Seriously, all of you complaining about Abby clearly aren't paying too much attention to the actual story being told.
NO-ONE actually following the story should be expecting anything with Abby at this point. Maybe in the first 10-12 chapters, but not anymore.
So you keep coming back and keep complaining. Why? I can only think of two reasons:
- You're stupid
- You're a Troll™
That's it. It's annoying, but I had to get that off my chest.
The Frank stuff, while almost as annoying, at least has some merit. It's understandable that some might see his continued reluctance and reticence as unbearable, although I think he's actually progressing quite well, if ever-so-slowly.
If the game makes it to the point that Abby finally becomes one of the chosen, that will hopefully be a wonderful moment. But to come in every update and complain that it hasn't happened yet when it clearly is something still over the horizon?
Yea, it's annoying on GH, it's even more annoying here.
Oh, and the constant Meiko-bashing? You're all sick in the head. Girl is adorable. Only non-white main character, but to each their own I suppose. At least that's about preference ... maybe.