Oh man, sorry to hear that but maybe this story isn't for you then. Lyna is basically the protagonist at this point and mom-son is only happening because she's basically pushing for it
I mean, yeah, I guess so, but I thought that was pretty obvious when I said I generally cruise-CTRL past any scenes with her. She's borderline tolerable at times, and it's fine that she got the ball rolling with everything, but I just find her to be a character who's far more annoying than likeable. Generally, I do like the "sister" characters in these kinds of stories, but just not in this case. She's probably one of the most unlikeable "sister" characters for me, if I'm being honest.
That doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game at all though. I've said before in this thread that I really only read this because of the M/S content, so I'm nothing if not consistent on that. You even "loved" the post where I said that. I enjoy the build up with the M/S and the scenes with those two, but that is really it. I've read enough of the story that I can just fill in what I want with my own head-canon while reading the M/S content only, while ignoring any and everything with that other character.
Like I said, I'm sure this is a good update for people who like the sister and or homosexual content. I dislike both of those things though, so that's why I said this was a big skip for me. I said before in this thread that I'd consider buying updates that were very heavy on M/S content only (which is why I appreciate the changelogs) and that I would buy the game in full when it finished, and I still feel that way at least for now.