Others Partial Shihai no Kyoudan 2, v0.2.3


Feb 3, 2020

The main character is a student who has transferred to a certain school.
He always had a strong desire for woman, and when he witnessed the school nurse, Yumezomo Hasumi, masturbating, he took her virginity and raped her.
Ever since then, he took great pleasure in ravishing, training, and dominating his female teachers.
His next target is the school's music teacher, Kawamura Yoshino, who happens to be a childhood friend of his, where she used to babysit him.
He has to desire fire his seed into any teacher who catches his eyes and dominate her womb...
To realize his ambition, a scandalous teacher training session begins.

Original Title: 支配の教壇II
Original Language: Japanese
Initial Release: 2020-05-29
Store Page:

Some kind of trailer movie:

I'm actually working on translating the text right now, but the rate of translation is extremely slow and also I have no idea how to access the text files (I've been pulling text with textractor). My intention is to simply upload the translated text in the hopes that someone actually integrates it into the game at some point. I chose this title because it was relatively obscure, being a recent release, and it being a Bishop game. I'm gonna try and keep expectations low, and I'm thinking I'll post some of the more difficult lines in the thread or something for fun.

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UPDATE: I now have script editing tools, so I will be editing the text directly into the game files. As of Nov 9 2021, the opening is now in English! It still needs polishing though.
UPDATE: As of v0.2.3, ALL of Yoshino's scenes are translated, except for the 3-way scenes that requires doing another character's route. Have fun fam <3
If anyone finds any typos or issues, please post them here as a screenshot or something! I appreciate it!

snk2 1.jpg snk2 2.jpg snk2 3.jpg snk2 4.jpg snk2 5.jpg snk2 6.jpg snk2 7.jpg snk2 8.jpg snk2 9.jpg snk2 10.jpg snk2 11.jpg snk2 12.jpg snk2 13.jpg snk2 14.jpg snk2 15.jpg
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Feb 3, 2020
I gotta say, I like rapey hentai, but actually using the word rape makes me feel wildly uncomfortable

Welp. As long as this post is here I'll use it as a

CATALOG, mostly for myself

original opening text: page 1
remind me to credit crskycode: page 4
link to image inserter: page 5
v0.1: page 5
v0.1.1: page 5
backup: page 7
graphics package: pg11-12

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Feb 3, 2020
Yoshino: To do something like that, even though there's no way to fix it...

Through her somber voice, I can feel a sadness coming from the bottom of her heart.

こういう話を自分からしに来たってことは、俺が真っ当に反省でもしていれば、幼なじみとして許してくれでもしたのだろうか。 [NOTE: I can't read this - guessing]
[such a story] wo [from self] shi ni kitatte koto wa, [if I properly reflect maybe], [as a childhood playmate forgive me maybe].
(Maybe she thinks that if she talks to me from so deep within herself, I'll reflect on my actions and she'll try to forgive me as a childhood playmate.)

Well, whatever she's thinking, it won't change my actions.

In context I can roughly guess the meaning, but I actually just don't understand the sentence.


Feb 3, 2020
大和「ああ、全部出してやったぞ。 思いのほかフェラが気持ちよくて出まくったぜ」

"demakutta" ?
I keep running into these rare verb conjugations. I suspect this one is actually compounded "deru" and "makuru" [ 捲る ], as in, 'let out relentlessly.' Hunting these auxiliary verbs is a pain in the ass.

恭香「あそこであなたに注意していたら、 用事に遅れてしまっていたの。 だから見てみぬフリしたわけ」

"miteminu" ?
the -nu suffix is pretty rare, usually a form of the -nai verb conjugation, in which case it comes out to something like, '(I pretended like) I didn't take a look.' I don't really get it :[ but it seems to make sense this way.


Feb 3, 2020
This is the first draft of the full introduction sequence, it still has a bunch of my T/L notes etc. Ima clean it up and post as an attachment to the first post. Took me a couple months on and off to get this done, but it seems like I can grind out ~100 lines of dialogue a day.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
Is this game a direct sequel to the previous one AKA is it the same protagonist that is continuing his conquest? Or someone else entirely?


