VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sisterly Lust [v1.1.11] [Perverteer]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Lovely story, many romancable characters, nice renders and overall good feeling when you get at the end.
    Some meaningfull choices that lead to different kinds of relationships too, so at least 2 playthroughs garanteed! (y)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic! Let's start with the sex: you can fuck pretty much every girl in this game. There are sooooo many sex scenes and various kinks too, like male domination, BDSM, and pissing. You can also reject every girl too if you want so you're not forced to see anything you don't want to, which is always a good design choice. There is also a little gallery for some sex scenes, which is always a plus. One problem, however, is that none of the sex scenes are animated. I personally prefer animated sex scenes, but given the sheer amount of scenes in this game, I can't be too hard on the devs for not animating them.

    There is an overarching plot here, which is actually pretty interesting, and each of the girls have their own stories as well, where shit happens and you get to help them out. You choose different dialogue options when you interact with them and their stats, trust and corruption, change based on what you pick. Choices matter because if you choose too many bad answers, the girls won't trust you and you'll be locked out of content. The girls are all gorgeous too, but more importantly, are lovable and I wanted to help them out and romance them. I think there were only two characters I didn't really care about, Rachel's friends, but I still fucked em anyways *shrug.* It's tough picking a favorite girl since they're all so great, but damn man, I fuckin loved Iris, and she's a side girl! You can romance all of them or one of them and the plot changes accordingly too. And best of all, most of the choices are self explanatory too, so you don't need a walkthrough at all. Well fucking done!

    Overall, I had a blast playing through Sistery Lust! My only gripes about this game were the lack of animations, which is understandable, Rachel's friends being lame, and the epilogue wrapping up parts of the overarching story that went unresolved. It would've been perfect to expand on what was happening in a sequel or something like that, but they kinda just summarized things and ended it. If the devs do end up making a sequel to this, they should just nix the summary part and continue where they left off. Everything else, though, was top class and I highly recommend this game!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Barack Osama99

    Play the game, read the dialogues and you'll be a part of the plot. This is not just a game, it's an emotion and a feeling of complete ecstasy for the incest lovers. Just want to thank the developer for such a quality game. Can't wait for the next project.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Visual Novel, with several possible endings. Sexy girls, hot scenes, high incest potential and a potential uchronia scenario pretty interesting. I think this part of the best in this game, as the more you go into incestual harem, the more the surrounding society (off camera) seem to shatter into zealous morals
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is all you could ask for in an adult dating sim. I love the fact that you can control each and every variation in sex scenes, relationships with girls and fetishes. It's also a guide to female pleasure at the same time. Rough sex, vanilla sex, defloration - you name it, it's there in the game.

    In the early days/stages of the game, the renders weren't that appealing. Had I not read the reviews and the rating, I would have considered ditching the game midway, because of the lack of lighting in the renders in the initial stages was a major concern for me. But oh boy am I glad to stick to it till the end. The story is so wholesome.

    This is officially my favorite incest harem game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    First off, this was one of my favourite games on here for a long time....And still is one of the top games for me on here.
    So To Perveteer: Good game I really enjoyed it.

    So my General review will all be good.
    Graphics: 9/10 (Getting really good on the last half of the game)
    Sex Scenes: 9/10 (Very, very erotic)
    Characters: 10/10...Loved all the characters with their different character traits.
    Story: 7/10 Still good, buy this is my one critique of the game...more about that later
    Pubic Hair: 11/10...Just wow, the variety of bushes were awesome. Second only to Tora games in beautiful pubic hair.

    So I'm hovering between 4/5 or 5/5...(4.5 would be my correct rating for this )

    OK So now my nit picks
    First off, I always play as a horndog, trying to get all the pussy I can get. I realise that it most cases It's not going to work out with some consequences later down the line. But in this game, I got the harem end (Woohoo).
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    I realise, that there are other endings that does not include the Harem endings. That is actually one of the strength of the game that allows multiple playthroughs, that I also fully intend to do.

