- Nafany - my bad. I have thought about catching Trixie by aunt Carmilla. Not Nancy. If Trixie has been caught by aunt Carmilla, then dynamics would be completely different. My bad...

Probably no electricity. ... etc.
Oh, you got the name wrong.
If Aunt Carmilla had caught Trixie, she would have acted much colder and even more ruthlessly, since the "Ladies Tea Club" is her personal project, and it was this project that Trixie ultimately encroached on.
I think Trixie would most likely have been processed very quickly and sold at "tea club" auctions.
No, dont worry I get that its not everyones cup of tea.
Judging by the declining appearances of Pam I am probably in the minority of people liking her.
Its just for me most of the girls they dominate are on the younger side and with a slim body. To see a bitchy Karen dominated is much more to my liking. Pam seemed to be not really a good person, more of a gold digger type who manipulates and uses people herself. So for such a person to get her comeuppance is very satisfying to me.
I also dig her whole look. Tanlines, darker skin, thicc. Love her.
Well, yes, I can say for myself that such a powerful Bimbofixation as Pam does not cause me any sexual delight.
In principle, this is one of the reasons that I have become very cold towards Evelyn. She is too "rubbery" sometimes.
Especially with the current drawing.
Hmm Violet in prison and has to fight for herself while herself is a dominant. Interesting thought
Well, yes, I just thought: what logical end can Violet have?
If, of course, we consider the story from the position that the "bitch tandem" will still be responsible for its actions.