Jan 18, 2025
If Sleepy reads this, all the best, though I'm bit bitter with his current works (especially leaving us with an Poor Footboy Johnson while the great Selene will forever remain on the sidelines), the early days of Nancy were incredible, and I hope he can recreate something akin to that in the future if he decides to comeback.

Either way, thanks for everything.


Dec 14, 2022
I think the mistake was in trying to create some kind of interconnected timeline. It would have been better, especially given some of the darker themes that had started to emerge (eg. Country Girl’s plight) if things were treated as self-contained episodes with little reference to one another.

Tom and Jerry cartoons don’t have a timeline. Each episode is an independent event. The audience doesn't need a chronology to understand or enjoy it. Sleepy’s work should have been similar. Simply stories with a cast of characters where hot things happen. Even Long-form works like Tintin and Asterix comics don't have too much connection between books. You could still read any book in the series and enjoy it without necessarily knowing what came before it.

People might ask, “How come these two are torturing Country Girl at the same time as having an orgy with Nancy in an other story?” And the answer would be, “It doesn't matter, it's a cartoon.”
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Apr 24, 2024
Haha ... If I were SG, I'm not sure I would care very much what a bunch of clowns on a pirate forum thought about my work.
Fortunately, you are not. And even if you are, no one will prohibit stupid (funny/joking) comments.
At least on unofficial forums, for some reason called pirate forums.
Free Trixie
To the hundredth!

- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
Well ... bugger:

Dear Supporters,

with a heavy heart I have to inform you that I need to take some time off. Lately it's been harder and harder for me to make releases. I'm unhappy with the current direction and quality of my stories and need to re-conceptualize them without the pressure of having constantly new pages ready.

As you probably noticed, I've already started the vacation mode for this site. That means your monthly support is paused now. I did that, so you won't get charged anymore and I get some time to reflect.

Will I be gone right away?

No. Although the vacation mode is on, a few of you just supported right before. So I'll be delivering updates until mid of March. But I'll be changing a few things about the site. So please download the stuff you want to keep.

What does this mean for the next updates and on-going stories?

I'm very sorry, I have to put them on hiatus. Luckily chapter 8 of Family Values is finished with this current update. Thief and Slumberparty won't get an update for a while, though. Instead of the To Break a Thief update for February 28th, there will be the first 8 pages of Poor Footboy Johnson in Downsizing. The next 7 pages of that story will be out mid of March. I'm very sorry for the change, but at the moment I just can't deliver on the on-going stories. I'll also deliver the last poll image beginning of March.

When will I be back?

I can't give an exact date yet. The date in the notice is random . It'll be a while. This'll be a longer hiatus.

All the best,

I will say such a paradoxical thing:
Unexpectedly, but expectedly...
since I met this author, I don't think he's ever gone on vacation.
Hopefully, the vacation will have a positive impact on the quality of the stories. And something that won't last too long...

Well, that makes sense, I guess the supporters gave a similar feedback as the people here in the thread.
It's even amazing that it happened that way.
Just a little bit above, I was just expressing my personal opinion/feelings and here's the news!

I don't get though why he doesn't finish Slumber Party, isn't that a no-brainer? Two gorgeous women taking advantage of a drugged NT, you might think he could write and draw that in his sleep by now.
According to the news described above, it also becomes obvious: there simply is not enough time to lead on all projects at once. Because of this, the quality dropped.
First, canceled the monthly voting. Then just wanted to focus on "Family Values," and now gone on vacation altogether.

He definitely reads what it's commented here I guess :p
Perhaps, quite probably.
Although I think more that subscribers tell him.
Believe me, when a person is busy with everyday work, he doesn't really have time to wander through countless forums ...
and to put it mildly, I don't think it was our opinion that became the cardinal basis for such changes! :D

- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
I think the mistake was in trying to create some kind of interconnected timeline. It would have been better, especially given some of the darker themes that had started to emerge (eg. Country Girl’s plight) if everything was treated as almost self-contained episodes with little reference to one another.
But here I totally disagree with you.
It is this quality and Sleepy's ability to write a general storyline that sets him apart from a huge pool of other authors.
Moreover, if it weren't for this feature of his work, I would hardly have ever paid attention to them ...
Therefore, for me personally: the common thread of the plot, this is a huge plus of his work!