Feb 3, 2020
I don't think I've ever seen a Bishop game with repeating protagonists, they just share titles for some reason. If you check character profiles:

You might see some similarities going on, but I think all of their games are meant to be standalone.


Feb 3, 2020
Aight I finished cleaning the rough draft, but I wanted to get this done in a day and I rushed the last third or so because my eyes are glazing over. I'd appreciate it if anyone wants to double check it for me, I'm too lazy to go through it again at this point. Attachment is on the first post


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2020
Oh okay. I actually confused this with another game entirely (where the student was caught assaulting a teacher and was expelled from that school, transferred to another and started over again with the help of his cousin who he had mind breaked a while back but it doesn't show it).


Feb 3, 2020
Oh okay. I actually confused this with another game entirely (where the student was caught assaulting a teacher and was expelled from that school, transferred to another and started over again with the help of his cousin who he had mind breaked a while back but it doesn't show it).
Ayy that sounds like Sansha Mendan. I liked that one. It's his sister-in-law though I think


Feb 3, 2020
Took a week off or so to take care of some personal stuff like playing stardew and breath of the wild, because NEET
Hrmmm my big problem for now is finding a good route for translating because that's basically how I'm gonna have to do it.

^ This is a full walkthrough, but the first playthrough is long as fuck because it sets up for the harem end. My plan was to do each girl's route in separate text files for the sake of keeping things organized and making sure the individual text files aren't too long. I think I'll stick to that plan for now...


Feb 3, 2020

'身逃せない' ?

I can't find any references for this word. It looks like this character 身, referring to 'body,' is being used as a prefix for the verb 'to run away,' but there's no references to it being used as a general prefix for any word.
Alternatively the author skipped a particle and I'm running in circles. Oh, how I suffer for my faith.


Feb 3, 2020
[I get out of bed and open the curtains], [I see the brilliantly shining daylight, blowing my drowsiness away], [fully waking up my brain and body].

It's kind of stupid how much time I spent trying to phrase this in English >:/
Trying to find good ways of expressing that feeling of being sleepy and getting blasted awake without saying 'blasted awake' because it feels a little too dramatic. Bleh


Feb 3, 2020
芳乃「さて、こうしてベートーヴェンは 20代後半から難聴を患っていたんだけど……」
Yoshino: Okay, so [like this, Beethoven was][from 20代後半][suffered from hearing loss...]


20yo is normally pronounced as niju-sai and for some reason it's read as niju-dai, which threw me off a bit. Hmm. Anyways, it's not too hard to infer what's being said here.

芳乃「交響曲第五番ハ短調…… 『運命』って呼ばれてる曲もその一つ。 この曲はみんなも聞いたことあるんじゃないかな?」

Fuck me, I think that's "5th symphony in C minor" ?

Also, apparently contra-bassoon is called "contorafagotto" from the Italian fagotto. I had to stop and laugh at that one.

Fuck me, Beethoven's 5th is literally called "Fate" or "Symphony of Fate"
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Feb 3, 2020
Hmm. I'm having a sort of writer's block, I guess.
I had an ambition to try and do this as a literature project as well as a translation project, but I've been really struggling to get that literature through when the plain translation is already so difficult to work with. Normally I'd do a sort of minimal translation runthrough and then rephrase everything in a second draft, but that'd take forever with a game like this. Been trying to expose myself to some more English literature, expand my English repertoire, which is not something I thought I'd ever have to do. Interesting.

Anyways, I spent like 90 hours on stardew in the past 3 weeks, I'm halfway through spring year 3 and I'm basically only missing achievements from the update content from last year or so. Ima slow down on that, I better get back on the translation grind >.>


Feb 3, 2020
Hmm. I'm having a sort of writer's block, I guess.
I had an ambition to try and do this as a literature project as well as a translation project, but I've been really struggling to get that literature through when the plain translation is already so difficult to work with.
Although I gotta say, I read Eden's Ritter, and even though the language was really beautiful and elegant, it was super distracting while jerking off. I prefer the braindead monkey style sometimes. hmm.
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