    In Any case:
    TLDR:- Good game, enjoyed it a lot. The ending of the harem ending was a bit underwhelming for me. Solid 4/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Sisterly Lust [v0.23 ES]

    Short = Great game, lot of fetishes and nice history.

    Long = The game have a good history, maybe was better if was a sandbox instead a Vn, but is not bad. The choses are somentimes limited, like "go see two to scenes, and lost the others" unless you save and load to see all.
    The game lack any music or sound.
    The models are great, some good variety, to slim to chubby.
    You can have multiple routes, and some characters have different ones, like romance or submissive.
    The game have a good content, you can play (or fap) for hours.
    But like a said, best of the game itself is the history, as you play, sometimes you say "what will happen now".
    Great game, lot of fetishes, maybe misses some, but great history.
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1417021

    In-depth review of the completed version! (v.23 ES)
    This is my personal view. You might not like it.

    Spoilers ahead!

    1. Story
    2. Art
    3. Main characters
    4. Side characters
    5. General

    6. TL DR

    1. STORY

    It starts as the typical incest story we all know.
    We have the bitchy sister. The cute "innocent" girl, the "Shy, prude, slightly chubby girl" & of course the mother who never dates because she just exists for the M- a because of her job.

    You can't really say that there is a main story except for the people who want to ban porn. In the end, you start pursuing certain character-specific routes while dangling down a linear background storyline.

    Nothing exceptional and even kinda boring sometimes. But I certainly did like the writing during the sex scenes. It was better than in most games.

    And we, of course, have our cliche corruption beginnings.
    "Oh my god, he/she is my brother/sister/mother/son! Why would I think about him/her like that!?" "But he/she is soo hot." "Oh my god it's so wrong but it feels so good."
    Yup, never heard before and it will occur through the entire game.

    In my first playthrough, I somehow managed to drop out of every route except for the mom routes.
    I dropped out of Liza's route, just because I told her after Brody cheated on her, to dump him.
    As it seems you have to be the "Nice guy who would get friend-zoned a lot in RL" type of guy to stay on their routes.
    One slightly harsh/honest answer and you're done.

    I did like the flashbacks with Sasha. It explained why the MC knows something about sex and isn't a natural-born satisfier.

    More to the character-specific routes in the actual character tab.

    A huge positive and this earned the third star was the ending. It was a very nice sweet harem-pregnancy ending with all relevant girls together. (Except Liza! I'm glad she's gone.)

    2. Art

    This is the by far weakest part of the game. When I started playing the game I was like "Mh, these are pretty grainy but it was his first version", so I just overlooked it.. but it never got better. Even at the end of the game the renders only improved by 15-35%. For a dev with almost 1000 patreons at the time of this review and 2 years of development, this is just ridiculous.

    There were a lot of reused renders which is okay if they were good. But this isn't the case here. The art is below the average of a 2019 adult game.
    He certainly did have the financial resources to upgrade to a better system but I guess he was just too lazy.

    Speaking about laziness, the characters almost never change their outfits. Always the same fucking thing except for certain occasions (Movie nights, dates, beach, shopping trips.)

    The posing is really sloppy in the first 65% of the game. Just pay attention to their hands (especially Rachels). It's like they forgot what they normally do with their hands.
    To make matters worse, he often uses one render for several lines of text with all kinds of emotions. This is supposed to be a visual novel. At least make it somewhat interactive and appealing to the eye.

    There were no animations and I actually didn't mind. I don't need them and it's probably for the better unless we want to see grains of sand dancing.

    Some scenes feature very artificial blurred renders. The dev must've seen how grainy they were and used a blur-denoiser. All details were gone and they did look like a Genesis 2 character crossed with a doll.

    The expressions are mediocre to below average. Sometimes they look like someone who just spent a day with Snoop Dog. (Looking at you Hazel & Riley.)
    It's supposed to be a POV game but many times the characters don't look into (your eyes) the camera or at the actual object and stair holes in the air. Totally sloppy and the definition of "good enough".

