How many more cock-teasing episodes must we endure, before the MC fucks his mother?
iAVNs have 2 paths: (a) isex right out of the gate, or (b) the entire game is the buildup to the consummation.
With (a) the isex is just bait to lure people into the game, which rapidly starts adding other LIs because...what else are they going to do after MC already scored the hottest taboo sex? With (b) it's a slow buildup, after which the game is pretty much over.
Clearly this is not game type (a), so what makes you want to rush a game type (b) and just have it end when it is still telling its story? There are plenty of empty isex games out there of type (a) because those are so much easier to make. Why not go play one of those instead of complaining that
this game is not one of them??