Another day, another time and talent wasted on another "I make a porn video that forcefully tries to be more of a meme video than porn" and "I keep trying really hard to build a persona of shitposter on twitter".
Yea I know usual disclaimer for white knights is that yes I know he does what he wants. But I'm free to state (again) my opinion in a civil manner that: I watch him for porn not comedy; hes not funny and tries to hard to be imo, time wasted to not do proper porn focused content.
Its the same as Sparrow (granted him doesn't try to create a persona, he just draws what he is asked for) amazing talented artist who is wasting (imo) his talent and doesn't grow much anymore because most commissioners/ patrons vip which I was part of prefer for him to draw unfappable comedy with 10% porn on it rather than solid porn content.
Please don't make me answer to the usual "but if they are happy good for them no" because yes of course but go read the definition of freely sharing opinions and proper criticism in a discussion without harassment.