No. The very first hentai featuring futa had no balls.
Are you fucked in the head? "the very first hentai"? So the second may or may not have had balls but in your head simply because the first one had none it the best? LMAO. Apply that logic to literally anything else and you will see how stupid that is.
The first paint color was ochre. I guess that makes it the best color. Cars? It had 3 bicycle wheels and topped out at 16 km/hr. BeSt CaRrrr.
Now that I have destroyed your logic...lets me use it against you. The earliest Japanese futanari manga was actually influenced by western shemale porn.
from Nagayama, Kaoru (2020).EroticComics in Japan: An introduction to Eromanga.
Obviously I know the difference between "shemale" and futanari but at the time anything with a penis and tits was referred to as such. Futanari only became linked to hentai after this period as it was a medical term for intersex people before futa hentai became the 1990's
Want to take a guess as to what you will find if you look up Kitamimaki Kei's work? Futanari with balls.
I guess Futanari with balls is the original and true futa and is the best.
Regardless, google futanari or go to any hentai site and look for it and the page will be populated with futa balls+vagina.
All throughout the 1990's you will find them drawn like that along with other variations of androgynous characters. Crossdressers, traps etc.
"Hot Tails" being one of the more popular publications that featured...futa with cock balls and pussy,
I'm not saying this depiction is the best. I'm saying you're full of shit.