I think we were too cruel to him...
Free Trixie
No. Kacap.
It's just that even at this forum we started to notice a general deterioration in the quality of work.
Both artistically and scenario
We. Pirates. Who didn't even pay a dollar.
Imagine what subscribers who pay money monthly and receive 3-4 pages of the current to Break a Thief tell him?
When it's already clear what's going to end, and why does it take months? Except to pull money from subscribers.
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Dec 19, 2023
I think Sleepy is the example of eating more than you can chew. Instead of doing three stories in a month with 3,4 or sometimes only 2 pages, he should have concentrated on one.
For example: -In one month he produces 10.12 pages of x story and in 4 months he finishes it instead of waiting a year to finish it.
-If we follow this logic, every 4 months I start another new story with 10 or 12 pages and I would have 3 stories finished in a year.family values, nancy etc.
Another thing is that I like the dynamics of the poll winners and I hope that when I come back I don't take it out.
Everything would be more or less reorganized like this: +In one month a story x with 10 or 12 pages (in four months one ends and another starts), the poll winner and the special dates Easter, Christmas, Halloween.
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- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
I think Sleepy is the example of eating more than you can chew. Instead of doing three stories in a month with 3,4 or sometimes only 2 pages, he should have concentrated on one.
For example: -In one month he produces 10.12 pages of x story and in 4 months he finishes it instead of waiting a year to finish it.
-If we follow this logic, every 4 months I start another new story with 10 or 12 pages and I would have 3 stories finished in a year.family values, nancy etc.
Another thing is that I like the dynamics of the poll winners and I hope that when I come back I don't take it out.
Everything would be more or less reorganized like this: +In one month a story x with 10 or 12 pages (in four months one ends and another starts), the poll winner and the special dates Easter, Christmas, Halloween.
All right. The main problem lies in the dynamics, or rather in its extreme slowness.
If he manages to simply increase the dynamics of the stories through reorganization, in general, all claims will disappear.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2021
According to the news described above, it also becomes obvious: there simply is not enough time to lead on all projects at once. Because of this, the quality dropped.
First, canceled the monthly voting. Then just wanted to focus on "Family Values," and now gone on vacation altogether.
I meant instead of working on the PFJ story.
Jan 18, 2025
But here I totally disagree with you.
It is this quality and Sleepy's ability to write a general storyline that sets him apart from a huge pool of other authors.
Moreover, if it weren't for this feature of his work, I would hardly have ever paid attention to them ...
Therefore, for me personally: the common thread of the plot, this is a huge plus of his work!
To better illustrate NoRefund's point, picture this, the country girl was once just a pet we were randomly presented here and there, now that her background has been fleshed out, we learned she was a college student, had her own life, freedom, etc, all robbed, nowadays, she's unwillingly and forcibly living as pet in Vi's dungeon, she's druged, put to sleep against her will, her meals are junkie food, this is all sickening when you actually rationalize as a human being. Too dark.

And that's only one example, there's Nancy's aunt, there's Park, the exchange student, and now with Trixie being captured is she the next slave? One of the best damn characters of this thing? Nancy is no more, she doesn't do "detectiving" anymore, she has been sidelined by Freddy, so no one is gonna fight back against them ... so Evelina wins.

The point is, all this background actually kills the mood, when at the end of the day, this supposed to be an adult story.
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- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
To better illustrate NoRefund's point, picture this, the country girl was once just a pet we were randomly presented here and there, now that her background has been fleshed out, we learned she was a college student, had her own life, freedom, etc, all robbed, nowadays, she's unwillingly and forcibly living as pet in Vi's dungeon, she's druged, put to sleep against her will, her meals are junkie food, this is all sickening when you actually rationalize as a human being. Too dark.
Although patreon doesn't work, but I remember 1 phrase that was on the Sleepy page on patreon: this is a story about evil women...
I think that explains everything.
Anyway: Violet White Meanwhile in Violet's Dungeon set the tone for the entire universe for many years.
Very gloomy.