    On the bright side, all the characters had a natural-looking body. Nothing oversized or weird. I especially liked Rachel's & Miley's.

    3. Main characters

    Liza, also known as the shy chubby girl who likes to be emotionally abused by her ugly balding boyfriend.
    It's started very interestingly with her abusive boyfriend. (So much wasted potential.)
    I just can't get myself to like her. She's so weak and it's like she is mentally handicapped. Brody did treat her like shit and she still acts like a love drunken moron. "He can be such a sweet guy!" and in order to get into her pants you need to act like a Nice Guy
    "No Liza! You're so beautiful!" - "You look really beautiful in that dress" - "You think so?" Ugh. I guess she's just not my type. I did actually like her body but her face reminds me of a monkey-pelican mix.

    Then, 20 minutes into the game she dumps the idiot who likes to fuck trannys in his office for everyone to show. (I would actually prefer the tranny over Liza). And well.. congratz, you finished her background story and you can now corrupt her like every other girl in the game. Always the same just with another hull.

    She had some weird behavior and she would change her mind in 5 seconds. If you go shopping with her and Rachel, she will be all insecure and be like "Isn't it weird then?" 3 seconds later... "I must say I'm starting to like it as well".
    Well, that was fast.

    Bella, also known as the bitchy girl who hates you for some reason.
    And it's the same thing as with Liza. It starts interestingly.. why doesn't she like you? You'll find out about someone blackmailing her. Great, there is potential here.. annnnd it's gone.
    You got the drive and she's free to corrupt.

    The climax was that she had her revenge on Dwayne which wasn't anything too dramatic. It was fun but you will forget it very soon.

    She's kinda attractive compared to her siblings. But still not hot. Over the course of the game, she has become more and more uninteresting.

    The last hope I had was when Rachel caught you with Bella. I hoped for a bit of drama and something bittersweet.. but no.. 1-2 days later you were in a Harem with both. I have nothing against a harem.. but it all happened too fast.

    aka. the mother created for her son. It starts as the typical "I work so much and I have no time for something else." thing. But I was surprised. Susan and the Discreet story was actually interesting. I really liked her dom setup and she "saved" the game for me. In the Discreet story, we also meet my favorite side character, Adriana.

    The mom is by far my favorite character in the game but still, she lacks something that would make her special.

    , the cute innocent girl who has a slutty best friend.. How surprising.
    Rachel wasn't bad.. but she wasn't good either. She is just nothing special. She acts kinda cute but it's a story we all know too well. She gets slowly gets corrupted and she sometimes acts like a male MC in an incest game.

    What I really hate about her story is the fact that you can drop out of her route in the first 2 minutes. She will get into the bathroom and will see your magnificent schlong. You then have to choose to pursue her half-naked through the house.. or leave her be. I did choose to leave her be and bam I lost the corruption point. What the fuck?
    Isn't it more logical to leave her be? Let her cool down?
    If you pursue her and knock on her door.. She will just scream that you should go away and then masturbates.. but if you leave her be she won't masturbate. Why? Did she need to scream at you first? Wouldn't it be more logical the other way around? That you would actually give her space? So she can fap in peace?

    Well, it's just my POV and I think she's totally uninteresting. The typical cute innocent but-I-want-to-get-fucked-hard-incest-adult-game-girl.

    But I had a good laugh at her Golum pose right after Mrs Steel and Mr Woodman left.

    4. Side characters
    , also known as the slave of Mistress Susan. She's that weird looking receptionist at Discreet and my favorite side character of the game.

    I don't find her attractive, she sometimes even looks kinda weird but she still somehow pulls it off. She has some very nice sex scenes, especially the more extreme "enema insertion belly bulge" was good. The threesome scenes with Susan & the MC were the best sex scenes in the entire game.
    Sadly, there was a lot of potential wasted. But she did actually get more attractive in the late phase of the game.

    Alina & Ana:
    I told both to fuck off right at the beginning. There is no story attached at all. Ana just wants to see you naked and then keeps groping you until you fuck that blank worthless skank.

