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Jan 31, 2020
Damsel in Distress, the letter is in the vase is in Attius house, in a room, next to his pool, there is a wardrobe laid on the ground, behind the wardrobe, there is 2 vases, a white vase. The letter is there. To get the Letter, you have to send one of the slaves on a mission.
when are you going to update this guide v16 is out now
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Oct 21, 2022
Trying to complete the kidnap Caesar mission (failed the first time) but now on repeat my slave never comes so I can shoot the guards. I managed to jump up the rocks and kidnap Caesar anyway but the game gets a fatal error when traveling back to Rome (assuming because I bypassed the slave sneaking mechanic)

Anyone else have this happen? How can I get the slave to spawn in so I can complete the mission? Have tried reloading ect. Going to try and sell the slave and see if that makes a difference (lets me pick another for e.g) When I try to manually light the beacon it says look around more first but I have looked everywhere so a bit confused. Cheers.


New Member
Oct 24, 2022
Trying to complete the kidnap Caesar mission (failed the first time) but now on repeat my slave never comes so I can shoot the guards. I managed to jump up the rocks and kidnap Caesar anyway but the game gets a fatal error when traveling back to Rome (assuming because I bypassed the slave sneaking mechanic)

Anyone else have this happen? How can I get the slave to spawn in so I can complete the mission? Have tried reloading ect. Going to try and sell the slave and see if that makes a difference (lets me pick another for e.g) When I try to manually light the beacon it says look around more first but I have looked everywhere so a bit confused. Cheers.
I haven’t even made it that far yet… I’m completely stuck on finding out what happened to the slave and looking for a woman on a hill
Oct 21, 2022
I haven’t even made it that far yet… I’m completely stuck on finding out what happened to the slave and looking for a woman on a hill
The slave is directly behind the temple (the main one) you just go up a little hill (to your right is the camel trader) and you should see them there.
Jul 4, 2021
Jesus gave this a go, why tf is the main menu pushing my gpu to 99% utilisation, most AAA games with like ultra graphics and even raytracing tend to sit around 30-60.
Feb 21, 2022
I just wanted to post a walkthrough I've gotten so far. Any help getting it further is most welcome as I do seem to be stuck on Amelia's, Ameer's, Aelina, and Romius' paths at the moment.

Wife Amelia
-Amelia asks you for a promised gift
>Go to Claudius Protractor the Architect, South on Temple Square. Give him measurements. I used wavy hair. Triangular face, Busty bosom and petite frame.
-Amelia will ask for a Golden Dildo
> Visit Maximus, On South Side of temple Square. He will advice you to visit Marcus Porcius, the Slave equipment vendor to the left of your house
> Marcus will sell you a replica. Your wife will be upset it’s wood painted gold. Unavoidable masturbation scene of the wife.
-Amelia asks for an exotic slave from Africa/the Oasis
> Go to Ameer. Follow the South East of the temple. He will sell a ticket to the Oasis after you’ve proven yourself at Archery.
> Go to Archery Mini Game*, up the stairs to the South West of Ameer. Say Ameer sent you and shoot the 10 apples off their perches.
> Buy a ticket from Ameer and head to the Oasis. Buy the slave. Your wife will finally have an unavoidable sex scene with you.
- Your wife tells you about rumors of a sex fest in the moutains/caves
> Follow the path South East of the Temple, past Ameer, and past the first marked location of the Nymph’s trial. Go off the path to the right and move along the mountain with it to your right. You will find a mausoleum entry lit by torches and candles. Enter it at night. Unavoidable orgy scene.
You can continue down the path shown in the scene to an exit and jump down next to the Erectus Stables.
- My wife seems to not have anything more at this point. I must be missing something.

*The Archery Mini game NPC has a quest to shoot 10 penis shaped arrows at slaves. Ask about the Cupid festival to unlock. I’ve not completed it yet.

Maximus (of many Golden items):
Found on the North side of the Temple Square. Obese Roman Citizen
-He asks you to find his Golden Dildo, which he lost in the Temple.
>It is inside the basin in the back, to the right of the table with the slave modification options, behind the fat priest Romilious
-He asks you to prove the existence of the Nymph
> she is found on the path to the South East of the temple, past Ameer and the Erectus Family. She will challenge you to a race.
> She will teleport to marked locations on a circular path. In order to win interact with her on one such spot before she teleports away. She will skip a marked spot if the player is too close to it. You do not need to follow the path yourself.
Catching her leads to an unavoidable sex scene. There is a brand in her shrine. Back left.
- Maximus will ask you to find his Golden apple.
> It is lying on the cloth overhang on the stall to the right of the slave trader across from your house. It can be interacted with through the cloth. Go behind the stall.
- Maximus asks you to find a specific girl
> Go right when leaving your house. Turn right after Romius‘s location, continue on past Pathicus, keep going in a straight line until you find her. The God Seeker. She will start a separate Quest chain
- Maximus will ask you to help him become slimmer
>Chase him around the Temple with a whip. It seems like he asks you to find something to help him lose weight, but this doesn’t seem to lead anywhere.
- Maximus will ask you to find his Golden Compass. He lost it while shagging a farmer’s daughter in a cart
>Found in the cart next to the pillory. Go to the alley direct to the right of your house and continue to it’s end. The pillory is to the left and the cart beyond that. Or take the alley with Pathicus’ house and go to the right at it’s very end.
-This was only the shaft. Find the other part
> return to the cart behind the pillory is a tree and behind that is the low roof of a house. Find the golden disk there.
- No further quest at this point

