P.S.: If it is possible, reconsider to add option for switching from dominating to romance path in girls stat screen. Something similar have done MrDots in his DMD game where you can switch relationships with girls on or off. That would be really helpfull. Or at least with some choices in game.
Thanks! A switch would be nice, but unfortunately there are a lot more variables involved (checking if you did certain things with that character) than just setting the relationship on or off. I'm not sure how MrDots does this, but my guess is that it's more binary, so once you're committed to a character you'll see all of the content.
Understandable, but that's also what I considered as lacking. Sure no need to show if two girls go shopping without MC. But there seem to be almost nothing at all ever being done by two girls with the MC.
I think this answers my comment above. If your two or more sisters content is strictly sexual, then I can understand why none has happened. But on the flip side, I feel that such content doesn't necessarily need to be sexual between all participants. Using your own example, it could be that MC grope Bella but only when Liza wasn't looking, and so on.
Thanks for the explanation though. On an unrelated note, how many days do you plan for this game to go on?
Hmmm, on second reading, you raise a good point. I think the only activity so far has been the shopping trip of Rachel and Liza and some of the beach scenes on Belugio. Mixing the girls up might open up the way for some interesting activities. I'm going to think some more about it for inclusion a future release.
As for the days left in the game, there's currently no fixed number. I have an idea about how much the stories will progress with each of the girls. The morality police plot is the device that will ultimately drive the story to its conclusion. Of course, Sisterly Lust isn't heavy on the plotting (something that will change as I start with my next VN), so I could in theory add scenes indefinitely, but that's not going to happen.
Guys, are your game sceens grainy ??? SR is 1980x1080 in my game. I saw somewhere here (not sure if it`s this thread) a "mod" files to adjust the sceens noise and make it less grainy, but now I can`t find it !! Any help ??
I've changed my render settings for v0.14. Up until now I rendered all my images for a fixed duration, which generally works fine for simple scenes, but when you have lots of objects and reflective surfaces, the GPU will be struggling. The renders now run without a fixed time limit and stop at a certain amount of render iterations. It sure as hell takes a lot longer, but the images are decidedly less grainy.
A few grammar niggles, nothing massive, but yeah.
Iris says "No, I didn't think it was too much. It really fitted the atmosphere of the opera" While "fitted" is fine technically, "fit" rolls of the tongue better, like in Family guy where they have the discussion about "you did a porn" when it's either "you did porn" or "you did a porno".
In the Riley Cowgirl scene, it says she "climbs on top of you and lets herselfs slide on top of your erect cock" it should be "climbs on top of you and lets herself slide onto your erect cock"
With Ana, you tell her "spred you legs for me" obviously that should be "your"
With Rachel, it says "Rachel clitoris beckons" which should be "Rachel's clitoris beckons" and in the shower you say "On you knees baby" which should be "On your knees baby"
With Bella, she says "Because if you want to I happen to have a room booked for us" which reads a little awkwardly, and should probably be "Because if you want to, I happen to have a room booked for us"
So yeah, just minor things.
Yes I am a pedantic bastard.
Thanks, those instances should be fixed in the next release! Additionally, thanks to the hard work of
@bobomb, Day 1 to 26 have all received some major spelling and grammar love.
"few" and same thing with rest of sisters, "few" wrong moves and game over.
Yeah, those game overs, that's not something I'd consider for a new project. Somebody compared Sisterly Lust to Dark Souls because of those merciless game-overs. I'll wear that as a badge of honor.

With so many sex scenes this game desperately needs a gallery function. I am at like 13th page of saves by now. Since we already have gallery for bonus scenes why wait so long to add it for all scenes?
I'm working on one, but it's going to take a while. I have to flag all the sex scenes so far and check if it all works with the variables that are sometimes set during those scenes.
Regarding Android, I've done some more investigating regarding the problems a lot of people are having with the current Android version and I think I know what the problem is. I thought I did before, but the same problem appears to be cropping up. My current theory is that the problem is caused by the compression I use for the JPEG images. Apparently Ren'Py on Android doesn't seem to like images saved as progressive JPEGs.
I have a test build which appears to work correctly in my Android emulator, but if any Android user (preferably those experiencing troubles) would like to try just let me know via PM.