
Nov 1, 2021
I don’t think this would make much sense considering Iris’s personality. And Blake’s for that matter. The reason she goes specifically for Stewart is because he’s the opposite of Blake in every single way and could be a “ground” for her ultimate sexual fantasy (this path comes to a conclusion at the end of v0.22). Not because she enjoys cheating or wants to have an open relationship.
Ah, I got Iris wrong, then, sorry. Thought Iris was initially designed to allow for an NTR route in the game, and was wondering, as I always do, if it were possible to not make things so clear-cut - currently, it's one or the other, either "hard NTR" with Blake effectively losing Iris to Stewart, or a "mostly vanilla" relationship, without Stewart even as a potential rival. But this isn't the first time you emphasize Iris' fantasy, so I guess making her relationship with Blake more open would make that feature lose some of its impact.

Is the scene with Stewart and Blake in the night club exclusive to the NTR path? I was under the impression it wasn't. It's not exactly NTR, either.
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