What was your first clueSo is this another one of those officially released Chinese publisher MTL bullshit?
I mean, that's the kind of shit that wouldn't surprise me from even human fanslations these days. Directly transcribing sound effects, deliberately leaving as much untranslated as possible because it's "more authentic", et cetera. Hentai games in general tend to have a lot of "[Sound effects, sound effects] Penis... So good...! [Sound effects, sound effects]" Some people will translate the sounds to "Mmph! *Smack* Ngh!" while others will leave it as "Churyu, churyu... Guhiiii!"What was your first clue
Chuk, chuppu, chuuru...... nn, chuuru......! Uu......
Akihiko, your penis...... Chuuuuuuuuu!
Either way, it is a generic shovelware AVN.I mean, that's the kind of shit that wouldn't surprise me from even human fanslations these days. Directly transcribing sound effects, deliberately leaving as much untranslated as possible because it's "more authentic", et cetera. Hentai games in general tend to have a lot of "[Sound effects, sound effects] Penis... So good...! [Sound effects, sound effects]" Some people will translate the sounds to "Mmph! *Smack* Ngh!" while others will leave it as "Churyu, churyu... Guhiiii!"
But really, I don't give a shit about the random noises made during generic sex scenes. In a game about hypnosis, the dialogue is the most important part *and* the most erotic part (if the developer understands even the first thing about the fetish), so that's where the translation needs to be acceptable.
so the thing with this game that's extremely annoying is you can't skip through it all, otherwise the animations won't play. I went through the same thing you did until I realized by playing it slower a second time. Worst part is, you can't just see the animations in the gallery, you have to play the entire scene over.The trailer shows animated sex scenes but they don't seem to appear in my game. Anyone know how to enable the animations for the game? I don't see it in the settings.
That makes sense, thanks for the information! I was skipping the text just so I could see the scenes. Kinda ridiculous they didn't program the game to run the animations in the event the player decides to skip through the dialogue.so the thing with this game that's extremely annoying is you can't skip through it all, otherwise the animations won't play. I went through the same thing you did until I realized by playing it slower a second time. Worst part is, you can't just see the animations in the gallery, you have to play the entire scene over.
Official MTL. Not the first, nor the last. The main thing here is Chinese language (probably also MTL, but IDK), and English MTL just to put it on Steam and make some additional bucks.So even though other websites say its an "official" translation, it's a lie and straight up MTL in English? :/
I don't think they believe the quality is perfect, they just don't care. Time spent on proofreading won't bring more money than time spent on making another game of the same kind.The screenshots with the words split across lines lead me to believe that they just took the MTL and added it to the game without proofreading it, as if believing all the spelling and grammar were perfect.