VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This was the first adult visual novel I've opened. This brought me to the genre... found it on a game site, tried it on a whim... and it was pretty good.

    The individual stories have conclusion, albiet an unrealistic conclusion... and the overall story was simple but complete. They didn't try to do too much with this, and it works because of it. Some titles in this genre have a problem of too many arcs and inability to tie them all together. This doesn't really suffer from that.

    I liked the characters for the most part... they all seemed to have their own voice and style.

    The visuals provoked some arousal and some of the situations did as well. I very much liked the corruption of the mean girl. That arc was paced well and was hot.

    I liked the backstory flashbacks and I thought that part of the narrative was one of the more female friendly on this site in the way it respected women and their sexual satisfaction... although the ending was a pure fantasy and kinda broke from any real feminism, the story at least acknowledged female pleasure. Some characters I could see going for that ending... some it felt like a stretch... and choices matter toward the ending. You can flat out blow an ending with a particular girl very early on... you might get close to her but she won't be there at the end. I liked the choices in this, compared to most I've played since.

    It has something to say politically, too. I could have done without this... but I tended to agree with the politics, so it didn't bother me much.

    (By politics I mean it picks one issue -- personal freedom and censorship -- and builds a storyline around this, and draws conclusions.)

    Since first opening this, I've found much better games and much worse in the genre... but it was good enough to make me search out more like it and introduce me to the f95zone site.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my Top 10. Great game, multiple endings. Not too long, not too short.
    Personal ranking :
    Graphics:4/5, Story: 5/5, Interactivity:4/5.

    Bella is my favorite one. Give me her phone number please ! ;/)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The art was for the most part really good, but the MC was often a grayish tint very much like a corpse or a Spielberg Alien. The story was way over the top. Two of my favorite parts were the novel scenes and the flashbacks.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    There was way too much in-yo-face sex, which the main character did not have to earn in any way. This is a big turn off, makes the women seem one dimensional and stupid, breaking immersion because you painfully realize you're just in some other dude's stupid 3D fantasy which is feeding you with pre-planned (by him) empty sugar-highs.

    The renders in the game are cool though, I played a fair amount of it before simply getting too bored to even load up my own save, because when you look at the save/load screen all I see is all the pointless fucks that have happened to our main character so far, and none of them mean anything to me because it was all "on rails" and required no participation from me.

    Typical of this game are empty choices like: "Fuck your sister's girlfriend? Yes/No"

    But no matter which you chose, there's no point to it. In a better designed game, this same choice would have been a branch in a bigger tree where you try to find how exactly to fuck your sister's girlfriend, and possibly how to not fuck up your chances with the sister while doing so.... But nah, in "Sisterly Lust" it's always just a simple and pointless "Yes/No".

    The renders are good though and maybe you can look beyond the shortcomings of the story and gameplay, just treat it as a series of porn pics. It's not bad if you consider it as a set of porn pics, so I rated it average.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of the 100+ games I've played here so far, this is my favorite. Great renders , storytelling/writing and variety. Bella or Rachel!? How can anyone chose? Plus it's complete! Doesn't get any better. Following unending void as well.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I played the completed version of this game, and throughout my playthrough I experience no bugs or issues.

    Story-wise, the premise was enticing to me (personal interest being the incest and pregnancy tags more specifically) so I was very interested to see how that went, and it absolutely delivered for those. The main story is a little thin, but the focus is mostly on the characters. There is also a little bit of social commentary sprinkled in that was actually welcome, in my opinion. There are flashbacks to MC's previous years accessed through (at least in my playthrough) a relationship with the youngest sister (Rachel) which told the story of MC and how he arrived at his outlook on life and love which was interesting. The story is mostly linear with a few branching paths regarding each character - though it is mostly limited to binary "yes/no to relationship" options.

    Each sister and the MC's mother has a unique personality, and as such there can be consequences to your actions of loving them all if you're not smooth enough to manage it. You can choose to go for all of them or even none of them if you want (though I think the latter might be more of a challenge) and there are different routes you can take with a couple of them too in regards to how you treat them (eg: Bella has a "love" route and a submissive route). As well, there are many side-options you can elect to take with other characters that can provide a range of other fetishes, if you are interested. I always admire an adult game that has "a little something for everyone" without also ramming it down your throat (no pun intended) or otherwise forcing you to participate.

    There are no animations in this game, only rendered images - but the images are of IMO very good quality and there are quite a few with all of the available characters and in a lot of cases they're supplemented by decent writing. I played through the game once, taking the "love" paths where applicable, and overall I'd say my favourite character was Bella (or the middle sister if you renamed them).

    This game is obviously largely involving incest though which should be clear even from the game's title, so if that's not your thing then this game probably isn't for you. I definitely recommend this one if you are keen on that though. 5*
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Defnitely a must play for those who enjoy VN
    Good CGs nice dialouge and branching paths make this game one of the best i've played. Good work on the devs.

    Shame we can't get sub Bella pregnant, but other that that a 5/5 game for sure.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is good but some characteristics of the girls drove me off (like the damn watermelons boobs). The one that I truly loved was the brunette and I like the evolution of her character (both submissive and love).

