Actually none tested seriously AE 1.6.1170 (to my standards at least) and I'm not counting on Arthmoor, Darthvitrial (the one I suspect has some "roots" on Bethesda) or Parapets to give me positive feedbacks.It depends. for example, I started modding LE in 2012, when SE came out, you had Modders refusing to mod SE
(some still do) now you have Modders on AE refusing to port SE.
Hey, I get it, guys move on, mods on the nexus are free, most of the guys who create them, keep them free. I'm grateful and appreciate their efforts, I personally don't have any issue with them not making it universal or creating a SE port, but not giving someone else the permissions to do so, is a bit much IMO.
I think the majority of the creators realize there is a significant segment of the community who refuse to update any further than .97 or are adamant abt using mods only compatible with it. I count myself as among that Stone Age contingent.
So I don't think you'll find support difficult on the staples and a good share of the mods free or paywalled, mainly you'll find some difficulty on newer mods. So far I think SE has still has terrific support, I can't speak to the various AE versions
I see people on the wall of USSEP page complaining about issues of BYOH dialogues.
A lot of modders aren't aware that Bethesda broke the old Seq dialogue trick and still continue to ship their mods with *.seq files.