    Alina actually was kinda cute and hat potential but it was all ruined by her first try to do you. Out of nowhere, Alina appears in the bathroom and says "I want to taste you. I want to make you feel good."
    Uhh.. how about no? Who would want to fuck such a blank character? No story, no reason, just for the sake of sex. No thanks.

    was nothing special, too. She had huge potential in the Brody-Liza storyline but it ended way too fast and with that, she had served her purpose. The expression and posing used on her were the worst in the entire game. (At least in the supermarket) And in all this time she never changed her outfit once. Damn, she must've smelled. But on the bright side, she was one of the more attractive characters.

    is a bimbo mom. That's all you gotta know.

    Miley & Sabine:
    was by far the most attractive teen character in this game. Sabine & Megan would be right behind her.

    Megan, the first I saw her I was excited to find another hot character.. and 10 seconds into the conversation, she already spreads her legs.. But I somehow didn't get to fuck her. She gave me her number and that was it. I guess I must've missed something.

    As for most side characters in this game, it didn't take much to fuck them. Pretty boring if you ask me. I like a challenge. Where is the fun if you just can fuck everyone.

    5. General:
    So many unnecessary one choice clicks... I don't want to recall how many times I have clicked on "Wait till the evening", "Sleep" etc.

    6. TL DR:
    The story is decent for an adult game (This is an adult game, not a story focused game with adult elements.) The art isn't good at all. The posing & expressions were sloppy. Laziness is all over the game.. It starts with the posing, the reused renders, one render for several lines of conversation with different moods, never changing outfits (except for events), sex was too easy to get and the characters weren't depth. Especially most of the side characters just existed for the purpose of sex.

    But on the other side, there is a nice variety of fetishes, from enema insertions, golden shower, bdsm to pregnancy. The harem pregnancy ending was also very sweet. (Without Liza of course.) The writing through the sex scenes was pretty good.

    Is it worth to play? If you want to fap, yes.
    If you want an intriguing story, no.

    But if you like a harem, you'll like this game.

    But that doesn't change the fact, that I still view this game as overrated.
    The only explanation I can give myself for why it is rated so high is the harem fetish.

    I'm curious to see his next game, hopefully with better art & more in-depth characters.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome story and characters. Great visuals. was really fun playing through the story and choosing which girls to romance, and how to get the best ending for them along with a good amount of replayability
  10. T
    5.00 star(s)


    Review v.023 ES

    Heh, I think this is the first time I review a completed game! :cool:

    This is a great porn game.
    The story itself is not fantastic but it does the job, namely creating hot scenes.
    Hot scenes, this game has plenty!

    Gameplay is fairly straightforward.
    No sandbox, no grinding and no NTR.
    Just go through the story and the scenes.
    There are some choices, but (as far as I know) no wildly diverent paths.

    Did I mention it was completed?
    So if you feel horny, don't wait, just go for it! (y)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Sisterly Lust is a masterpiece that not only delivers on every expectation you had but exceeds ones you didn't even think about. This isn't just a game, it's an experience.

    Damn! It's nice to know the part of the journey that this character had.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Mikhail Blk

    Brilliant game. Tons of content and an engaging storyline.
    The models are varied and pretty hot. Has plenty of choices to skip content not to your liking. The ending gives you decent closure. Though I wish it'd gone on forever, I'm glad to see it completed. Can not wait for more games from Perverteer.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site !!

    Story 5/5 - The story is charming, humorous and despite its content a more realistic approach to how a incest story would unfold (at least at the start and mid stages), the addition of the side characters just adds extra spice to an already delicious dish. The ending/s... especially the "perfect" ending is amazing ! Other devs take note... this is how you make an ending, you give closure, you give epilogues to most if not all characters !

    Characters 5/5 - All the characters are incredibly likable (minus the obvious villains of course, and the MC on the Bella Sub/Dom path), The family dynamic between them is charming and cute... the passion they feel towards each other as it develops is palpable. The personalities are sufficiently different, that you wont be bored thinking they are all the same girl with a different model.

