LMAO - so they were supposed to have downsized and been hard up for money, yet they have a 3 bedroom apartment with a bath the size of an olympic swimming pool! Please tell me where they are living because I'd love to be so hard up I could only afford that.
To be fair, there are extremely expensive apartments (in Manhattan, New York, you can pay as much as $2700 / month) and incredibly cheap apartments (in McKeesport, Pennsylvania — so one state over — you can pay only $370 / month). Obviously a 3-bedroom is more expensive than a single-bedroom, but with prices varying so much it doesn't actually surprise me, even if the place looks as nice as it does.
Also keep in mind that the father was a scientist before, so he made a ton of money previously. Even getting to the point of financial struggle that the game says they did, if downsizing included selling the old place they probably could afford a decent replacement for awhile yet. And, their having clearly come from wealth would mean their perspective on "struggling" would be vastly different than for someone from Compton, Croydon, or Sonia Vihar. Their family clearly come from elite society.
And finally, ofc, this is just an AVN. Pornographic adult entertainment is incredibly well-known for its realism generally. I'm flabbergasted that things don't match reality...
flabbergasted, I tell you!