I'm not happy with this update or, to better say, I'm pretty concerned. For a simple reason: the introduction of pregnancies.
I don't mind this fetish per se, the real problem in my opinion here is that we are dealing with optional pregnancies for all the 4 girls (with maybe more to come in the future).
If you have to take each pregnancy into account for each scene, the workload growth is going to literally explode exponentially...
E.g. A scene with 2 girls in it requires 4 different variations for EACH SINGLE RENDER, with all 4 girls it would take 16 (!!!). This is madness!
This can only mean one thing: less content in next updates.
Now I really, really hope Perveteer has thoroughly taken all this into consideration, if not, this is gonna be a tragedy. This is such a great game and we've already seen other projects getting abandoned because the dev couldn't hold up all the work