    Graphics 4/5 - perhaps the "weakest" point of the game... as the models dont look as new or vibrant as some newer games with Genesis 8 models... that said it makes them more unique looking, and by no means ugly... Bella and Rachel are incredibly attractive models that can hang with the best of them. Character models aside, the locations and backgrounds are bright and colorful, and quite an assortment.

    Honestly this game is a must play for any fan of the incest or harem genre... also for those few that enjoy "pregnancy"... as this is one of the few games where there is sex (and lots of it) even after the characters become pregnant !
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved every aspect of this game! The visuals were better than good they were orgasmic! The characters were fun to get to know and to interact with. On a special note, I really loved Adriana. Add to that, the story was very well written, somethings were slightly obvious (which is is good) and somethings were 'Whaaaat?' (which is excellent). Looking forward to the next game from this Dev!
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Sister Lust is an amazingly well written and in-depth story. A majority of the incest/harem stories will have you have no chance at screwing things up. The fact you can screw up is a benefit. (Walk Through a must for perfection)

    The graphics are amazing

    A majority of VNs are short, this is actually a NOVEL as it takes time to play it through.

    Looking forward to seeing what other stories are coming out
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game with a lot of possible choices, nice for those who like to be in control of the outcomes. Well made story with a good relationship build up between the girls and the MC, makes you feel like you really know them.

    The only bad thing was the unanimated scenes with the girls. But apart from that definitly in my Top 3 VNs.

    Definitly Recommended.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be among the handful of (5 or 6) games I rate that receives a solid, perfect 5.0 out of 5.0 rating.

    Sisterly Lust is everything you could want in an incest friendly, harem-driven visual novel. The characters are some of the most unique and lovable I've seen in AVN's, all have very refined and well thought out personalities and feel like real people. This heightens the satisfaction you get from winning them over and landing in their beds.

    Most importantly, though, I don't think I've ever seen a more perfect trio of sisters... the game also sports some of the hottest MILFs I've ever seen and I don't think there was one girl in this game who I wasn't physically attracted to.

    Perverteers writing style is extremely fluid, imaginative, and fun. The game puts you into a slew of wild situations and lighthearted drama. His renders aren't perfect but they're up there with the best and some of the visuals are mindblowing.

    Finally, before I move onto the minor cons... I need to mention that this game will smother you with harem, pregnancy, water sports, corruption, domination, creampies, and risque... all of which are optional... so if any of those things aren't up your alley you don't have to worry: you have full control. All of these things combined, in my opinion, makes this one of the best adult visual novels ever made, and it's what every AVN developer should strive to accomplish.

    The game is not without very minor drawbacks, though... such as a small handful of blurry renders, or the fact that it doesn't have animated sex sequences... though I must admit that even without animations it has some of the hottest lewd renders I've seen: it makes you forget there aren't animations, and therefore the lewd content in this is far preferable to most animated games. These drawbacks weren't significant enough to dock even a fraction of a point, however, so don't let it turn you off. Oh, I forgot to mention... this is a completed game with an amazing ending and hours and hours of content, so you're hurting yourself by not playing it right away.

    Nice job, Perv, can't wait for the next one! Thanks for the inspiration.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't complete games but this makes me stay on the screen and ended (i made the harem route). Nice graphics, characters, and story.
    I hope saw more of this, and I was hoped to saw the kids, that could be funny
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Capt OA

    I just finished the game, full harem route, splendid to say the least, I really liked the story, the graphics, the drama, everything, this game IMHO, is a masterpiece, this site should have a "Hall of Fame" of the sorts, I'd definitely vote to have it listed there, way to go perverteer! keep'em coming!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Very high quality erotic VN.

    Very beautiful ladies, many different branches to play through, fantastic dialogue. I love this game.

    Its only let down is a lack of animations which is why I can't give it 5 stars and call it that perfect game.

    Like Miles Davis is a standard for Jazz music SL is a standard for incest erotic VNs