And that's only one example, there's Nancy's aunt, there's Park, the exchange student, and now with Trixie being captured is she the next slave? One of the best damn characters of this thing? Nancy is no more, she doesn't do "detectiving" anymore, she has been sidelined by Freddy, so no one is gonna fight back against them ... so Evelina wins.

The point is, all this background actually kills the mood, when at the end of the day, this supposed to be an adult story.
There is an explanation for all this: the slave market, the underground auction of Aunt Carmilla's tea club. That's what makes all the sacrifices.
And the fact that Nancy is no longer involved in the "investigation.".. So far, these "investigations" have not actually taken place. It's all a game of the Bitch Tandem.
And "Family Values" has attracted too much attention, while becoming a depressingly little informative work over the past 2 chapters.
But the fact that Freddie didn't justify himself to me as a character is a shame for me.
I hoped that this character would become the one for the viewer - a "notebook with answers" character through which the author explains the unknown to the audience. Through his questions to Evelyn and constantly appearing where he doesn't need to be!
Harry Potter, who was quite dumb and constantly asked other characters questions in the books, thereby allowing Rowling to give explanations to the reader.
But no, Sleepy couldn't keep up the momentum, and so we've been standing still for a year and a half. And Freddy turned into a useless pumpkin.
So yes, I agree with "Evelina won."..
So far, for me, the biggest disappointment of working at Sleepy is the tension completely flushed down the toilet regarding Aunt Carmilla...


Dec 14, 2022
To better illustrate NoRefund's point, picture this, the country girl was once just a pet we were randomly presented here and there, now that her background has been fleshed out, we learned she was a college student, had her own life, freedom, etc, all robbed, nowadays, she's unwillingly and forcibly living as pet in Vi's dungeon, she's druged, put to sleep against her will, her meals are junkie food, this is all sickening when you actually rationalize as a human being. Too dark.

And that's only one example, there's Nancy's aunt, there's Park, the exchange student, and now with Trixie being captured is she the next slave? One of the best damn characters of this thing? Nancy is no more, she doesn't do "detectiving" anymore, she has been sidelined by Freddy, so no one is gonna fight back against them ... so Evelina wins.

The point is, all this background actually kills the mood, when at the end of the day, this supposed to be an adult story.
I completely agree. As the world became more fleshed out, it inevitably grew harder to ignore the implications of what was happening, which in turn made everything feel less sexy.

It's fine to enjoy a comic about Vi putting County Girl through the wringer (eg. "Dungeon"), but repeatedly reminding us about her condition ultimately takes away the sexy, fun feel of SG's work. It is one of the reasons I don't enjoy the work of, for example, Gary Roberts.

The business with the slave market is even worse.

Let's not forget that this whole thing started with stories of Nancy being captured and abused, over and over again. And what was the effect on Nancy of all this? Virtually nothing at all.

Readers did not need to place the stories within a coherent timeline to enjoy them (a timeline was presented after a few Nancy stories had been published). In fact, I'd bet that even now, most casual (ie. none paying) readers are not aware of how the stories relate to one another.

Is it realistic or deep? Of course not, but this is supposed to be a sexy cartoons not a 19th-century Russian novel.
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- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
I completely agree. As the world became more fleshed out, it inevitably grew harder to ignore the implications of what was happening, which in turn made everything feel less sexy.

It's fine to enjoy a comic about Vi putting County Girl through the wringer (eg. "Dungeon"), but repeatedly reminding us about her condition ultimately takes away the sexy, fun feel of SG's work. It is one of the reasons I don't enjoy the work of, for example, Gary Roberts.

The business with the slave market is even worse.

