Unity - Completed - SiNiSistar [v3.0.0] [Uu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very Good Pixel and Animation Work.

    too Short and very easy at the beggining, but the difficult spikes tremendously in the last chapter. It also has no story whatsoever.

    The game has the tag Ryona/Guro, but compared to other projects, it's pretty tame on this regard. It can easily be finished in 1-2 hours.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A simple game with a vibe.

    + unusual, dark climate;
    + there is no revolution graphically, but at least it is a breath of freshness;
    + a well-chosen level of difficulty, sometimes you have to play a little but it is not very heavy, the more that all our achievements are automatically saved, so we can continue the game without any problems.

    - simple game mechanics that could be a little more elaborate;
    - lack of development opportunities for our character;
    - It is good that the maps are specific but still a bit too short.

    It's hard to write more about the game. Simple, bloody, easily absorbed. Rather, it is not "fap material" so if someone is looking for something like that, it may be a little disappointing because the erotic scenes are not so much at all, they are not too extensive and there is not too much time during the game itself. That's why it's hard to tune in to these scenes.

    Rating: 4/5
    I think that the game deserves a strong 3/5 but I overestimate because it is different from most games of this type, that's an advantage because maybe someone is looking for something that looks and works quite unusual. It's nice that games are created that follow a slightly different path and try to find a slightly different style.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome game for its sex/gore horror genre.
    Everything is rather simple for a platformer: you don't jump like an Olympic champion, you don't need extreme micromanagement to dodge bullets, you don't follow crazy tactics. If you are killed, you start in the same level (with some exceptions).
    There is also a mini-simulator of slavery.
    Pixelart is fine.
    Little to no replayability.
    Quite short (~1-2 hours).
    Several GORY deaths.
    No lesbian content so far.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    a nice lovecraftrain side scroller with fair decent levels. it's a short and sweet game with the total of 6-7 levels. the game is very basic in combat with only two types of attacking being available. that being arrows and your blade. each level are all uniquely themed and do well teach you what play style the game wants you to adapted. the game feels fair for the most part. with the only issues being the game expecting you to use context clues at a few points in the game. only than the one or two unclear objectives the game feel great in it's difficultly progression. with the only peeve being a certain enemy type that is just a sponge, tanking a lot of damage making the game slow and sluggish. luckily these enemies appear rarely and the game has overall a great feel through the whole play-through. I rate this game 85 out of 100. sadly there's no gallery unlocked when you complete the game but that's not a big deal when you can choose any level segment on the replay with the addition of unlimited ammo(optional of course) SiNiSistar is just a great game
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good, I typically don't like games where you have to die to see sex but this game handled it well. The enemies were just as likely to murder you horribly than to fuck you. Really well-made art, sound, combat sometimes was a bit annoying but overall good.