Ahahah! Don't worry, Kacap...In doubt that it was not clear, I was just ironic. After all, here we are everyone on the same ship (and our flag is...the
Jolly Roger).
Pirates? I think is not the correct word. A "true" pirate steals a thing to gain a profit... but here no one sales the pictures of Sleepy for money. We take them only for ourself, just we avoid to pay him. And this is not so nice towards him; it's a little injustice, but still an injustice. We have to be honest with ourself.
The fact is that internet allows this possibility (just as to download music without to buy a CD, or dovnload a movie without to go to cinema), so the temptation is too strong for not to take the chance.
I firmly believe that rules of the web should be re-written in order to protect original contains; until this will not be done, each of us has to answer for his "acts of piracy" to his own personal conscience.