Diversity as in its animations, jfc. There is just 4 position for all girls.
I guess I'll add to this conversation...
The "4 positions" - in reality it's a dozen or so more if you include character stories - were lower quality than what's being pumped out now. Sophia's repeatable scenes are a remnant of such animations with awkward angles and poor looping. Animations with two different states (pregnant or non-pregnant), and two different camera angles takes a significant amount of time to pose and render.
With that in mind it's most likely why Extasy stuck with the 4 different positions. The manageable development time and seamless animations are far more preferable than the alternatives (i.e. 6 - 12 month dev cylces, or inferior animations).
Ideally it'd be nice to outsource the animating to someone else with a background in it, but given the current state of the game I'd say he's on the right track