Ask you to find his missing slave.
> First torture another of Romius’ slaves, using the old mechanics. You will then be told she ran away naked
> find her at the end of the Aquaduct. The Aquaduct can be found to the North of the temple. Follow it to the North East, into a small crevice in the mountain.
- I do not know if it is possible to choose between paths, but she does ask for help getting away and you do need to accept this quest before being able to ignore it and bring her back to Romius
She will ask you to help her by bringing her her red dress and some bread.
> Go to Romius and tell her you found her. He will tell you to bring her to him
> tell Valeria(?) you are bringing her back. She will plead with you not to as he will certainly kill her. A visually glitched cutscene of you walking with the slave follows.
> Romius offers you the chance to punish the girl before he does what he does with her.
- Romius tells you the Priest Romilious has some scheme going. He tasks you to find out more about it
>stuck on this part

Ameer and the Oasis spirit
- When asked about the Oasis and his adventures Ameer tells you he doesn’t trust you yet and asks you for a favour
> My game has a bug which reverses the 2 final choices. Asking what the favour is ends the convo. Leaving has him tell you the favour.
- Bring a letter to Romilious, the priest inside the Temple
> Try and bring the letter to Romilious. He will refuse.
- Return to Ameer. He will give you a bottle of wine to give to Romilious, courtesy of "The Big P".
> Romilious will now accept the letter and gives you a letter in response. Return it.
- Ameer will now tell you the tale of the princess and the oasis. You must perform an extremely horny act near the waterfall.
> Go to the Waterfall.
- climb up the hill/mountain to the left of the waterfall (your left. its right) and talk to DjarkarAhuju, the hornytraveller. He will ask for water
> Go back to the waterfall and automatically collect water
- Return to Djarkar and hear his story. He will tell you to masturbate in the water.
> move into the water facing the waterfall. An unavoidable sex scene with the Nymph Callirhoe.

-Needs a basis number of reputation. 60+ at least. Exact number would be helpful.
- asks you to find a letter.
> Talk to Marcus Porcius, the Slave equipment vendor to the left of your house. He will tell you Cicero bought a vase.
> you can now loot vases for the duration of the quest. Talk to Atticus, the long haired blond Roman on the path to the temple left of your house. Send him a Disposable slave.
> the slave can find the letter in a vase in an office room next to the atrium where Atticus is waiting.
- The slave doesn’t return the next day
> find the corpse on the hill to the East of the Temple. Take the path to the South of the Temple, along the second slave trader and keep going east up the hill. Then return to
- She tells you to check with Atticus again
> talking to Atticus when it’s not night will teleport you to the house. Find the letter on the desk on the left in the alcove behind where Atticus normally stands. Return to Aelina.
- She goes into hiding. Find her
> Aelina is in the Temple of Juno, the home of the Nymph. On the path to the South East of the temple, past Ameer and the Erectus Family. Take the path to the left with tha nymph portal pads.
- Talk to her and offer her to stay at your pleasure house (You need to have aquired it from Pathicus
> Head to the pleasure house. Turn right when coming out of your house . Turn right at Romius. First house on the left with Pathicus standing in front.
- She asks you to find out where Cleopatra is, disceetly
> talk to Vin Erectus, found along the path to the South East of the Temple, just past Ameer.
- When you return to Aeliana she tells you to interrogate slaves.
> Go to your slaves. The option to interrogate them should be available. I chose the one bought from the oasis. She told me the name of the Slave Cleopatra is using.

God Seeker
-She ask you to visit Baba Larga to help her turn her hair red.
> Baba Larga is in a Shrine like house on the square directly North of the Temple.
- She asks you to get a pot.
> The Pot is next to the entry to Pathicus’s house. Go right from your own house , turn right at Romius’ place. On the left.
-She gives you the stuff to give to God Seeker and tells you you will meet again
> When you give the item to God Seeker her hair turns red and she passes out.
- Baba Larga says she intends to cut Mars’ Penis off and needs your help getting the knife (from the Nymph
> Quest not implemented

Erectus family:
Found along the path to the South East of the Temple, just past Ameer.
-You are asked to find out the secret of the Negros Cattus (Black Cat) charioteers
> The compound is North of the temple, under the Aquaduct. A number of legionaires present. Walk around the compound, then return to the Vin Erectus.
Quest does not yet continue.
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