I understand all your points, but the game is still in development. For example, every time I introduce a new girl, she won't join at the end of all updates but from the beginning of Chapter 2. So, if you start a new game, there will be more events from the very start of Chapter 2.
Currently, I am implementing the airport manager, whom you'll be able to see at the beginning of Chapter 2. This means that if you only have 5 things to do now, in the future, there will be 20, and it won't feel like an empty grind.
I also understand that there is no perfect game... every player likes or dislikes different things. I can only add content and do my best to improve my skills. Re-doing a big chunk of the game is not productive, and I can't do that. Adding more meaningful content, however, is something I can do and am focused on.
So, asking a developer to re-do their game is not going to happen. Asking for new content and events is more efficient and can be done.
Sorry for writing so much, but I’m not here often, and I’d like to give you more information about the points you mentioned in your comments. I will keep working on and improving the game. I am open to any ideas and suggestions, and I will do my best to implement them.
Mega Lono