them alive and stil we need do everything from the begining with our army, why we can't start with the army and gold we ended in the end of each chapters? I mean I wan bring each army whe gained till this crucial chapeters. I realy unfair that enmy got the uperhand each turns.


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
Well you're not supposed to win this battle, just to hold long enough. I wouldn't make sense from a story POV to give you enough forces to win the battle. You have to survive a set amount of turn to win this mission.
This one is a bit easier than chapter 7, there are 2 entry and the goal is to block the entries and shoot with archers.
I don't remember exatly how I've beaten it, but I think the best you can do is first hire a couple archer, because they are slow so you want to hire them early to position them before there are too many ennemies. Then I was spamming scouts to complete the wall.
Idealy you want to position your archer in a way that they can all hit enemies that hit your unit wall, with archer being at 2 range while Carol/Alice are at max(3) range so they can runaway when the ennemies overrun you. If you manage to keep the entry until fione tell something like "we must retreat", then you should run away with your her and Carol/Alice while the remaining units block the entrance as long as they can.
I'm in the middle of debuging an old bug, but when I'm done I'll do a quick easy mode and upload it. It should take me something like 2-3 days.
Please note that you're playing the last chapter available, and there is no more scene with Carol/Alice, so their death have no impact on the scenes for this version (Even if I understand why you'd want them to be alive anyway)
So you can either try to win with my tips yourself or wait 2-3 days for my fix+easy mode.
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Well you're not supposed to win this battle, just to hold long enough. I wouldn't make sense from a story POV to give you enough forces to win the battle. You have to survive a set amount of turn to win this mission.
This one is a bit easier than chapter 7, there are 2 entry and the goal is to block the entries and shoot with archers.
I don't remember exatly how I've beaten it, but I think the best you can do is first hire a couple archer, because they are slow so you want to hire them early to position them before there are too many ennemies. Then I was spamming scouts to complete the wall.
Idealy you want to position your archer in a way that they can all hit enemies that hit your unit wall, with archer being at 2 range while Carol/Alice are at max(3) range so they can runaway when the ennemies overrun you. If you manage to keep the entry until fione tell something like "we must retreat", then you should run away with your her and Carol/Alice while the remaining units block the entrance as long as they can.
I'm in the middle of debuging an old bug, but when I'm done I'll do a quick easy mode and upload it. It should take me something like 2-3 days.
Please note that you're playing the last chapter available, and there is no more scene with Carol/Alice, so their death have no impact on the scenes for this version (Even if I understand why you'd want them to be alive anyway)
So you can either try to win with my tips yourself or wait 2-3 days for my fix+easy mode.
The house to reach which is located upper noth-west? If it possible to reach the house it is possible too enter?


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
Nah you have to :
-Prevent enemies to reach this house until the begining of your 10th turn I believe
-Not have Fionne die
You don't have to reach this house, that being said, at the begining of your turn 6, Fionne will tell it's time to retreat, and it's probably a decent time to start running away with the character you dont want to die, either this turn or the next one.

Edit : I fixed my bug faster than I expected, I may have the easy mode implemented and uploaded tomorrow.


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
How we can beat the next mission[...]
I've updated mega link, it fix a couple bug including the sprite bug you mentioned and also add an easier mode. It was done quickly and may not be balanced yet. I know you've given me ton of feedback already, but I'd love to hear what you think about it. Is it still too hard (basically it increase damage of all your unit by 2 and reduce enemy damage by 1)?


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I've updated mega link, it fix a couple bug including the sprite bug you mentioned and also add an easier mode. It was done quickly and may not be balanced yet. I know you've given me ton of feedback already, but I'd love to hear what you think about it. Is it still too hard (basically it increase damage of all your unit by 2 and reduce enemy damage by 1)?
still too much powerful. it could be our damege incresed by 5 and enemy damage decresed by 6, it mean to be easy but but with current easy mod still too much difficult. I just tryied to one shot with archers but they not alweys got one shoted, still there.

