(v0.6) Wow! So.. this game has layers. Looking at the screenshots / descriptions its just a fap-fest with some extreme proportions of ok graphics and a few kinks. Went in expecting that, ready to knock out a few minutes and then go check the next game.
Then there was story there and a bit of intrigue, cool, not too much text and quickly got you back to the lewd, so it kept my attention on the text / didn't skip through... until suddenly I realized I was actually puzzled and getting vested in the 'mystery' of it, that it wasn't totally straight-forward. But the sex scenes (which are a bit annoyingly fast so don't click through to see more happening - each gets like 4-5 pages at most - setup, enter, thrust, finish, outcome) were seeming kinda generic - just with bimbo proportions.
But now I was invested in the story so I kept going... and then the sex scenes starting getting more into interesting fetishes, positions... And the art, though not AAA like some titles (but not bad either), started getting deliciously unapologetically lewd and titilating.
Then as I started enjoying that again the story took more twists. And I'm not for the whole plastic-bimbo kink too much (your kink is fine, not my kink) but the way it gets tied into the story is intriguing and makes it hot and sexy in ways I hadn't appreciated...
I'm hooked and can't wait for me!