Unfortunately, the values change every time you start game. So you have to run a new scan for every attribute in Cheat engine to find that value again.
I run a new scan for Experience, change it to a high number maybe 999999999.
Next run a new scan for Free Points, everytime I kill an enemy I level up and get more Free Points, so I use the change (increase) in Free Points to home in on the value, and finally edit Free Points to a high number 999999.
Next run a new scan for Strength, using the Free Points to increase its value, and eventually locate the value for strength and edit it to a high number 999999 to 1-hit-kill enemies with fast cheap weapons (Iron Dagger).
You'll start levelling up much faster with high Experience and Strength but low Level, and you can start to run a new scan for Level whenever it changes, and eventually edit your Level as you wish. Note that if your Level is too high, say Level 999, your territories (if it gets invaded) will be flooded with tons of enemies and you can get a serious fps hit or it can even stall your game. I had to quit game, and restart so I could edit my Experience and Level to lesser values to avoid facing too many enemies (if you do this, make sure none of your territories are invaded when you save game).