I wish ther in easy mod where much more units present befor starting and neutral base and 2 house were helredy under our control with some scout or paladine, paladine missing in acquire them from the bese in this chapter, cause the could help if the were in easy mod more troops just hold back. It like once after chapter 7 conquered itthat ther army we gain in that chaper could be outside on the noth-east gate, with base on, tis way we coudl at leas by some cout befor froming a wall to the city. Ther other ldisposed near the sut gate. It could be easy just to hold and makesure to survive I don't talk to win just to hold them back as much as we can without losing so much troops. this is why I suggest that all the army we gained with gold include to chapeter 8 to make it easy to take time. I'm not talking to win obviously.


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
still too much powerful. it could be our damege incresed by 5 and enemy damage decresed by 6, it mean to be easy but but with current easy mod still too much difficult. I just tryied to one shot with archers but they not alweys got one shoted, still there.

I wish ther in easy mod where much more units present befor starting and neutral base and 2 house were helredy under our control with some scout or paladine, paladine missing in acquire them from the bese in this chapter, cause the could help if the were in easy mod more troops just hold back. It like once after chapter 7 conquered itthat ther army we gain in that chaper could be outside on the noth-east gate, with base on, tis way we coudl at leas by some cout befor froming a wall to the city. Ther other ldisposed near the sut gate. It could be easy just to hold and makesure to survive I don't talk to win just to hold them back as much as we can without losing so much troops. this is why I suggest that all the army we gained with gold include to chapeter 8 to make it easy to take time. I'm not talking to win obviously.
I know what you mean but I wanted to do it fast so having a customised difficulty for each mission in which I add unit depending of defficulty will have to wait later.
As for keeping your units between Ch7 and 8, it would make it that it's better to not end the chapter 7 and build massive army. It can be ok in game in which you have a time limit that extend over several chapter, which prevent you from overfarming in a chapter to roll on the game. But on this game in which not all mission have time limit, it would break the game too easily.
I'll probably add an easy/normal/hard mode later so I can have bigger differences between difficulties.
The thing is I don't want the game to be too easy, because some mission will have secondary objective later, and I want the player to be able to redo mission to do this objectives. The problem is if the game is too easy they will be done without even realizing it as you'll just be to strong. Anyway I'll see that in the next chapter.

For now I'm sure you can manage and win the game if you focus on getting unit in choke point to block enemies and hit them with archer. Remember that even if archer don't one shot knight, unit deal proportionaly less damage the more injured they are. So a 2 Hp knight will deal little to no damage, especially if you take into acount the fact that you also have damage reduction.
Just ensure to build a couple archer early game and then scout every turn in your barrack so you don't run out of unit to put in the wall.
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I know what you mean but I wanted to do it fast so having a customised difficulty for each mission in which I add unit depending of defficulty will have to wait later.
As for keeping your units between Ch7 and 8, it would make it that it's better to not end the chapter 7 and build massive army. It can be ok in game in which you have a time limit that extend over several chapter, which prevent you from overfarming in a chapter to roll on the game. But on this game in which not all mission have time limit, it would break the game too easily.
I'll probably add an easy/normal/hard mode later so I can have bigger differences between difficulties.
The thing is I don't want the game to be too easy, because some mission will have secondary objective later, and I want the player to be able to redo mission to do this objectives. The problem is if the game is too easy they will be done without even realizing it as you'll just be to strong. Anyway I'll see that in the next chapter.

For now I'm sure you can manage and win the game if you focus on getting unit in choke point to block enemies and hit them with archer. Remember that even if archer don't one shot knight, unit deal proportionaly less damage the more injured they are. So a 2 Hp knight will deal little to no damage, especially if you take into acount the fact that you also have damage reduction.
Just ensure to build a couple archer early game and then scout every turn in your barrack so you don't run out of unit to put in the wall.
I manage to keep both Carol and Alice alive again, after a bunch of attemt and saves.
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Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
Well played, the next time enemy uses knight you'll probably have access to it, which mean it the next mission will probably be easier in easy mode as you won't have to rely on archer as much and their delicate positioning, the easy mode effect will probably more noticebla with melee engagements.


