Btw question, do i miss/fail to get any girl from part 1
If i start game in part 2?
I know you start with Moko, and can Dora and Anna + rebeca from video calls.
And I know Ema can be yours fully in part 3 + the kid from part 1...
And i know Maria comes for the job as secretary.
But thats it to my knowledge, i have not played part 1 in forever and ever... So i can't remember
if that is all the girls from part 1 that mc can get togheter with and if i am missing one or two or anything..
I plan on playing later again in like 0.25 or so.
going to let a few updates run by for now is the plan
unless there's some girl/girls from part 1 i have been missing out from?.
Part 2 i am sure i've got all girls, but if there's anything missing from part 1 let me know?...