Let's not forget that this whole thing started with stories of Nancy being captured and abused, over and over again. And what was the effect on Nancy of all this? Virtually nothing at all.
All right. For many readers, "Violet White Meanwhile in Violet's Dungeon" has become a watershed between "before" and "after".
This story has completely changed the rather light attitude towards what is happening in Sleepy's works.
As far as I know, even many subscribers were unhappy with what was happening with "Country Girl"

Readers did not need to place the stories within a coherent timeline to enjoy them (a timeline was presented after a few Nancy stories had been published). In fact, I'd bet that even now, most casual (ie. none paying) readers are not aware of how the stories relate to one another.

Is it realistic or deep? Of course not, but this is supposed to be a sexy cartoons not a 19th-century Russian novel.
And this is already inevitable. He dived deep enough to develop and deepen the plot, adding to it a lot of unspoken hints.
Even though I'm not a subscriber, I'd also like to get an answer to a lot of questions:
The secrets of the Le feu family.
Does magic exist or not?
Whether Le fey was involved in the death of Nancy's mother.
Is everything that happens in the slave dungeons with Carmilla's approval, or is it Evelyn's personal antics?
How widespread is the "tea club" within the leadership positions of crystal City?
This is Violet's background
Will anyone be able to resist the Bitch Tandem and reverse the concept of "Evelyn wins"?
So on and on...
so if he suddenly returns to drawing "just porn stories", abandoning all of the above...
well, that will be my biggest disappointment in the last few years.
If Sleepy now tries to return to the path of simplification by drawing a fairly "flat" content again, I think many subscribers will unsubscribe.

- Nafany -

Dec 2, 2023
And I also remembered that Sleepy already has a tool that allows you to turn any story comic into a meaningless one-off work...:
Chemical Cupid.
He's really using this fucking MacGuffin to undo any event in history.
No matter how it turns out now that this whole long two-year arc of Family Values" starting with part 6, will simply be "canceled" by this McGuffin...
are you already looking forward? To realize that all 2 years of patient waiting for the 6th, 7th and 8th parts of family values will lead to nothing in the plot?
Olya Op! And the characters forgot everything...

We haven't seen the last pages of Part 8 yet, but... There are subscribers on the forum, please tell me that I'm wrong...
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Dec 21, 2023
All right. For many readers, "Violet White Meanwhile in Violet's Dungeon" has become a watershed between "before" and "after".
This story has completely changed the rather light attitude towards what is happening in Sleepy's works.
As far as I know, even many subscribers were unhappy with what was happening with "Country Girl"

And this is already inevitable. He dived deep enough to develop and deepen the plot, adding to it a lot of unspoken hints.
Even though I'm not a subscriber, I'd also like to get an answer to a lot of questions:
The secrets of the Le feu family.
Does magic exist or not?
Whether Le fey was involved in the death of Nancy's mother.
Is everything that happens in the slave dungeons with Carmilla's approval, or is it Evelyn's personal antics?
How widespread is the "tea club" within the leadership positions of crystal City?
This is Violet's background
Will anyone be able to resist the Bitch Tandem and reverse the concept of "Evelyn wins"?
So on and on...
so if he suddenly returns to drawing "just porn stories", abandoning all of the above...
well, that will be my biggest disappointment in the last few years.
If Sleepy now tries to return to the path of simplification by drawing a fairly "flat" content again, I think many subscribers will unsubscribe.

These are some of the questions I took would like to hear from him. Good question list
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Dec 21, 2023
And I also remembered that Sleepy already has a tool that allows you to turn any story comic into a meaningless one-off work...:
Chemical Cupid.
He's really using this fucking MacGuffin to undo any event in history.
No matter how it turns out now that this whole long two-year arc of Family Values" starting with part 6, will simply be "canceled" by this McGuffin...
are you already looking forward? To realize that all 2 years of patient waiting for the 6th, 7th and 8th parts of family values will lead to nothing in the plot?
Olya Op! And the characters forgot everything...

We haven't seen the last pages of Part 8 yet, but... There are subscribers on the forum, please tell me that I'm wrong...
What a waste!!! Wasting the last two years for the story to be meaningless.

He probably burn out with writing multiple storyline and trying woving into singular timeline.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes