Well, Lilly doesn't have a reputation for having a nasty right hook for nothing.
1. she broke the nose of a classmate who was bullying Abby and was suspended for it because Frank stood up for her, otherwise she would probably have been expelled from school.
2. she punched Abby's cousin for grabbing her (my sympathy for Abby's cousin is limited and I don't think even his mother, Crystal, has much sympathy for her son on that one)
3. she gave Frank a nasty black eye. Without knowing the context of what happened to Lilly in that case, I think it's understandable that she reacted that way.
But yes, I think a character grown Lilly doesn't need to pull out a hook for her father. Unless he grabs her by the shoulder and tries to talk her down, then go ahead girl.
At this point I'll throw in the sports and fitness offers in the apartment building they all live in. Frank could definitely take Lilly there so that she can burn off some energy and perhaps learn a thing or two about self-control, discipline and patience.