So, just DLd the game, played it for a few hours, and god I think my brain melted. Not strictly for bad reasons, but there are a few.
- RNG needs some work, both on the loot end, the maps, and the enemy end in the first stage; walking in to getting ambushed by 3 leg ladies at once can be a bit unforgiving on your first go. Chest loot is somewhat constantly crap; once the first dungeon was cleared I found nothing but bullets. After an hour I had 1k of all. Savina's going broke I guess

and the spawn rate of the adrenaline injectors is a bit too common given how useless they can feel. First map feels a bit too overwhelming early on at times, 3rd feels like a mess. Feels unfair that I can get spotted immediately if my timer is only a minute or so. Also would feel like a somewhat smoother experience on the challenge front if enemies spawn in relation to the depth within the dungeon; Weaker ones 1-5, stronger 6-10, elevating chance of strongest dangers per floor etc.
- Enemy collision could use just a little tweak here and there, especially in the first stage. Far too many times when a Witness would seem to have collision of this [---] but when I try to push past it's this
- Not sure there really needs to be a jump in this game. Yes it helps in the 3rd stage, but until then it is utterly useless. If it weren't for pitfalls I'd prefer a shove action that drained stamina to put enemies off balance so I can fight or flee better with my limited resources.
- Some enemies are a bit too tanky; not overly, but if my STR is 20+ and I cant headshot one shot any enemy from behind with a lead pipe, it starts to feel like the stat is useless or needs to be 1,000 for me to make headway.
- The guns can feel a bit like pea shooters. Understandable with say, the tommy gun, as its an SMG, or the Mauser pistol, but the marksman rifle wasnt worth the time finding if only because it follows some odd rule of doing more damage at greater range. Shotgun is good, but it chunks durability. Fair enough if all of this is to increase challenge, but perhaps a way to enhance the guns would be something to add later (god that rifle needs a scope or something. I'd take a laser.).
- Will say its a shame the common enemies have no H-attacks, but maybe down the road/mods?
As for the good points for me;
- The vibe with the stalkers did something that few games manage; send tingles up and down my spine. Not strictly out of fear, but it makes me feel great and makes me lock in and focus (even one-handed :3)
- The writing and VA is great, Savina feels engaged with your character but sassy enough to be a legit friend (fuck buddy later?). The Raven feels ominous and intriguing enough to compel me to waste half an hour searching for clues to him (might be something added? get the impression from the game that Ophelia is gonna be the real villain despite her description of him, so it's likely he'll stay shrouded in mystery for a while, but something about him screams "Steal the Styx ferrymans money for a boss battle" from Hades, so learning a little more about him prior couldnt hurt if that happens). As for the villains, they feel more than appropriately attached to their characters' emotions, save for the witch. Feels like she could be angrier, like maybe adding a second phase to her boss fight where she crashes out would paint this better.
- Never thought I'd be jacking it to creatures like these, but here we are <3 the ebony butcher and the giggling girl in stage 3 are my favourites
Some things that I'd like to see;
- Slightly less grindy price taggings on Savina's shop. 20k for a gun deosnt feel worth it given that they get you more into a jam than out, even if they are intended for boss fights.
- Mild reworking of map structure; some mild breathing room in stage 1, less hallways in stage 3.
- (EDIT) Weirdly I'd like to have the option to buy the dagger back off Savina if it breaks and I'm not broke. Weird how useful I found it.
- Why do I want to see even more twisted creatures? by "see", I also mean "fuck"
- Perhaps a small rework of the stealth mechanics. Not sure how I feel about being "spotted" by a woman with none of her five senses intact
- H-attacks from common enemies (I'm a sub :3). Feels a bit maddening that leg lady doesnt kick me to the ground for a footjob. You could have each one do certain things as well. Just on a premise;
Witness (eye mouth lady) and Lost Soul (floating head) could do titfucks and kissing, and drain sanity (hypnotism?)
Butcher and leg ladies go for footjobs and more punishing sexual attacks, and drain stamina
Bosses sort of have a H attack, when they capture you in the dungeon, but a fun thing outside of them just outright killing you in their boss fight, that there would be some game over scenario to at least make losing not feel as frustrating as it can be to some players, and add a scene where they would "claim" you per se. Keeping you for themselves or hell, maybe adding you to their batch of minions.
Just ideas and HOLY FUCK I HAVE TO LEARN TO STOP RAMBLING XD but so far I really enjoy the game. solid 8/10 for me. Cant wait to see what comes, if I get any more money coming in it's going to these devs.