Hey guys!
New spoilers are here already!
So... I keep working on Dr. Wood's scene which is the final scene of the main part of the upcoming update, and it's all going good so far! And since it has already become a little tradition for this update, I've prepared some extra pics with our Doc for you! Check out how she'll appear in front of you at the end of the new chapter and what she'll wear there (... or will stop wearing eventually)
My next steps are the following: I'm finishing this scene, it's not super big and it has about 6 animations in total, so I should deal with it relatively fast. Then I'm taking care of the special scene (it'll be with Sarah) and start coding everything! For those who has the game in the Steam library - the release there will be a couple days later than on other platforms due to some extra coding like achievements.
That's it for now, stay tuned guys, I'll talk to you soon!