What do you mean? You go to a slave trader, and buy the female one! for 100 coins or whateverI tried but I can't get female slaves. Its so stupid and any one knows a way to get female slaves on .V19 15$ ? its fine even for 0 skill one. I can change skills with cheat engine.
might be you have activated only male slaves in settings........I tried but I can't get female slaves. Its so stupid and any one knows a way to get female slaves on .V19 15$ ? its fine even for 0 skill one. I can change skills with cheat engine.
Hey so they are really running a scamaz there right? Like its stil not worth 15 bucks?Hello, i paid the minimum required to get v19, which was 15$.
The patreon offers more for more money, but i tell you its never worth it.
You can use cheatengine to modify money, first, search for how much money you currently have, then buy something, then find the line which has the money minus something you bought, change chat, activate.
What do you mean? You go to a slave trader, and buy the female one! for 100 coins or whatever
Yea man, Thanks for the tip. I enabled the setting from there. Thanks a lotmight be you have activated only male slaves in settings........
Basically all games that start with two or more digits/letters after 0. are patreon scams. The longer and lower the numbers they start with, the less the chance it will ever see the full release in any way or form in any foreseeable future. This is especially true for 3D games. And if after a few years the flow of cash won't be enough, they just abandon it "for the lack of interest" or something, and then make another scam. And there's enough people who are either have too much money, or too bad with them ("a fool and his money are soon parted" and all that), for those scams to work indefinitely, so it can't be helped.So 0.19 after.. How many years?
And still, so little done and achieved...
Jeez, and people still support them.
Absolutely not..Haven't played this game in over 2 or 3 years
Is it worth playing yet?
That would require them to actually use the 7,500+ USD/month (from Patreon support alone) on developing this game. Which they are not.Does this work on VR quest 2?