Welp I tried to like the game, but I can't. Too much bullshit in it currently. How do you deal with 3 spiked traps in row? You can't stealth certain tiles(the hallway with another hallway running right next to it with jail cell type walls separating them. There is always an enemy spawned at the front of it directly looking at the hallway you would be coming from). Time needs to pause when you fully defeat an enemy and not resume until you are spotted again. Sometimes when exiting to the next floor the timer doesn't stop counting down. For that matter why is there 2 timers(Boss and Sanity)? Parrying feels bad and unintuitive and current enemy attack animations makes reacting to them very hard. Hallways are to narrow which goes against what the games balance is currently telling you to do(speed run past everything and pray you don't get cornered/boxed in by enemy spawn positions). I don't like the death system instead just respawn us at the hub reset the dungeon(like a roguelite/like game) and lets us keep half of our gold and then just get rid of needing to retrieve our body. Cool general concept though would love to see a more slow paced dungeon crawler variation of a game like this.
Halls are your best friend, at least in the first two dungeons as no enemies spawn in them with the exception of the one you mention and that one can be easily avoided. Don't worry about stealth in the first dungeon, it's too cramped and you'd be better off just sprinting to the exit to pause the timer. The timer in this version keeps counting down if you're seen going to the next floor by an enemy, you can fix this by going back a floor and returning, probably a bug.
Parrying currently is pointless outside of the first boss fight, it punishes you because focusing on parrying takes more time, which on your first run you don't have. Some enemies you can stun lock with the katana but for others (or if you don't have a katana) you're better off baiting an attack and attacking them while they're recovering. Sanity I've never felt was much of an issue until the third dungeon as once you get a katana and learn not to parry you shouldn't be taking much damage if any.
The second dungeon is a different story, since you need keys on random floors now you can't use the same strategy as on some floors you'll find yourself surrounded at a locked door with no key. It also doesn't help that the timer is more strict, the traps do more damage and they can be much more difficult to see but usually only if they spawn at the entrance of a hallway. The second dungeon is much slower actually and it also rewards stealth kills and gives you a bit of a break by having the statue enemies not count down your timer once spotted.
The timer mechanic is the main gripe I have and unless you constantly "game" it you'll always be putting yourself at a disadvantage. You shouldn't have to constantly switch floors just to pause a timer, once all enemies that have spotted you are either dead or lost sight of you then the timer should go back to being paused. I had some tips
here as well but I don't know if the shotgun is the go to weapon anymore for the baglady.
Haven't gotten around to learning the third dungeon yet but I was really hoping that key mechanic wouldn't be present and the noclip ghost has way too much health.