To better illustrate NoRefund's point, picture this, the country girl was once just a pet we were randomly presented here and there, now that her background has been fleshed out, we learned she was a college student, had her own life, freedom, etc, all robbed, nowadays, she's unwillingly and forcibly living as pet in Vi's dungeon, she's druged, put to sleep against her will, her meals are junkie food, this is all sickening when you actually rationalize as a human being. Too dark.
And that's only one example, there's Nancy's aunt, there's Park, the exchange student, and now with Trixie being captured is she the next slave? One of the best damn characters of this thing? Nancy is no more, she doesn't do "detectiving" anymore, she has been sidelined by Freddy, so no one is gonna fight back against them ... so Evelina wins.
The point is, all this background actually kills the mood, when at the end of the day, this supposed to be an adult story.