    The flashback to the first love was something good to which I was looking forward too. Even so I found the game a bit short and linear.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow! This is the best VN game I've played (and I played quite a few of them). There are games with more realistic looking graphics out there but these are of very high quality nontheless. The girls are really varied, there are petite, curvy, younger girls, MILFs, in the middle, a whole bunch of different ethnicities. Something for everybody. The story is very detailed, the game is kind of huge, and it feels like your choices really matter. I have played this once to the end and am currently on my second playthrough, and I started the second playthrough the second I was done with the first. Full score from me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Marvelous Chris

    I was skeptical at first but the tags combined with the premise made me interested and boy am i glad i tried it.
    At first i was merely curious where the story would take me and what options presented themselves.
    The more i played however the more i realised i was hooked. I found the renders of the different women to be good enough and appreciated the variety.
    But the big thing for me however was the writing. The choices presented allowed me to tailor it so i got exactly how i wanted it.

    To give you and idea of which tags that interested me was, harem, pregnancy and incest which this one definitely delivered on.
    While the sex scenes weren't great they did their job and i suppose the biggest part for me was that it pushed my digital kink buttons which was enough to get me hot and bothered.

    While the characters could get a little one sided i didn't mind.
    I was to busy enjoying getting what i wished but there were some moments i got a bit nervous at times where the story went i always sighed a relief when it didn't go further and saw it as the writers way of keeping me on my toes.
    I don't wanna drone on too long so i will simply say i am very satisfied with my playthrough and the ending i got.

    if you have a passing interest as i did at first, give it a go.
    It may pleseantly suprise you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game I've ever played. No stupid minigames, and there's plenty of choices for what girl you want to be with (including ALL of them).

    Plot was a little funny but it came back at the end and wrapped up in a way that made good sense. Lots of different choices in the game that can influence your relationship with others.

    There was a bit of content shoe-horned in like the backstory of your first girlfriend but hey if you play the cards right, it might come back to you after everything in a big way ;)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Tomás Turbando

    Possibly one of the best, if not the best VN ever made, Sisterly Lust is complete, totally consistent, from start to finish, interesting characters in the plot, what I can say is: Thank you Perverteer for creating this game.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Not the most amazing game out there but, it was fun to play. The renders aren't the greatest or most unique but there's diversity in their looks and there's a lot of naughty stuff to enjoy. The storyline won't make you cringe. Let's all take a moment as well to enjoy that IT WAS COMPLETED. This developer didn't just string people along. Hell I'll toss a few bucks on Patreon for that alone. Plus some of the mods for it make it even more enjoyable to play.
    4 stars, maybe 5 with the mods (it's nice but,I wouldn't want to have to replay it just to see everything I missed)
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Brother Lui

    Amazing game not complicated and it gives you a freedom what path to choose. The renders are very good and the characters. The story it's self is very nice a bit in fantasy situation or world but it is everything to get excited :D one of the 10 best sexy games which I followed almost from the start. :-b

    I wish to Perverteer always to make amazing games like this one !!!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game! Nice to see finished western games.
    The renders are average-good at best and the story is kinda shallow, but all is balanced with the amount of content it has.
    The ending seems a little rushed in my opinion but whathever, still good nonetheless.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    ONE of the BEST game.
    Such a good story on top of that you get a good character build up, very rare to see such games.
    best of luck to Developer and please continue the game and bring part 2 in the Islands.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the first adult game I have ever played. I absolutely loved this game and the story. As I got further into the game I gained an undying love for bella. I know you can end up with all of the girls but, I played this game multiple times and my first play through just to be with bella alone will always be my favorite play through.

    The art style is great even though I didn't have a personal like for the way rachel looked but I felt like it gave her a lot of character. I think that all the characters are really unique.

    Will definitely likely play this again in the future.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Over all good story but totally focus on sex
    The choices not that deep for examble i need to take some decisions i don't like to continue the story

    The animations doesn't exist
    But the render is wonderful amazing and great chra
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Models = 7 / 10 : There're almost no hot nice rendered girls here, also many of them (e.g. Ana, Alina) are ugly.
    Story = 5 / 10 : Story line is really bad and mostly retarded. No hard choices with siblings, and any other girl is happy to fuck or bj you on the first date. I could say just skip everything to see sex scenes but...
    Scenes = 5 / 10 : They are mediocre and boring as well. Pretty standard pics accompanied by text from cheap porn novels.

    Keep your time, play something else.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 1.0 ES

    This is a painfully average sisterfucker style game. Everything about it is middle of the road. The one dimensional (if you are lucky) personalities, the serviceable but utterly forgettable story, the adequate but generic renders, everything. If you put every single sisterfucker game on this site in a giant mixing bowl beat it on high for 15 minutes, this is what would come out.

    A few things of note:
    1. Some of the side characters are thirsty AF. They'll jump your bones pretty much as soon as they learn your name. This is nice because it provides some much needed content during the early part of the game where most of these "corruption" based games are stuck with just the MC's imagination scenes and some lite creeping while you go through the required boring stat grinds.
    2. This is closer to a VN than an open world game. At least early on. There aren't any moon logic puzzles to solve.
    3. The guy friend character is probably the best in the game. He's almost memorable enough that I could remember his name, almost.

    I can't rate this game higher than average because there is absolutely nothing in it that is better than average. Nothing really worse either though. I had to write this review before I finished the entire game (which is very unusual for me) because I am sure I won't remember a thing about it after I'm done with it. If there is porn game junk food this is it.