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Well played, the next time enemy uses knight you'll probably have access to it, which mean it the next mission will probably be easier in easy mode as you won't have to rely on archer as much and their delicate positioning, the easy mode effect will probably more noticebla with melee engagements.
It cold be better haveing to level up with expirience for each character and if they kill the enemies kiny or paladin they would gaim more expierience them mine will incriese theirl leve and hp each level up. I prefer level up our army and the hiest leve he easy the fight each mission it could be help us a lot.

And about have more unit is just to distract the enemie befor the could break the wall. It like the eanimy outside were take care by our army to keep them busy while wecover ever point of the blind point where the other archers an't reach and having enuough scout and pladin to fill the wall befor take the 3 important one to safety.


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
I don't really intend to implement a level system in the fire emblem style. I could but I don't really like how it mess up with difficulty. Usualy it either mean the game become to easy because you become too strong, or the opposite, you have to micromanage every single move to distribute the exp in order to have a chance to iwn late game and I'm not mega fan of this tryhard farming.

That being said there will be a perk system, to give bonus to your main character giving either boost to their power, themselves, or globalboost for their army/economy.
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Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
I don't really intend to implement a level in the fire emblem style. I could but I don't really like how it mess up with difficulty. Usualy it either mean the game become to easy because you become too strong, or the opposite, you have to micromanage every single move to distribute the exp in order to have a chance to iwn late game and I'm not mega fan of this tryhard farming.

That being said there will be a perk system, to give bonus to your main character giving either boost to their power, themselves, or globalboost for their army/economy.
Have use the perk only after the mission I don't like that I prefer more when it from the begining of the game. But this is more like have a new game plus.

There are other game like your with your style and ther is few mod like story mody, easy, hard mod. story mod have out win battale enabled, where if he play want just concetrat on th story without even worry about a fight. While easy mod is whe level is implament with eeach diffult and more we go deaper the mor anmy ahve at leas almost clos leve to our with good ammout of stats. Eaach diffiicul eve expierce gain by it different and even expierence had on hard a slover growing up if it hard mod. I really love level up our hunits to have more balance combat. the had mod is like that one you wanted but with level hat mak thing intersting. I'm huge fun of leveling up it make thing more real e credible even if the the enami have level them self but can't grow higher. And in hrad mod we need just be much more smarter or cleaver then our enemies to have an upper hand.


Nov 19, 2020
For now there are couple things that can impact the game.
Some choice in dialogue change a sex scene.
There is another one that have longer consequences :
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Later in the game there will be different routes, based on how you completed the previous chapters, I'm not spoiling but you'll get enough information when it happens to understand what set you on the route you ended up, and some way to change routes. But this will be later in the game.
If possible implement a femdom route with fionne or others.


Game Developer
Nov 17, 2022
If possible implement a femdom route with fionne or others.
You mean with Fionne somehow managing to get the upperhand and we'd follow her story?
If that's what you mean I've been thinking about that, she is a very good character for that, but if I do that, it would be later.
For now I have other ideas, but I can't really tell too much about them without spoiling more than I'm willing to.
There will be a real fork at the end of the first campaign, but it will take a bit of time to settle. Besides I'd rather have a game with a few route but complete rather than an incomplete one. So I'll focus on what planned before I do anything else, but yeah having Fionne check the altar instead of Chloe in the early game would be a perfect setup for another route later If I'm willing to expand the game this way.
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Nov 19, 2020
You mean with Fionne somehow managing to get the upperhand and we'd follow her story?
If that's what you mean I've been thinking about that, she is a very good character for that, but if I do that, it would be later.
For now I have other ideas, but I can't really tell too much about them without spoiling more than I'm willing to.
There will be a real fork at the end of the first campaign, but it will take a bit of time to settle. Besides I'd rather have a game with a few route but complete rather than an incomplete one. So I'll focus on what planned before I do anything else, but yeah having Fionne check the altar instead of Chloe in the early game would be a perfect setup for another route later If I'm willing to expand the game this way.
That would be a great route yeah and would match the tags for this game. The setup is already there.
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4.70 star(s) 3 Votes