VN - Ren'Py - Shadows [v0.6] [Vicxlose]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Heavy fetishes, with good/interesting renders/CGs. Not for everyone, but I liked it.

    Generally, I don't like dectetive stories. And I didn't liked this one either. Would've given the game 4 stars, but! It could have a good ending (or multiple ones), eventually.

    Even if you accept the porn logic (everyone's hot and wanna fuck all the time), the pacing is weird. You, a detective, don't know nothing about anything, at any time at all. So... pretty bad dectetive.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Abaddon Doom

    A game written and designed for quite a specific caters more to the BDSM / FEMDOM wasn't quite 'my cup of tea', however, it isn't poorly made in any way. If you enjoy that kind of content, you will enjoy this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the sex scenes are short and poorly animated and come off goofy, but the game's still the best I've played on here. For a porn game the plot has me invested. The sets and characters are all top quality. The sexy dialogue is dirty and well written.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    (v0.6) Wow! So.. this game has layers. Looking at the screenshots / descriptions its just a fap-fest with some extreme proportions of ok graphics and a few kinks. Went in expecting that, ready to knock out a few minutes and then go check the next game.

    Then there was story there and a bit of intrigue, cool, not too much text and quickly got you back to the lewd, so it kept my attention on the text / didn't skip through... until suddenly I realized I was actually puzzled and getting vested in the 'mystery' of it, that it wasn't totally straight-forward. But the sex scenes (which are a bit annoyingly fast so don't click through to see more happening - each gets like 4-5 pages at most - setup, enter, thrust, finish, outcome) were seeming kinda generic - just with bimbo proportions.

    But now I was invested in the story so I kept going... and then the sex scenes starting getting more into interesting fetishes, positions... And the art, though not AAA like some titles (but not bad either), started getting deliciously unapologetically lewd and titilating.

    Then as I started enjoying that again the story took more twists. And I'm not for the whole plastic-bimbo kink too much (your kink is fine, not my kink) but the way it gets tied into the story is intriguing and makes it hot and sexy in ways I hadn't appreciated...

    I'm hooked and can't wait for me!
    Likes: FFTW
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review of v0.6)

    The models sure are easy on the eyes but the whole thing is too creepy and disjointed for my taste. Animations are jerky and too short, one too many clicks and it's over. It's OK as a horror story, but despite the variety of kinks I can't say I found much worth fapping to to be honest.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Shadows is one of the very few games on this site that actually makes me excited to see updated.

    The game is kinky, straight to the point, and offers great 3d models and decent animations.

    As somebody before me already mentioned - this game throws lewd scenes at you with just enough build-up to not feel like a gallery viewer, but not so much buildup that you lose a boner.

    5/5, 10/10, 100/100, couldn't ask for more
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Renpy game I've played so far. Couldn't stop once I started the game :D
    Visuals are top notch, characters are quite interesting even if plot is quite simple so far.
    If you are looking for a depraved game with some amazing fetish, you're in for a treat !
    Download and play it, you won't be dissapointed if you are into incest, trap, hardcore fetish, depraved minds, etc :D

    Thank you dev and F95 for provinding us with such a great game <3
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A really good game, really good looking renders. quick paced with little filler and no grinding. Good amount of content and fetishes, and a good story to guide you through it.

    can't wait for the next updates!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    quick paced but still immersive, perfect balance for this kind of game, the scenes and models are very hot, animations are nice... one of the best games like this i've seen, havent finished it yet but i'm instantly hooked, many games fail at this
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    kdns xkfg

    5/5, some people may think that the plot and choices are too short and sparse, but in this era, only the top-level plot will leave a lasting impression. The creator's focus on models and rendering will attract more people and sponsors, helping them complete their work and earn income, which is very clever. After all, we have seen too many excellent works fail, too many. I hope more authors can learn from him.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this kind of dark story-based game. There are also games like Dream of Desire The various women in it are very attractive. I also hope to see more scenes with Ms. Brianna, she is very hot Please continue to develop it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    To be completely honest, the cover art put me off from this game for too long. I gave it a try today and I was very very impressed. Amazing art, an interesting story and very straightforward gameplay. Totally worth it.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It's ok

    The models are good and there are lots of freaky fetishist ideas but that's about it

    There is essentially no writing, there are remnants of some epic mystery creepy nonsense but the game has about as many words as a twitter post and there are no choices this is not a critique on the game being short either whilst it is short there are a lot of scenes but virtually no writing between them leading to the stakes being nothing

    Now many people have said this is a good thing "wow no time wasted on words pure epic sex scenes game so good!!!" which would be a valid opinion if the scenes were not so weak. The majority of the sex scenes in the game are a literal less than a second loop played from 2-3 angles and that is it with maybe 1 line of dialogue followed by a squelch noise and a cum frame, If your lucky you will get a couple 0.5 second loops instead wow!

    The only reason It's not lower than a 3 is that the models are genuinely good and the game does a good job of setting up a lewd atmosphere but I think it gets worse the longer it goes
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is genuinely good. Superior renders. The models, the lighting, the textures, all of it.

    I will absolutely be back again and again through completion of this one.

    The story is intriguing as well, and is not shaped nor told in a way that's been done a million times.

    I can't wait to see how this one ends and I hope this dev has much more up their sleeve afterward!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN porn is almost perfect for just leaning back and enjoying the scenes. They come quickly, and nobody's a prude who requires a ton of relationship points before getting undressed. It gets straight to the good parts—you just have to choose 'yes' or 'no' for your scenes.

    The story isn't something to praise or criticize right now. It's a mystery, so we'll have to see if it becomes interesting as the plot thickens. Right now, your choices don't seem to have much impact, but that's probably because the story needs time to develop. For now, you don't really need to make any significant decisions.

    The main reason I give this a 5/5 is the scenes. They're fantastic. The models are attractive and the animators don't let you down. You get the promised hardcore content, with great animations and plenty of variety in each update. The scenes are a bit short, but that's what the replay gallery is for.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the models, interesting story, and great animations. There's alot of harder fetishes in this game so be careful if you're not into them. They are easily skippable. Here's hoping that this game will see completion, but I would suggest giving it a break every few versions since the chapters can be pretty short.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting but not too complicated story, big boobs, some lesser served kinks, fine renders and decent update schedule makes this a very fine entry for "watch" and hope each update continues in a similar quality. Only complaint is the sex scenes a bit too short, and even if the author didn't want to increase the number of renders, the looping of them could help pace the sex scenes out better instead of the current 0-100 in 2 pumps.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoyable game if you are a proper pervert, story is unique, characters and animations are very good if you are into bimbos/traps, only thing I dont like is the loli character but thats a me problem. Keep it up dev.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy cow this game is just phenomenal. the character design, the mystery of the story and the overall vibe of the game is just a nice change of pace compared to other games of this genre . Keep up the good work Vicxlose
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    cesar vasquez

    I'm really liking where this vn is going, well rederized and the plot hooks you how the vn goes in the end I think the MC is going to end up being the patriarch of the family

    If I could give a suggestion perhaps it would be that in the end not now put the language in Spanish also the vn may reach more people